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It's been a while... but it's back!

Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll #4

What is your biggest reason for purchasing an unfamiliar* game?

a) reputation of the developer

B) graphics

c) ratings, reviews, and/or recommendations

d) curiosity

Vote and be heard!

Results and a new sig in a week or two. Happy holidays!

*Explanation: a game or series with which you are not familiar.

For example, why would you purchase MegaMan 9 if you had never played the series?

Or why would you pick up Vandal Hearts or Viva Piñata without prior knowledge of those games?


I'd have to say a little bit in each category.I know I've picked up random games where all those elements are present, but rarely if there's one missing. It doesn't have to be epic graphics or a flawless developer track record, but its gotta be registered in my mind.


Definitely C.

Graphics/unique art style and a developer's reputation may pique my interest, but I rarely buy something without a little research beforehand.

EDIT: What about demos? I've bought plenty of games based on demos back when I had a Playstation Magazine subscription.


I try as much as I can to ignore reviews, in ANY magazine. Alot of times, there's been game magazines rave about, and to me, they're not that good.

Mass Effect for example. The obnoxious elevators, and the frustration I had with making a character (I had to settle on making it the default face because I didn't like any other one of them, I even restarted several times over it). Burnout 3, it just got boring after about 15 minutes of playing it.

Gears of War, the graphics are amazing, but the whole camera shake when you sprint would give me nausea like you wouldn't believe. And from what I've heard, the single player and multiplayer is awful (the latter in two).

I've tried to look into games when I've seen them in publications/on the net. Heck, some games that scored low were some of my favorite games, like Outrun 2, or Shenmue 2 (well, Shenmue is highly disregarded these days).

I can't really say which one I'd pick, it'd probably be D. Curiosity. Simply because I can't really say what makes me pick up a game. I mean, I've just rented PURE, and I've never really played ATV games, but this game is just all kinds of awesome. It's a perfectly balanced game in terms of difficulty, controls, and visuals. And the music is just perfect for the game.


What is your biggest reason for purchasing an unfamiliar* game?

a) reputation of the developer

Rarely. All developers have bad eggs and sometimes a little known or fairly unsuccessful developer can pump out a really awesome game.

EXAMPLE: When Orange Box was released, I had never really played Half-Life or Team Fortress, but I knew they had a very good reputation. Likewise I love Capcom to death and purchased Chaos Legion only to be presented with a fairly mediocre experience.

B) graphics

To an extent. I don't care how unique the game is, if it's made for PS3 and looks like an N64 game, then it loses points for simply not using the hardware to its potential.

EXAMPLE: Still Life looked freaking amazing on the original Xbox and it turned out to be quite interesting.

c) ratings, reviews, and/or recommendations

At some points this becomes my deciding factor but not because what they say, simply because I've seen/heard the name of the game and when I'm craving a new game and nothing I'm really excited for is out, I'll get it because I recognize the title.

EXAMPLE: I had heard alot about Pyschonauts and though I neglected to read the reviews, I saw it at some point and decided "Hey I remember that title. I think I'll buy it." One of my best impulse buys.

d) curiosity

This is usually my reason for picking up a game.

EXAMPLE: Had nothing to play and $40 to blow. Ran into a poorly rated game with terrible graphics and a weak premise. But EOE: Eve of Extinction somehow found its way into my shopping bag and into my heart.

It's been a while... but it's back!

Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll #4

What is your biggest reason for purchasing an unfamiliar* game?

a) reputation of the developer

B) graphics

c) ratings, reviews, and/or recommendations

d) curiosity

D, no doubt. C weighs in but even if most of the reviews says it sucks I can still give it a buy if I find the concept interesting (see: WarTech: Senko no Ronde)

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