Raziellink Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Personally, i liked the 3rd Matrix movie better then the second... And speaking of GARBAGE DAY...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Y3hvd0bFQ Quote
JH Sounds Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I'm no action fan. I'm more like a plot fiend, so I pretty much HAD to watch Revolutions after I saw Reloaded. I needed to know where the threads went, if anywhere. Quote
Kizyr Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 How the hell can someone not like Chicken Little? The voice cast is fucking awesome, and it's funny as hell. Never saw Chicken Little. But Doogal (linked it earlier) definitely proves that a good voice cast can still result in a terrible movie. The absolute worst-of-the-worst movies are ones I've only seen on TV or video. But there have been a few I recall seeing in theaters that made me regret going: - End of Days - War of the Worlds (the newer one) - The Black Dahlia With Black Dahlia, I saw it with two of my friends (on someone else's recommendation). About halfway through the movie, I wanted to walk out, but was worried in case either of the other two were enjoying it. After it was over, it turns out that they were thinking the exact same thing. KF Quote
Atomicfog Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I don't care what anyone has to argue, Dark Knight left me wanting more than my money back I loved the Dark Knight, but I would like to know why you didn't enjoy the Dark Knight if there are any specific reasons? The only reasons I could see for disliking it was: A. Batman speaking was... well... completely ridiculous -- I couldn't stop laughing. But that's a good thing as well as bad. B. The very end was kind of pretentious and dumb. HEY GUYS, BATMAN IS ACTUALLY A VILLAIN... EVEN THOUGH HE ISN'T. You can maybe call someone like the Punisher a villain, but calling Batman a villain is like calling The Joker a hero. But I don't think either of those things lessened my view of the movie very much. You may be wrong, but didn't Spiderman 3 get almost as much in the box office for some reason? Looks like the current record belongs to... Titanic The key to failure is to try to please everybody.... so I guess the key to success is to please everyone but Adam_Slight?? I enjoyed the Dark Knight a lot, despite its imperfections. The box office is bullshit. Look how well Quantum of Solace did. Quote
Hy Bound Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Fargo. One of the most boring movies to ever grace the shit-movies category. Anyone willing to disagree with this statement is a pseudo-intellectual hoity toity namby pamby stuck-up-their-own-ass shit-eating bum-tickling mouth-breathing dumbass-humping douche-drinking retard. Tis a fact. Also: Small Soldiers Royal Tenenbaums (utter shit) Freddie got Fingered (udder shit) The Life Aquatic Stealing Harvard Quote
Atomicfog Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Small Soldiers was fucking amazing, what are you talking about? It has toys trying to kill humans with mobile nail guns and flame throwers... How can you call that the worst of anything? Quote
Hy Bound Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Small Soldiers was fucking amazing, what are you talking about? It has toys trying to kill humans with mobile nail guns and flame throwers... How can you call that the worst of anything? On paper, it sounds about on par with Jesus becoming a roadie for a heavy metal band trying fight through the legions of the damned to become a rock legend... In the end, its the execution (and in the case of my parallel, Jack Black) that ruins it. Quote
BlackPanther Posted December 30, 2008 Author Posted December 30, 2008 OK, the community at large revokes your right to publicly judge movies. You can love the first, and maybe even like the second Matrix, but The Matrix Revolutions was an abomination, and nobody with taste can deny that Lol how was the third one bad, please explain this to me. I thought it had what all a final movie should have. Wasn't expecting that ending so it threw me off but then it grew on me because it was different. But yeah I would like an explanation of why you think it was so bad lol =P. Quote
JJT Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Fargo. One of the most boring movies to ever grace the shit-movies category. Anyone willing to disagree with this statement is a pseudo-intellectual hoity toity namby pamby stuck-up-their-own-ass shit-eating bum-tickling mouth-breathing dumbass-humping douche-drinking retard. Tis a fact. looooooool. oh look i can troll too Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I enjoyed The Spirit a lot more than most of the comic book movies this year. But I'm also a big fan of the original comic. I thoroughly enjoyed it more than both The Hulk and The Dark Knight (but TDK was just an atrocious look at Batman anyways). It was no Iron Man but I really enjoyed the visual style and the dialogue was terribly campy just like it is in the comic. Miller did a good job of bringing The Spirit to the screen IMO. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Personally, i liked the 3rd Matrix movie better then the second...And speaking of GARBAGE DAY...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Y3hvd0bFQ You like the fact that they took all the interesting questions and ideas that they brought up in the second movie and completely threw them out the window just to turn it into a jesus storyline complete with a big glowing orange cross on Neo's chest at the end??? Damn, first person I've ever heard say that. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Fargo. One of the most boring movies to ever grace the shit-movies category. Anyone willing to disagree with this statement is a pseudo-intellectual hoity toity namby pamby stuck-up-their-own-ass shit-eating bum-tickling mouth-breathing dumbass-humping douche-drinking retard. Tis a fact.Also: Small Soldiers Royal Tenenbaums (utter shit) Freddie got Fingered (udder shit) The Life Aquatic Stealing Harvard Fargo was absolutely brilliant. The Cohen brothers did what very few directors have that ability too. Make a dramatic comedy. Very similar to what P.T. Anderson pulled off with Boogie Nights. The cinematography in Fargo was brilliant, amazing score, absolutely incredible acting. The first time I saw it I couldn't believe how accurate they got the Minnesota accent. But I just realized you called the Life Aquatic shit as well, either your just some 12 year old that needs T&A in every movie for it to be good, or you lack the understanding of what visual imagery can convey. Quote
JH Sounds Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 You like the fact that they took all the interesting questions and ideas that they brought up in the second movie and completely threw them out the window just to turn it into a jesus storyline complete with a big glowing orange cross on Neo's chest at the end??? Damn, first person I've ever heard say that. The questions I had were answered, at least. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 wickerman is terrible terrible terrible terrible. please dont waste your time and watch it ever The remake is awful, the original from 1973 is quite good. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I'm gonna have to say that the "Super Mario Bros" movie is at least among the worst. It's the best video game movie made to date though. It encompasses the game better than any other movie to be based off of a video game to date. It has pretty much every enemy and character from the Mario games in it and come on, nothing will ever beat Dennis Hopper as King Koopa. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I don't care what anyone has to argue, Dark Knight left me wanting more than my money back Thank you, thank you, thank you. Christian Bale is a terrible Bruce Wayne/Batman. He's too damn small and skinny for either role. His voice as Batman is just laughable not to mention the way he felt he needed to stick out his bottom jaw 4 inches made absolutely no sense. Heath's performance was good, Frank Millers version of the Joker however is not. He's far to serious and because of this lost a lot of the scariness that the character posesses. You always knew exactly what he was going to do. The Dark Knight was more of a Joker movie than it was a Batman movie. It seemed like they were directing it just to give the Joker as much screen time as possible. Not what I want to see when I go to a Batman movie. I'm a huge and I mean HUGE Batman fan. After Batman Begins came out I said to myself "God, I hope they don't try and do a sequel to that." Then we got The Dark Knight, whoever had the idea to try and do a Batman movie without any of the campyness that is Batman needs to be shot. I'm sorry but you just can't take Batman seriously. No matter how hardcore or how much of a badass he is, it's still a guy in a bat suit. Same with the Joker, Nichelsons joker was far supperior. He didn't take it so seriously, he was more of a "joker" than Ledgers was. You couldn't take some criminal wearing green and white face paint seriously either. If they were real life characters, I would be like yeah, Batman is awesome and one hardcore motherfucker, but I'd still chuckle everytime I say a picture of a full grown male in a bat suit, acting serious. Quote
JJT Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Alt, please use the edit button. Double/triple posting is really bad netiquette. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 The questions I had were answered, at least. They never answered the Question about neo being the 6th one. Quote
relyanCe Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 triple posting. TWICE. wtf man... EDIT BUTTON Quote
The Damned Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 He's been told about the edit button and multi-posting like, a dozen times, and he never does anything about it. Telling him over and over is pointless. Quote
JJT Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 He's been told about the edit button and multi-posting like, a dozen times, and he never does anything about it. Telling him over and over is pointless. Ah. I've been out of the loop. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Alt, please use the edit button. Double/triple posting is really bad netiquette. God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post. Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations. Quote
JH Sounds Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 I was gonna ask you to clarify your "6th one" comment, but you'd probably just accelerate your multi-posting. Quote
relyanCe Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post. Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations. And so, my ignore list receives its fist pledge member. Quote
JJT Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post. Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations. Your response to a politely worded request is a personal attack? And you're worried about MY social life? Quote
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