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  • 4 weeks later...
I do see all the OCR ID #s in the tag "set subtitle". This is using MP3tag.


May need a better way there.

EDIT: Also, is there a special field to tag lyrics. I'd probably just put those in the general comments field.

Lyrics have their own tag field that SHOULD BE somewhere obvious. They'd need to be in that field to display any media players as they're supposed to.

Lyrics have their own tag field that SHOULD BE somewhere obvious. They'd need to be in that field to display any media players as they're supposed to.

Sure, I'll use iTunes and see what the effect is.

EDIT: Ah, it writes them to the "unsynced lyrics" field. Excellent.

As far as the other issue of track #, I suppose just doing the 5-digit # sans OCR in front of it is best. iTunes definitely doesn't parse/recognize "OCR01815", so I'd have to use 01815.


You should probably run an mp3 validation also if you haven't already. I can't import this song to iTunes. I'd rather not convert it, then try to find all the other tracks possibly missing. The easiest solution to finding all remixes with the same problem and fixing them would be if you run an mp3 validation on them all before releasing the new torrents.

You should probably run an mp3 validation also if you haven't already. I can't import this song to iTunes. I'd rather not convert it, then try to find all the other tracks possibly missing. The easiest solution to finding all remixes with the same problem and fixing them would be if you run an mp3 validation on them all before releasing the new torrents.

Definitely appreciate the suggestion. Never heard of MP3 validation before now, so this helped. Grabbed MP3val after finding out about it here: http://www.ghacks.net/2007/11/24/validate-your-mp3-collection/

Very lightweight prog, and it creates backups of any files it fixes just in case something gets fucked up, which is a handy feature. I'm listening to files it fixed and everything sounds perfectly intact. The one issue it had was removing tags from 99 of the files it fixed. Just glancing at it, I didn't see anything in the preferences or documentation on why it did that, and that'll be a bit tedious to fix, but it's not a huge deal.

There were only 7 mixes out of everything that are currently unrepairable, but considering that 279 files had problems, this was a great find. Thanks, Ad!


On Itunes, how can I get all of my OC Remix songs (I just got a lot off of the torrents), which show up as many albums - one for each author - to show up as just one album named OC Remix?


Just going to rip this off another website, but if you select all the songs you want to change, then choose File then Get Info and you see the Multiple Song Info window.


Thanks! That worked! I just changed the name of the "Album Artist" so that all of the songs went to one OC Remix Album by "OC Remix", then the actual artist names are kept by the songs themselves, perfect.

  • 4 months later...

Hey, I've been downloading music from this site for ages, but haven't really ever been able to contribute much, as I lack any kind of musical talent whatsoever. However, I noticed that as I was going through my MP3s that some of them don't have the original source song, or are missing the name of the original composer. Now, in some really old games you've only got one track, or the composer may be completely unfindable (according to the spell check, that's a not a word.)

However, the internet being what it is (i.e. a series of tubes) I have been able to track down names for some of the songs and composers that are currently blank on the site. Also, I usually download the music for games I have played through. So, I'm guessing that with the help of the artists I could find the rest. They can give me some vague reference like "it's the music that plays when you fight the giant red spaceship that looks like a spider," and I'll be like "Oh, the level 1 boss music?" and they'll be like, "Yeah! That's it!"

I'm a little obsessive-compulsive about stuff like this, so it would really help me sleep at night if I could help fill in some of these blanks!

So, if there are any artists out there who just can't say where the music they remixed came from, please tell me what you can and I will do the research.

I imagine I should also talk to djpretzel about what would be involved in actually updating that information on the site.

Currently I have the track names for the remixes from Bionic Commando and Guardian Legend (though in the latter case I would want to check with the artists and make sure we're listening to the same songs). I've also identified the source music for some tracks that have since been removed from ocremix, but I guess that doesn't really do much for anyone here. Next I am going to try and identify the tracks from Final Doom, so if anyone can help me with that I would much appreciate it :)


I haven't seen any official tracknames for Bionic Commando or The Guardian Legend from album relases or sound tests that I could use for the database. Rather than generic stuff like "Level 1 Boss Music", I'm cool with using quasi-official song titles that are extrapolated from in-game footage or game manuals and have done that for several games already. The issue comes from games that don't name levels or locations or use tracks across several different scenarios (e.g. StarTropics).

As far as updating actual MP3 tags, I'm already working on a project for this that's basically complete. The ONLY thing I'm waiting for is José the Bronx Rican to give me official album art that djpretzel would be happy with, and for djpretzel to actually give José feedback/guidance so that José can give me official album art that djpretzel would be happy with. It's like moving a glacier. :lol: But when it's not mission critical, we get caught up with other stuff (and there's a ton that ranks higher in importance).

At the moment, our DB is pretty solid as far as populating song/composer information that we know. But if you want to post in this thread about songs or composers that are blank, I'll be glad to either add that info or debunk it. Final Doom is a bitch, since it has two different soundtracks, so any insight you can give on that is appreciated.


Here is are 2 of the pages I have found in my search:

(1st removed, we don't support them)


(The first one has track names for Guardian Legend).

While you're updating the tags, I think it might be a good idea to include the original track names somewhere in there (I've been using the "subtitle" space for that myself). Also, for "original artist" I like to put in the name of the publisher rather than the system the game was released for. In the case of Street Fighter 2, for example, I think "Capcom" makes more sense for original artist than "Arcade". But that's just me.

As for track names, I think anything that identifies where they came from is fine. I mean, Blaster Master for example just has "Area 1, Area 2" etc.

Bionic Commando is one of those games where tracks extend across multiple locations, and there are some quasi official track names (they appear to have been retroactively named when ReArmed was put out) listed as follows:

Area 1, 3, 4 & 7: Bionic Commando Theme

Area 2, 9 & 11: Leap of Faith

Area 5, 6 & 10: Heat Wave

Area 8: Power Plant

Area 12: Rise of the Albatross

Additional tracks include:

Prologue & Epilogue

Overview Map: Okay, We'll Move

Combat: Meet the Enemy

Boss Dialogue: Intruder Alert

Neutral Zone: Amongst Allies

I still tend to think of the tracks by their original simple names, but the original NES game soundtrack is apparently now being sold with those track names by at least one site (https://www.sumthingdigital.com/AlbumDetails.aspx?albumid=3710).

Interesting to note that Junko Tamiya is credited there as Gondamin (as in the game credits). According to wikipedia she has alternately been credited as "Swimmer Tamichan, Tamie, GON, Gonzou, Strong Tami, and J. Tamiya."

  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to ask if this project was still active and if there was any updates on the progress.

I was working through my own collection after getting a new mp3 player and I had a few idea's in mind, but after reading this thread I agree with most of the decisions that have been made and believe the final result would be perfect. No mater what the progress I just wanted to thank the members of the community that started this as updating over 1500 ids is a insane task.



It's not an insane task, it's a task for Larry-bot! He gets so much done every day sometimes I think he has to be a machine, and we're just pathetic creatures of meat and bone, panting and sweating as we run through his corridors...

In all seriousness though, if 15 people take 100 MP3's each it's not that much work. So it should be done soon, if someone's still working on it. I read adding lyrics to songs that have them still needs to be done - but there can't be all that many songs with lyrics on the site...


I was attempting to write a little ruby script to add lyrics etc to the files from the website, but for that to work easily I need the OCR#. Opening the mp3s in any kind of editor shows the data IS in there, in the TSST (subtitle) frame, but nothing that I've come across on linux will correctly read this tag :(

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