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Finishing The Immortal on the NES at about 8 years old. Not impressed yet? How about this: without a Game Genie. It is a strong memory because of how damn hard that stupid game was.

Another memory would be more recently. After my freshman year of college a few years ago, I had nothing to do in late-May for a few days because I wasn't scheduled to work and many of my local friends were Seniors in high school who had exams and whatnot. As a result of my boredom, I broke out Banjo-Kazooie and played through it over a couple of days (probably about 9 hours total of gameplay). I had such a good time with that that every year since then (except when I was studying to take the LSATs -law school entrance exams-) I have played Banjo-Kazooie again, and I hope to do so this May. It feels kind of like I'm getting the summer off to a good start now.

Are they really entirely different games?

Supposedly, Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are two halves of the same game. Sega wanted to make a big Sonic game, but what they wanted to do was simply too ambitious to fit in a single cartridge (something about the needed cart boards of the day being too expensive to hold everything in one cart). So, they split the game in half, and made each one playable on its own (different endings, 7 chaos emeralds each, etc.).

So yes, each game is it's own entity, and can be played through like any other complete game. But when you plug them together, then you supposedly get the full experience that Sega was going for originally.

Ah. So it's like how Resident Evil 2 was split into two discs, one for Leon and one for Claire.

Kind of, but with Sonic 3 & Knuckles, you can get everything at your disposal from the start, instead of having to choose a half (unlike RE2). Also, each game has it's own levels and music, so there's not much overlapping going on between the two (which is why the combined game is so big).


Top 5:

# 5 - Beating Crash Bandicoot with every gem.

# 4 - Completing Star Road on Super Mario World.

# 3 - First successful Brutality with Smoke on Ultimate MK3

# 2 - Beating K. Rool in the Lost World on DKC2.

# 1 - Playing Mega Man X for the first time, from 6 pm to around 3 am at my best friend's house. Took us forever to figure out how to beat Sigma.


- Link's Awakening : I went to school with bus (1 hour morning, same evening) and a friend lent me his gameboy. First time I play on a Gameboy. And the game tested was Link's Awakening. The world simply ceased to exist around me. And the music at the end made me CRY.

- Secret of Mana : 1st year at University, after having bought the game in a hypermarket, I went to the library and began to read the manual. That game was a revelation to me. And the day I've killed the fire user tiger in the old woman mansion, I've raised my hands to the sky.

- Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3 of course) : ordered it online, payed with cash (didn't have a card)... Wow, my first Super Famicom game... and it was MANA. The sequel. Wow. A friend who loved mana like me came... We haven't slept a lot during many days. 240 hours of game in total. Too bad we could only be two players and not 3 like the first Mana. (another friend liked to play with us)

Big moment ingame was when I've discovered how to get the red bars (last super attack). The game was in Japanese, ok ? And you know what ? We have managed to kill the final boss "Dragon" that has maybe 30000 hp without those red bars. Only with yellow ones xD. 3 hours against the boss. No more item left, no more magic, that was the game over in the next turn. And the Dragon died. A miracle happened =D

- - - etc ? Of course, there has been other stuff, but I don't see now and a topic like this is interesting when we reply directly, with the heart.

- Link's Awakening : I went to school with bus (1 hour morning, same evening) and a friend lent me his gameboy. First time I play on a Gameboy. And the game tested was Link's Awakening. The world simply ceased to exist around me. And the music at the end made me CRY.

I'm disappointed at myself for not thinking of this one.


SOOOOOOO many...

Buying a NES with months' worth of allowance money in the middle of a snowy winter and having my dad hook it up to an old TV that took 2 minutes to warm up enough to show a picture

staying up all night playing Zelda with my best friend (at the time)

Playing Altered Beast and Moonwalker on the Genesis I got for Christmas

Getting up at 6am on another Christmas morning so I could play Mario Kart and Street Fighter 2 hours before anyone else woke up to pick up their gifts.

Walking to the mall at 6:30am for a 7am opening to pick up my Playstation and play Battle Arena Toshinden.

Having the flu for a week and playing FF6 for 8-10 hours a day till completion.

Having 4 friends over after work and having them pissed off because I would kick their asses with the Needler in Halo (1)

There's just so many really. I can't say I'm that into games anymore unfortunately, but I have so many memories growing up with games and how much fin I would have with them. I miss the excitement I used to have waiting for new games, but luckily SF4 and RE5 are helping to bring it back a bit...


One thing i'll never forget and will never get, is when i beat Gill in Third Strike with Ibuki (a character i just learned how to play half an hour before) in the second round with a PERFECT, even though i messed up and let him completely heal himself up with his Super.

No pictures or video's exist to prove this, so you don't have to believe me. Hell, i still can't comprehend it. D:


SNES: buying Super mario kart on friday afternoon, and spending most of my WE playing it with friends.

PSX: a Micromachine friday afternoon with...two multitaps (and thus 8 players)

Ace combat zero..the last fight with a mig21.

Also Need for speed 1 and F-zero (Snes) two game that i spend time with my friends beatting each other time trial.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hm, I'll try to go chronologically and only hit the big ones, but there are so many at different points in life.

1) Playing Galaga for the first time. I was 3 years old and could barely reach the joystick of the arcade cabinet. It was the first time I ever played any video game. I think this is one of the reasons I like shooters so much.

2) Getting the top score on the Super Mario Bros. Pinball Game at another arcade. I think I was 10 at the time. (I went back to that same arcade when I was 18, and my initials were still #1. Eight-year standing record!) I still love pinball machines, but they've been all but phased out of arcades by now.

3) Playing Lunar: The Silver Star for the first time. It was my second RPG (Vay was the first), and I ended up playing it for 16 hours straight. Besides just playing the game, this is also what started my near-obsession with the Lunar series.

4) Setting up my Saturn. This was in 1995 when it just came out, and it took me days to figure a way to switch our TV to the A/V input channels without the remote. But once I did, I was very, very happy.

5) Beating a random person at an arcade in Tokyo in Puyo Puyo. KF

Fuck you, Pixy. With your cheating plane and your stupid name and your "world without borders" BS.

My only regret is that you survived being blown up.

admit it, being able to fly said cheated plane (albeit being less badass) is Rule of cool.


The one that stands out to me the most is playing Shining Force for the first few times (the one on the Dreamcast sega pack thing when it first came out). We didn't have a VMU at the time, so we could never save our games, so each weekend, me and my brother (note: we were 9 and 8 at the time I think) would stay up 5-6 hours each weekend night seeing how far we could get before we had to turn it off. A couple months later we finally got a VMU and the problem didn't exist anymore.


Playing earthbound on ZSNES for the first time in middle school. Getting halfway through giygas's fight, then having to go to school, I left the emulator running. (I did not know what savestates were.) When I got home, the window was closed. ]:

Also, playing Sonic 2, going to the 2-player game, going into casino night zone by myself and playin' them slot machines forever.


Ace Combat four....got to the end mission in the A-10 wanabe, and the music sucked me in so much, SO EPIC (not a good enough word) I had the cockpit view on, lights off and sound cranked.

Absolutely burned into my mind as awesomest memory

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