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Dibs on being on the FFX soundtrack project

Easily my favorite FF game.

I concur. That is to say, please don't keep me off it when it happens. That was actually my first Final Fantasy game, and my personal favorite. *cue jumping around and ranting*

It also ended up being the first time I bought a full-fledged video game soundtrack. And it was wonderful! :-P

I enlist for helping out with managing or whatever for that! :D Luiza <3 FFX

Woah haha Well, I can enlist you to be one of the co-directors. Bahamut offered me the same a few months ago. Make sure to let me know what songs you want 'cos you got first dibs my friend. =P

Woah haha Well, I can enlist you to be one of the co-directors. Bahamut offered me the same a few months ago. Make sure to let me know what songs you want 'cos you got first dibs my friend. =P

Well, first dibs after me at least. Since I never get first dibs on other remix projects she gave me absolute first dibs and I took like 8 really good songs :P

Woah haha Well, I can enlist you to be one of the co-directors. Bahamut offered me the same a few months ago. Make sure to let me know what songs you want 'cos you got first dibs my friend. =P

I thought long and hard on whether to start FF8, FF9, or FFX. I'm glad to hear my decision didn't ruin your plans. :P

If I get some free time after Teen Agent's done, before I start mixing for FF9, I might claim another Wild Arms if you'd be interested in that. I had the same kind of brain-feeling about "The Sky is being torn apart" as I did for the Dungeon theme... If you wouldn't mind a song in a similar style. :x

Woah haha Well, I can enlist you to be one of the co-directors. Bahamut offered me the same a few months ago. Make sure to let me know what songs you want 'cos you got first dibs my friend. =P

oh trust me, I have quite a few in mind...

I concur. That is to say, please don't keep me off it when it happens. That was actually my first Final Fantasy game, and my personal favorite. *cue jumping around and ranting*

It also ended up being the first time I bought a full-fledged video game soundtrack. And it was wonderful! :-P

whoa! it was the same for me! though after I played other FFs, I'd say FFIX is my favorite, FFX would be a very close second.

Am I the only person whose favorite, at least soundtrack-wise (though I did get about 10 hours into it) was FF5?

Yes. (Probably not actually. It was good) S'like me wondering if I'm the only person who thinks the FF8 ost is comparatively weak to the rest of the series, sans II.

FFX had a really great soundtrack. I have my fingers crossed that one of the tracks bLiNd took was the Seymour Battle theme. That'd be a delicious combination right there.

Though my musical favorites of the series is IV and XII, and the latter of which isn't even Uematsu material. :o And probably won't see a project or much coverage. Boo.

I don't know if I said it already but Jade directing WA2 in the future also seems awesome and totally gets my approval. I've actually put many hours in that game so I've more attachment invested in that game than the first. XD

Because it sucked.

Oh I don't think the game itself sucked. And it had some memorable tunes. I just wouldn't stick it in my top 5. I think it's a little overhyped like VII is, although I thought 7 had an excellent soundtrack.

Yes. (Probably not actually. It was good) S'like me wondering if I'm the only person who thinks the FF8 ost is comparatively weak to the rest of the series, sans II.

FFX had a really great soundtrack. I have my fingers crossed that one of the tracks bLiNd took was the Seymour Battle theme. That'd be a delicious combination right there.

Though my musical favorites of the series is IV and XII, and the latter of which isn't even Uematsu material. :o And probably won't see a project or much coverage. Boo.

I don't know if I said it already but Jade directing WA2 in the future also seems awesome and totally gets my approval. I've actually put many hours in that game so I've more attachment invested in that game than the first. XD

To reply to everybody and Otaku,

I would have to agree with you and the others that FFVIII was weak in many areas and it definitely wasn't my favorite FF. I can't agree that it sucked because the story was very shocking and satisfiying to me. [spoiler: The whole Squall and Rinoa who were destined to be together wouldn't have been born if Laguna and Julia would've been together.] There are a few songs I REALLY love from the soundtrack, but a lot of it lacked for the most part. Regardless, I would approve of any FF remix project in the future of OCR. =) FFV wasn't my favorite FF game either or soundtrack, but again, great tunes in that one too.

and I'm sorry to tell you, but Seymour Battle isn't Jordan's favorite on the soundtrack. =( Don't ask me why or how that is even possible... I think he's crazy. That's actually my favorite track on the soundtrack and the same for LuIzA. I actually wanna collab with her on that one. ^_^ It's too soon to tell though. It's also too soon to announce a huge project like FFX. That one is on a long hold.

I gotta admit it too, Wild ARMS 2 is probably better then the first. I have to finish that one though to give you a straight answer. =)

To reply to everybody and Otaku,

I would have to agree with you and the others that FFVIII was weak in many areas and it definitely wasn't my favorite FF. I can't agree that it sucked because the story was very shocking and satisfiying to me. [spoiler: The whole Squall and Rinoa who were destined to be together wouldn't have been born if Laguna and Julia would've been together.] There are a few songs I REALLY love from the soundtrack, but a lot of it lacked for the most part. Regardless, I would approve of any FF remix project in the future of OCR. =) FFV wasn't my favorite FF game either or soundtrack, but again, great tunes in that one too.

and I'm sorry to tell you, but Seymour Battle isn't Jordan's favorite on the soundtrack. =( Don't ask me why or how that is even possible... I think he's crazy. That's actually my favorite track on the soundtrack and the same for LuIzA. I actually wanna collab with her on that one. ^_^ It's too soon to tell though. It's also too soon to announce a huge project like FFX. That one is on a long hold.

I gotta admit it too, Wild ARMS 2 is probably better then the first. I have to finish that one though to give you a straight answer. =)

to be very honest, I really didn't like FFVIII. So many weak stuff, and other than a few very good tracks on the OST, the rest of it is just... meh..

Also, FFVIII has one of the worst villains I've ever seen, as in plot and depth. [spoiler: Time kompression? what the hell is that? the worst part of it is, one character in the game (I forgot who) actually replies something along the lines of "oh we don't know, but it's bad, so we gotta stop it".... how's that for an evil masterplan???].

I'm actually surprised Seymour battle isn't up bLiNd's alley... but yeah, it's among my favorites, though not THE favorite. I just can't make myself NOT get up and dance when this song is playing.

The black mages version is incredible. The OST version is so untapped potential imo.

I always preferred calm before the storm (which I will totally claim asap if that happens).

Ooo, that's a really great one too! I'm sure you'd do it justice. XD

And I had forgotten (blocked out?) all about Ultimecia and the end of the game that was just so.. thrown together. Bleh! But FF9 suffered a thrown together wtf last boss too imo. :P


Seymour isnt a bad track, I just didnt like Nobuos crappy choice of sounds on a lot of his songs he made for the game. The composition is there, but sometimes his horns, drums, and misc sounds just make me go erk. I guess thats part of the curse of having producer ears...always critiquing sound choice and production :/

to be very honest, I really didn't like FFVIII. So many weak stuff, and other than a few very good tracks on the OST, the rest of it is just... meh..

Also, FFVIII has one of the worst villains I've ever seen, as in plot and depth. [spoiler: Time kompression? what the hell is that? the worst part of it is, one character in the game (I forgot who) actually replies something along the lines of "oh we don't know, but it's bad, so we gotta stop it".... how's that for an evil masterplan???].

I'm actually surprised Seymour battle isn't up bLiNd's alley... but yeah, it's among my favorites, though not THE favorite. I just can't make myself NOT get up and dance when this song is playing.

I was 17 years old when I played FFVIII. I would have to replay it again to see your point of view...haha It's been so long. I'm 25 now... or no, almost 26. Holy shit, I'm getting old. haha

and oops, I thought it was your favorite...regardless, it needs to be one of the best tracks on the project.

The black mages version is incredible. The OST version is so untapped potential imo.

I always preferred calm before the storm (which I will totally claim asap if that happens).

Yes it was.

and I put you down. Don't forget 4 years from now. =P

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