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Didn't Prot already have his comeback last year with his Metal Slug 3 remix?

He had a comeback, but then was banned again for HAXXING. Pretty sure it's permanent now. As far as I'm aware though, Dave will still at least accept song submissions from Prot, but nothing has been submitted with his name on it until now.

Rexy, it's not the Metal Slug soundtrack's fault for that drama, you know. You're missing out when it comes to those soundtracks. :-P


That Japanese blogger guy updated his Tales project feedback again. But from what I got from online translations he didn't have enough energy to cover the lot so he just looked at "Altar Perception" and "Summoning of Spirits".

Altar Perception - According to the online machine translations, he liked Injury's vocal part (rare for him to spot it first hand!), thought the track had similar musical links to the SaGa 3 (Final Fantasy Legend 3) score, liked the fusion of ambience and "techno beats" (?) and liked the general atmosphere (the feeling that no sound disturbs another).

Summoning of Spirits - The blooger understood that it was mainly piano-based, especially near the beginning. Thus, he seemed equally as surprised to see "Fighting of the Spirit" being taken in a different "fresh" direction. The rest of his blurb seemed hard to pick out stuff, but he found it to be "floaty" and minimalist somehow (in a good way).

Eh... Andy Jayne, I think we need your expertise here. :tomatoface:


Well, I go through the music here a lot (just don't bother with the forums), but I just got in my issue of Nintendo Power today. In the community section, they had an article featuring OC Remix and the Summoning of Spirits album.

I'd try to scan the article to put up here, but my printer/scanner refuses to work at times... But I thought you guys would be interested in hearing about this. :D Amazing job, guys. Really amazing. :D


So I picked up my latest issue of Nintendo Power. At the back of this issue, they had an article on Overclocked Remix, where they mostly talk about the latest remix album, Summoning Of Spirits. I was just wondering if anyone else knew about this.


Here's a convenient scan from said magazine.

Personally I'm a little surprised they didn't mention Voices of The Lifestream, considering its enormous popularity.

I guess it doesn't show so well. PM me if you'd like a larger picture.

I'm not.

Nintendo Power generally pretends that any games for non-Nintendo consoles don't exist. Or at least they did back when I was a subscriber. Which has been... shit, 7 years?


Anyway, that's probably why.

Uh, or maybe it was because there was limited space and they wanted to focus more on the actual subject of the article rather than dropping names of unrelated projects? Frankly, I'm glad they didn't mention other ones (although Lea and I both did mention most of them in our interview): This is our article, bitches. :-P

Anyway, I picked this up and posted about it in the SoS feedback thread a few days ago. If you want a super-huge high-res scan, here ya be.


Nintendo Power has more recently begun to refer to their competitors in their articles, usually with a degree of both ribbing and professional respect. They didn't mention Lifestream because it's Final Fantasy VII, which while they acknowledge, they don't play up both because it's competition, and it's for space, as Kyle said.

But damn, this is pretty awesome. Wonder if that's going to up the traffic for the arrangement album. If nothing else, it gets the word out about this site, and it's always good to get positive press.

But damn, this is pretty awesome. Wonder if that's going to up the traffic for the arrangement album. If nothing else, it gets the word out about this site, and it's always good to get positive press.

Downloads have been going back up for the last few days on the songs hosted on the kngi.org server, so I think word is spreading at least a little bit.

wait, there was an article about this and they didn't mention me at all? what a crock. i was integral to that project's fulfillment of destinies untold.

Yeah, but we decided to omit you because you punked out and ditched the Super Dodge Ball project. Sorry man.


Dude, they didn't mention me either, but considering the size of the project, just appreciate the fact that the word has been spread and (if all goes well) you could end up with more groupies. :P

I passed my congrats to Kyle through Googletalk earlier this week, and so I'll acknowledge it here again - big thanks to Nintendo Power :D

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