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Hey cool, I never pass up a chance to promote my bloggage!

I have one that I've been posting to for a couple of years, now called [cogito, ergo creo]...which is broken and grammatically error ridden Latin for "I think, therefor I create."

It's another food blog among hundreds, but I enjoy doing it. My posts aren't done on any sort of schedule. I just write and photograph when I feel I've made something worth sharing. I may post four times in a week, I may post once in a month. Just depends.

[cogito, ergo creo]


Check 'er out and drop me a comment.


First post in a while, decided to take on a new genre with a multiparter format as well. I'll try and update the two stories in parallel. I realized I couldn't avoid the serials without sticking to too small a canvas.

Anyway, the first part of "Under a Crimson Moon" is up. This one is a bit closer to rated R than my usual fare, but I think it should be liked.

Again, please leave comments.

And enjoy the story.

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