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Today a bigass patch 2.0 was released for Unreal Tournament 3. Among a plethora of small fixes it also improves the interface, integrates the game with Steam and adds achievements. After that there's a content pack which adds new maps, weapons and vehicles, player models and game modes. It all clocks in at around 1.2gb and you can download them here:


It will also come out for the PS3 version in two weeks or so.

Epic knows how it's done. I absolutely loathe this new era of DLC where companies expect you to pay for something as trivial as a few extra multiplayer maps. Had this been released by Microsoft or Activision they would probably have charged as much as a full price game for it.

I absolutely loathe this new era of DLC where companies expect you to pay for something as trivial as a few extra multiplayer maps.

This only seriously applies to console versions of games like TF2. Heck I think they (in this case sony) is charging something around $5 or $6 on just costume changes for SF4. Not sure if the PC version charges anything.


DLC on PC games seems mostly confined to Bethesda products and Games for Windows Live in general. Microsoft controls content through both GFWL and Xbox Live with an iron fist. Epic couldn't get Microsoft to authorize mod support for the 360 version of UT3, and the Titan Pack probably isn't showing up for the same reason. Guess it's hard to compete with price-tagged multiplayer maps if the fans can release their own maps for free.

Guess it's hard to compete with price-tagged multiplayer maps if the fans can release their own maps for free.

Pretty much makes charging people for downloadable maps moot doesn't it. :lol:

It also helps to buy games that are not as draconian with others making free content as M$ seem to be with their games; or at least don't expect any from M$ so disappointment isn't as painful. :lol:


Personally, I actually loved the gameplay way back when. I used to play UT2004 over LAN for hours. In contrast to the seemingly instant-kills in Counter-Strike, in UT no matter how much of a newb you are it still feels like you're achieving *something*.

Vehicular combat is still somewhat new to me though. I've always preferred regular deathmatches.

I tested the demo of UT3 once, to benchmark my new computer, and I didn't like the new graphics TBH. In the older games, the graphics were clear. Now they seem to throw in every possible filter, ending up with a blurry bloom-monster where you can't make out what you're shooting at, or whether it's dead yet.


UT3 is dirt cheap today, goes for about 10 dollars in most places. It's also rumored to be the next Steam weekend deal to coincide with the patch.

All the eye-gouging effects were a problem, but in the latest version the video settings have a lot more options to choose from. You can turn off the bloom while keeping everything else on max.

eh, it's still the same gameplay as it was way back when with slightly updated visuals

I always find this a redundant argument for sequels. You're basically asking for a different game if you don't want Unreal Tournament to play like Unreal Tournament.


This update is enough to make me consider buying UT3 just to support Epic. Although seeing as I missed out on the Christmas sales, I still miss being able to buy it for the $5 I think it was back then.




Haven't touched it in six months.

Jumping and moving in UT3 felt like carrying the Tower of Pisa on your head (compared to UT2004). I still prefer the wacky UT2004 gameplay, and there are excellent user mods like freeze tag/freon and team arena master to extend the interest.

..but how Epic managed to completely destroy the UT3 menu experience is beyond human understanding, but hey, I'll give these free, behemoth updates a go anyway.


Haven't touched it in six months.

yeah, you know that that indicator is NOT accurate in the least?

I've had that thing say that the last time I played a game was three years ago, when I had clearly played it yesterday.

yeah, you know that that indicator is NOT accurate in the least?

I've had that thing say that the last time I played a game was three years ago, when I had clearly played it yesterday.

That's right. Last used and size can't be trusted in general, from experience.

Since I'm the only using this PC, I have some idea of what's being used and when, and could back Windows up--especially considering that I only played UT3 for about a week, and haven't touched it since.

(Windows did get the frequency of use right for UT2004 and UT3 in this case.)

I haven't noticed any other Norwegian people on the forum yet.

Maybe I'm learning Norwegian the retarded way. ;)

..but have you noticed this, then?


So the movement is more sluggish than it used to be?

That's about right, and I've also gotten used to the fastpaced action of UT2004.

The user interface/flow in UT3 kind of killed it too, and that DM map with a friggin' mecha from War of the Worlds. Wicked idea, but too fckd up to be included in a DM type game.


I purchased this (as well as World of Goo). I must say I'm a sucker for Steam and its sales, but hey, after playing like an hour of it during the free weekend, it hooked me in. I loved the original UT, didn't really like UT2004, and found UT3 was my cup of tea.

Not to mention that I want a next-gen console but can't afford one atm, so the fact that UT3 runs silky smooth on my decent rig also cemented my purchasing of the game. I know people feel resentment towards developers developing games with consoles in mind (hence making games "consolized") I still felt that UT3 felt at home on the pc.

I guess the only thing to make a sadface over is the small online population, but thankfully with the Titan pack, can help alleviate that somewhat. Although I bought UT3 mostly as a fun casual diversion with bots, it would have been cool if there was a large Australian UT3 community presence, but there isn't really one that I'm aware of. Oh well.


For those who missed the news, STEAM is doing an encore of the UT3 free weekend this weekend, March 13-15. Additionally, the 40% off sale has been extended until March 22.

I didn't get a chance to try it last week because I couldn't finish the download until Sunday morning, even though I started on Friday before dinner.

STEAM is so awesome. Not many companies give away so much free stuff, and then re-do the free stuff when something goes wrong.


So, I bought the Unreal Bundle on Steam a while back, which included UT3. UT3 is awesome, I loved UT (GotY edition), and this seems pretty much just like it with some more nifty add-ons.

But what's the deal with the titan pack? All I can find is the UT: Black thing, which I have to buy? I mean, it's not a huge deal, since I can snag it for like $11 right now, but still, the impression I've gathered from everyone is that it was supposed to be free DLC or something.

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