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Hello everybody! My name is Joe and i've gone and did a remix for the labyrinth theme from basically any of the zelda games, but more precisely, the first one. Its definitely a heavier remix, a lot of metal influences. Also, all the instruments are played by me, except the

virtual instruments, which are programmed by me.

I've been working on this remix for the better part of about a year. It was until recently that i started getting sharper on my mixing/producing skills.

Please let me know what ya think of this?

http://www.soundlantern.com/UpdatedSoundPage.do?ToId=36135 to stream it or

http://rapidshare.com/files/212293895/NintenJoe_64_-_Link_s_Labyrinth__Legend_Of_Zelda_NES_Dungeon_2.mp3 to download it



Finally, somebody handles this source right! I was worried during the first ten seconds but you certainly kicked in the awesome after that.

Kudos on the wicked guitar soloing around 2:00 (and after). It sounds a little off around 2:45 but my sound card is iffy.

The break for sound effects is great. Very nice work. What are you using to program/mix this?


Thank you! I appreciate the feedback!!

I use a Line 6 Toneport UX1. I plug my guitar into the Toneport UX1 then it plugs into a USB port on my computer. So the computer becomes an amp, so to speak. Then i just

use Mixcraft 4 as my main recording program and Beatcraft for the drums. And thank you for mentioning my soloing!!


Yeah, the first 20 seconds or so could use some tweaking, that synth is really basic and annoying.

This is loud, after 1:00 there are compression issues from the guitar, and the synth could have its highs boosted slightly. Doubling the rhythm guitar and hardpanning them opposite each other will give your track more stereo width. Listen to some guitar tracks here on ocr, especially Sixto's recent stuff for a feel of what that can sound like.

The kick seems to lack highs, not quite giving it the impact it could have (especially when trying to punch through the guitars). I'm mostly only hearing the crashes panned. Hihats after 3:30 sound terrible, replace those with better samples.

Other than that, this is impressive stuff. I'd say it's a NO(resub) in its current state, but it's not far from YES. Great stuff.


Sounds much cleaner this time around, as far as rhythm and notation. Nice volume shift effect in the beginning (you really spiced up that part). I still can't get over the soloing. It might need a little more variation in volume throughout (in agreement with Rozo), as long as it doesn't detract from the raw power. For example, let those vocals around 3:00 shine a little brighter (and add some bass to them). I'm really liking the drum kit from 3:30 on out. Is that a harpsichord too?

Great work!


Alright, i've made couple other small changes that glasfen suggested to my mix and came

up with this http://www.soundlantern.com/UpdatedSoundPage.do?ToId=36238 , to stream,

and http://rapidshare.com/files/212558674/NintenJoe_64_-_Link_s_Labyrinth__Legend_Of_Zelda_NES_Dungeon_Final.mp3 to download. The

download link is probably better quality than the stream.

Let me know if you guys think this one is good enough now? :)


Excellent balance around 1:20. It feels like you've spread out the sound, filling the soundscape, as it were. The solos stand out really well. I still love the sound effect break!

The vocals are great. And I had thought that the ending was too abrupt but I like it now, mostly because it is different from the resolution I would expect.

I don't know that I have any place telling you to submit this, but... it sounds awesome! Maybe Rozo or somebody with more experience on the site can give you better direction.


Thank you! Ya know its funny, cause the original ending was the continue/retry/save

screen theme from the Zelda game, but i cut it out cause it made the song way too long for

what i wanted. lol :)


wow, it's about &%$ing time someone did this one right and well! Power Metul madness!! :nicework:

Not sure of how to crit the production here, because it seems pretty decent now. 2:00 guitar solo IS epic. Very nice. Interesting chiptune breakdown lol. Hopefully the J's will dig it ^_^


Yeah, i think its finally ready for the judges panel to decide on this. :)

And thank you for the compliment! Anytime i do a remix, i do it in the style of power/prog metal. I'm a huge fan of that genre of music in general, so it come out in my remixing/writing. :)

My next remix i'm gonna put up here and see what people think about is the remix for the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy 4 and its also the same theme from the Culex battle from Super Mario RPG.


Omg, almost the exact setup as me, except I use Reaper... 0_0

Anyway, from 0:38 to 0:57, 1:36 to 1:55 and at 2:53 to 3:31 the double kicks were meshing with the other instruments (specifically rhythm guitar) poorly and it sounded like a big muddy mess, and I know for a fact that the judges criticized a recent submission for doing the same thing. EQing can fix things up. The kick sample on Beatcraft can be made really great of you give it a nice boost starting at 1k and boosting the higher frequencies above it with Beatcraft's built in EQ.

Also, someone mentioned the bad hi-hats earlier, and I have managed to make them sound better on Beatcraft with some EQ help, but it's just better to find cymbal samples online.


Yeah, the double kick drum parts were always a hassle for me to mix through. I think i finally got it kinda where i want it with this version.

Also, i'm not sure if you listened to the very first version or one of the later ones. Either way check this one and let me know how you feel about this one.



The ending is disappointing. That's all I got for criticism.

The old versions have this weird compression of the sound when the percussion got louder that this one doesn't have, and I'm glad for it. The sound feels deeper now, too. Or maybe those were just artifacts of Sound Lantern, because I didn't use the download link before.

If it wasn't Sound Lantern's fault, then good job.

Yeah, i think its finally ready for the judges panel to decide on this. :)

And thank you for the compliment! Anytime i do a remix, i do it in the style of power/prog metal. I'm a huge fan of that genre of music in general, so it come out in my remixing/writing. :)

My next remix i'm gonna put up here and see what people think about is the remix for the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy 4 and its also the same theme from the Culex battle from Super Mario RPG.

You know what else needs attention from you after that project?? =p

Breath of Fire II :<


This has really come a long way in a short period of time, jb23. A lot of the parts stand out on their own, as they should. You really balanced the sound well. I think your guitar work and mixing might earn you some collab requests. The string pitch bends after 3:00 sound new (and slick). It's a testament to your skills that you can bust out the metal soloing but bring things back to a solid rock guitar feel at the end.

Oh and...

My next remix i'm gonna put up here and see what people think about is the remix for the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy 4 and its also the same theme from the Culex battle from Super Mario RPG.
(emphasis added)

Say what?! Count me in!


First of all, i really appreciate all the compliments to my remix. Its hard getting any exposure for my music and remixes. I am absolutely up to collab requests. Seeing how its just me, i like outside input into my music once and a while. And i'll have to look into Breath Of Fire II and see if i can't work something out. :)

I think i'll submit my final version of the Zelda remix now and see what the judges have to say. And also, my FF4 Boss Battle remix is just about done, i'm putting some final touches on it and should be posting in within a couple hours or so. :)


I just posted up a WIP of a remix featuring this song, and sadly (for me), this out-tops mine in a lot of ways. This is a really huge, epic, insane, damn good mix.

It might have a bit too much going on though, for instance the compression on the drums and everything- it's just not to my taste, but I don't know how others like it.

Aside from that, honestly, this is amazing. I envy your skills. I wish you luck in the submission.


Yeah, it took me a good 5 or 6 months to really understand the principles of mixing and arrangement. And thank you for the compliment on my ReMix as well. I'm glad i'm finally to point in playing guitar that i can write songs like this one! lol :)

I checked yours out, its a good start and not too shabby. I'll leave more feedback on your thread in a bit.

. And i'll have to look into Breath Of Fire II and see if i can't work something out. :)

Sweet. If you are still interested in BoFII tracks, PM me, and I can hook you up with the best midis; I may even have time to do a collab too :<

But first, finish this track and the Culex/FF4 boss remix. Looking forward to hearing more of your works!


Blah! Am I too late to give my two cents? I didn't even see this one until today.

Anyhow, great job on keeping such a short source fun and exciting for as long as you did. That's hard to do, and you nailed that.

It sounds like there is still some clipping from the guitar part (mainly from the 'chugging' rhythm guitar), even in your final post here. If you didn't address that in the final submission the J's may get you for that :P.

The campy electronic sound in the beginning is great, but the first time around it catches me off guard. That's great - I loved it.

The chippy sounds are wonderfully used. The 'squeal' of the ocarina was beautiful. I had to let you know that :).

0:38 - 0:57... It's good, but the drum line is boring there. I don't know if it's personal taste, there, but I couldn't get into that sound. There are other sections like it scattered throughout, and I feel the same for all of them. Like I said, though, that might be personal and therefore not really a problem.

Ya, I wish you the best with the J's, as this is quite an impressive entry.


Your not too late at all. I didn't submit this one yet cause i submitted an RC Pro AM title screen ReMix that i did a while ago and don't want to bombard them with ReMixes.

I doubt it'll pass cause i submitted in a month or so ago and i haven't had any luck yet getting my songs to pass. Mostly cause my mixing skills sucked, as you can tell with some of my early works. I'm getting better though and i probably should've posted that mix here first and see what ya'll thought of it. Oh well! :)


Also, i messed around with some EQ settings and such and have a better, clearer version of my LoZ mix. http://rapidshare.com/files/216109795/NintenJoe_64_-_Dungeon_Of_Despair__LOZ_NES_Dungeon_.mp3

I would keep posting them at sound lantern, but apparently their site is closing tomorrow....oh well...gotta find another streaming site now! :)

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