The Mutericator Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 I guess our poor state of existence doesn't make to someone like you. He's right guys! We should just bring 2 different systems with us whenever we go on a trip. Though it's funny you should make an appeal to being "poor" considering I just said I skipped out on the DSLite and saved that money instead. That, and who really still plays GBA games all the time, alongside their DS games? If it's a short trip, just go without it (or, oh God, you might actually end up carrying an extra few ounces in your bag). Complaining about having to take two handhelds is a bullshit, whiny argument. If it means enough to you to be able to play both, then take both. If it doesn't, don't. Hey, we could also encourage Nintendo's increasing slant towards pleasing the casual market while simultaneously neglecting the hardcore market that's supported them for years. Kill 2 birds with one stone! I have no words for the stupidity of this statement. (...)the d-pad and buttons have improved exponentially over the other DS models.(...) Forgot to mention this earlier, but when I was using my coworker's DSi I noticed this too. Feels great. Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Not having a GBA slot is a legitimate complaint. Backwards compatibility is one of the Game Boy family's biggest draws (though the DS original/lite can't play original Game Boy or Game Boy Color games, right? So I guess if you care about those then you'd need to bring along another system anyway). It may not matter to you, but it certainly matters to some other people, and it's not unreasonable of them to be unhappy with a feature being removed from a supposed upgraded version of the hardware. Quote
Overflow Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Well, maybe I'm the only one, but whenever I play a GBC game or a GBA game, I almost always bust out the GBC or GBASP (The buttons on my GBA are shot from overuse), but I also usually take a couple GBA games with my DSlite (Namely FFVI and Mario VS DK). I still play my older games probably as much as my newer ones, so it pains me to say that they're old software/hardware, and we need to move on. Sure, I'm ripped about not being able to play GBA games on the DSi, but A) we can't get everything we want and there's only one or two game for the DS that use that slot. And don't forget that Nintendo said: "The DSi is a supplement to the DSlite", as they said with all their systems. Quote
The Mutericator Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Not having a GBA slot is a legitimate complaint. Backwards compatibility is one of the Game Boy family's biggest draws (though the DS original/lite can't play original Game Boy or Game Boy Color games, right? So I guess if you care about those then you'd need to bring along another system anyway). It may not matter to you, but it certainly matters to some other people, and it's not unreasonable of them to be unhappy with a feature being removed from a supposed upgraded version of the hardware. My complaint isn't so much that they're annoyed by its removal so much as that they want to act like it's some huge deal; if you play your GBA that much, why get rid of it? I still have my GBA and DS, and when I get a DSi I won't be getting rid of either. If I want to play a GBA game, I'll bust out either of them. I just don't understand how people seem so locked into the mentality of only keeping one handheld at a time. I mean, I have no intention of just quitting playing my GBA games (I didn't put 60 hours into FFVA just to ignore its existence), but getting a DSi won't suddenly stop me from being able to play it. Of course, to each their own situation, but calling the DSi a "ripoff" just because one doesn't have any personal use for it is juvenile. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Yeah full backwards compatibility has never been the case with gameboys, it's always just the previous generation [GBA plays gameboy, DS plays GBA] until their late iterations of the hardware where it's no longer necessary plus unless you keep losing your old gameboy it's likely that they aren't broken yet so just use the old gameboys :V Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Also I think something to note here is that people probably wouldn't be nearly so pissed if this was a completely new "DS 2" instead of a DS 1.5.2 Quote
Toadofsky Posted March 24, 2009 Author Posted March 24, 2009 Hey, we could also encourage Nintendo's increasing slant towards pleasing the casual market while simultaneously neglecting the hardcore market that's supported them for years. Kill 2 birds with one stone! Will people EVER get over this? Honestly, what is the problem with trying to expand games into untapped regions (elderly people, women, etc.)? So what if they're simple games, or maybe not even games at all (Wii Fit), YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THEM, ever think of that? THERE ARE GAMES FOR THE CORE CROWD, you have to look closer at the games there. Yes, there's craploads of shovel ware on the Wii, but what system doesn't have at least some? It's like games are some sort of "exclusive" club, or it's a geek's way of getting back at being snubbed by the preps/jocks. Every time I hear some gamer whine about casual games I groan. GAMES ARE A BUSINESS, AND WHAT DO BUSINESSES AIM TO DO? EXPAND AND MAKE MONEY. You can't expand something if you don't think outside the box. The hardcore market? Please, I've heard that for years. The "hardcore" market is more concerned about how adult a game is (to prove their maturity maybe?), rather than how good it actually is half the time. Granted, that's not all of the hardcore market's mindset, but if that's your excuse of not liking Nintendo's direction, get over it. Go play a PSP, PS3, or a 360. If Nintendo went and just made a system with high powered graphics and a bunch of frivolous yet cool features, they'd be dead last, and you know it. I hope Nintendo has something at E3 to shut this retarded, "It's cool to hate Nintendo" attitude up. Just as long as Cammy Dunaway doesn't act like a total loon again, maybe it's best she just doesn't talk to the E3 crowd... Yes, I went WAY off topic, but I had to vent. Had to. Sorry to offend if any... Quote
1337 1 Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 If it helps, the hardware component has actually improved since the DS Lite. Old DS: DSi: Now, these specs sound crap, but I can see very much why they're doing this. I had (and still do) the DS browser for the DS lite (and it was specifically for the DS Lite), and the petty 4MB of RAM the DS had was useless for loading anything. I think the best site it loaded was the myspace mobile frontpage. The PSP had the same problem apparently, so its not a case of "the DS is crap". The DSi has four times the amount of RAM, and while its still not much, I guaruntee you its a sight better than 4MB. Also, for those of you who like homebrew, I guaruntee you that the extra RAM will be useful for playing/making games. The DSi isn't just a "1.5" version. Nintendo have actually tried to make it a kind of "upgrade", but I do recall that they didn't intend it to replace the DS lite. Some markets, right from the moment that the DSi was announced, said they'd be selling the DSi and the Lite at the same time. I'll grant, the DSi isn't the ultimate handheld, but it does have some good points if you take a look. As to whether its worth the upgrade will be a matter of personal opinion and circumstance (eg, those with broken DSs, and no real need to play their old GBA games might buy it). Will people EVER get over this? Actually, even if the point made was grossly exaggerated, there is a point. There are very few truly "hardcore" games for the Wii or DS. ESPECIALLY IN AUSTRALIA. They exist, but their absence leads to an empty feeling when many of the "new release" games are "kiddman plays soccer"* I'll agree, the "if you don't like it, don't play it" argument is more than valid, but it fails to solve the issue of the lack of hardcore games. Its like saying to a drought stricken country to use less water rather than complaining. Yes, they should use less water, but that won't make the drought disappear. (*: If only their standards were that high half the time.) Quote
Bigfoot Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Another thing I love about the DSi is the exterior. No more glossy fingerprint mess. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Does this thing at least come with a mp3-AAC converter? There is no reason to even use the damn music player if they don't at least give you a converter. Also, any decent DSi games coming out soon? Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 The DSi isn't just a "1.5" version. Nintendo have actually tried to make it a kind of "upgrade" how does this make it not a "1.5" version It's mostly the same thing that plays mostly the same games but has some extra stuff Quote
1337 1 Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 how does this make it not a "1.5" versionIt's mostly the same thing that plays mostly the same games but has some extra stuff I agree, but its not quite the same. Think of the difference between M$ Word and Publisher. Different programs for a different purpose. I suppose rather than it being a "1.5", it could be another version of the Lite. Its not as much an upgrade, as another option. It has advantages and disadvantages compared to the DSi I suppose the whole idea that its "basically a 1.5" is why they're selling both at once. Does this thing at least come with a mp3-AAC converter? There is no reason to even use the damn music player if they don't at least give you a converter.Also, any decent DSi games coming out soon? Try itunes. Though when I tried the converter, the AACs seemed to come out bigger than their MP3 versions. No real DSi games, aside from the DSiWare. But no real titles confirmed outside of Japan yet, aside from the free browser. You DO get 1000 points with the DSi, so you'd assume that there's something coming. Quote
The Mutericator Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Try itunes. Though when I tried the converter, the AACs seemed to come out bigger than their MP3 versions. It's a higher-quality compression. As in, it's bigger, but has better quality if you're transferring in from FLAC or straight recording. Converting from MP3 to AAC won't improve the quality, obviously. I'm kind of annoyed they didn't at least include OGG Vorbis format, though. Maybe in a firmware update... Also, thank you for approaching the topic so objectively. I didn't know about the RAM upgrade until you mentioned it. Quote
Bigfoot Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 The web browser for the DSi is such an improvement over the DS browser that was sold in retail stores. That reminded me to search for this video. Quote
Toadofsky Posted March 25, 2009 Author Posted March 25, 2009 Actually' date=' even if the point made was grossly exaggerated, there is a point. There are very few truly "hardcore" games for the Wii or DS. ESPECIALLY IN AUSTRALIA. They exist, but their absence leads to an empty feeling when many of the "new release" games are "kiddman plays soccer"*I'll agree, the "if you don't like it, don't play it" argument is more than valid, but it fails to solve the issue of the lack of hardcore games. Its like saying to a drought stricken country to use less water rather than complaining. Yes, they should use less water, but that won't make the drought disappear. (*: If only their standards were that high half the time.)[/quote'] Point taken. Look, I'm just one of those people that just plays games. I don't care whether it's hardcore or not. That's not me dissing those gamers, but most of the ones I've run across/read from on destructoid, PLAY Magazine's reviews/editorials, or wherever keep complaining over and over about it. What cracks me up is that they complained about no new sequel of (insert Nintendo game) coming. Yet, they forget that Nintendo takes up to at least 3 or 4 years to make said titles, so that they'll be up to par with the standards, that, and they're extremely secretive of new projects till they've got a good build of the game. Look at Zelda and Mario, those games only come around just every few years. I don't want a sequel every year ala Sonic/Activision games. To me, I think Nintendo is just taking their sweet time getting those unassociated with games, into games. That's totally fine by me. They'll more than likely still cater to their fan base, probably just not as much, at least for now. In the meantime, I have a DSlite to tide me over. Sorry to stay off topic. By the by, BUY Henry Hatsworth, it's worth every penny. And I got it for only 15 bucks (had store credit), and got Metal Slug 7 at Best Buy for Half Price! (they sell games that are being discontinued at the store) Anyways, continue the DSi thread... Quote
Overflow Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 I heard from someone that the only DSi specific games would be downloads. I hope this is not true; can anyone confirm the existence of retail DSi exclusives? About the supposed VC for the DSi: Which would you prefer, if you had to choose only one? Being able to play VC games downloaded from the Wii Shop channel on your DSi, or being able to download GB, GBC and GBA game on the DSi Shop? Personally, I'd take the downloadable game boy games. Quote
abg Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 Being able to play VC games downloaded from the Wii Shop channel on your DSi, or being able to download GB, GBC and GBA game on the DSi Shop? Both. (10char) edit: Didn't see the "choose only one". Doesn't change my answer though.. Quote
The Mutericator Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 I heard from someone that the only DSi specific games would be downloads. I hope this is not true; can anyone confirm the existence of retail DSi exclusives?About the supposed VC for the DSi: Which would you prefer, if you had to choose only one? Being able to play VC games downloaded from the Wii Shop channel on your DSi, or being able to download GB, GBC and GBA game on the DSi Shop? Personally, I'd take the downloadable game boy games. I'll take the DSi exclusives. Oddly enough, only the Joystiq article confirms DSi-only cards. Quote
1337 1 Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 I'll take the DSi exclusives. Oddly enough, only the Joystiq article confirms DSi-only cards. This doesn't surprise me. Nintendo in all regions have been pretty tight lipped on specifics; very little information outside of Japan has been released AFAIK, and even then its pretty vague mostly. I'd guess they're still trying to test the waters atm. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 ugh I seriously don't understand why they didn't just make it a DS 2 and be done with it I don't like this "oh let's gradually upgrade our console's hardware for 10 years" bullshit. I only want to buy one damned thing that plays all of the games that are supposed to be for it. I don't want to buy a thing and have them stop supporting the first version because they thought it was a good idea to upgrade the hardware half-way through the system's life span. I'm not even talking about the GBA backward-compat Quote
JCvgluvr Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 So is today's Wii upgrade a confirmation of the stuff posted earlier in this topic? Quote
Bigfoot Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Also, if no one has heard yet, Nintendo will be making two different types of cartridges now for the DS/DSi. One will work for the DS/DS Lite, but will have extra features if used on a DSi. The other will just be strictly for the DSi. Quote
Overflow Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Also, if no one has heard yet, Nintendo will be making two different types of cartridges now for the DS/DSi.One will work for the DS/DS Lite, but will have extra features if used on a DSi. The other will just be strictly for the DSi. Sweet. See, this is how I see the DSi compared to the DS/lite: It's just lik the old Gameboys. DS = Gameboy: First of a series, popular, but ugly. DSLite = Gameboy Pocket: Exact same system, just smaller and prettier, plays the older games. DSi = Gameboy Color: A very similar system, but with added features. It plays the older games (Some will have bonus content), but also plays newer games that won't work on the older system. Actually, the similarities are striking. I predict the sales and lifespan of the DSi will further emulate the Gameboy Color, serving as a kind of buffer for a few years until the completely new system is released. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Aww man, I don't like the fact that there'll be DSi only games. This would mean I'd have to go and pick up a DSi by trading in my DS Lite and some things for it.Though, I DO still have my GBA around but...I don't know, other people might be angry over that whole thing I think. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 Sweet.See, this is how I see the DSi compared to the DS/lite: It's just lik the old Gameboys. DS = Gameboy: First of a series, popular, but ugly. DSLite = Gameboy Pocket: Exact same system, just smaller and prettier, plays the older games. DSi = Gameboy Color: A very similar system, but with added features. It plays the older games (Some will have bonus content), but also plays newer games that won't work on the older system. Okay, that's actually a pretty good way to look at it. I may pick up a DSi for myself if they start making some awesome exclusives for it, but not until then. (I just realized that my PSP is be able to play GBA games while the DSi won't ) Quote
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