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Some of you REALLY old fogies might remember this:


I recently actually dug up just about everything from the first AND second time I ran the UnMod SCRS (second time was at .org). Strangely enough though I can't find the pics of the race from Indianapolis, and I distinctly remember an Indy race...

EDIT: Aha! Here's the Indy race.


Some of you REALLY old fogies might remember this:


I recently actually dug up just about everything from the first AND second time I ran the UnMod SCRS (second time was at .org). Strangely enough though I can't find the pics of the race from Indianapolis, and I distinctly remember an Indy race...

I still have all the car designs I made for those :-)



I remember having these shortly made after the change to ocremix.org from remix.overclocked.org. The latter wouldn't fit, unfortunately.


I r spedrun winar!


Also BEER. Possibly the last one? I don't recall.

EDIT: Here is the original card deck in its glory. For those who weren't there or don't remember, hearts were reserved for kind and generally helpful posters, clubs were trolls/meanies (though, for the most part, in good humor), diamonds were those shining stars that contribute so much to the community, and spades were...I honestly don't remember. People who like to hear themselves talk, judging from the list.

EDIT2: And while digging around, I found the second card deck with its notably higher production value. I believe this time, they were grouped by "faction," whether UM.O, gerbilfat, Remod, or Offtop. It looks like some of the Remod/Offtop ones are kinda mixed around though. Or I just didn't care at all when I put it together. Actually, in retrospect, this might've been before Remod, in which case clubs is just postwhores. I'm not entirely sure where that leaves diamonds though.

EDIT: Here is the original card deck in its glory. For those who weren't there or don't remember, hearts were reserved for kind and generally helpful posters, clubs were trolls/meanies (though, for the most part, in good humor), diamonds were those shining stars that contribute so much to the community, and spades were...I honestly don't remember. People who like to hear themselves talk, judging from the list.

EDIT2: And while digging around, I found the second card deck with its notably higher production value. I believe this time, they were grouped by "faction," whether UM.O, gerbilfat, Remod, or Offtop. It looks like some of the Remod/Offtop ones are kinda mixed around though. Or I just didn't care at all when I put it together. Actually, in retrospect, this might've been before Remod, in which case clubs is just postwhores. I'm not entirely sure where that leaves diamonds though.

Diamonds- Informed posters

Spades- So-called "Enforcers" or "People who keep others in line".

Hearts- Helpful

Clubs- Flamers, trolls, etc.

That's what I have on my Quirks page (which also has a link to the cards, and a zip file with all the cards).

Love the second card deck :lol:

You were a lot of things really... Not meant in a bad way...

I guess I had to reinvent myself, to keep it fresh and stay entertaining... Well, mostly in the past, I'd like to say that as I grew older I stopped being a persona, but to be honest, most of what I have been here hasn't been a persona. I keep talking with people and they can't believe how much I changed in the last 8 years or so.

Yeah sure buddy. I'm telling Mae about this. Enjoy ur divorce.

Oh, I knew about the pedoporn on his computer. But how come you claimed you were going to tell me about it, but never did? Plus, there wouldn't have been a divorce anyway, because I'm still waiting for the ring...and "taking a break" from Walan until it shows up.

Oh, I knew about the pedoporn on his computer. But how come you claimed you were going to tell me about it, but never did? Plus, there wouldn't have been a divorce anyway, because I'm still waiting for the ring...and "taking a break" from Walan until it shows up.

I wish I was still the troll that I was in the past...

Because this is the "ring" I would have shown:

[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono][COLOR=#666666]* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
g g
o / \ \ / \ o
a| | \ | | a
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s` | | \| | s
e \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : e
x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x
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o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o
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a | | / \ \ | a
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* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *[/COLOR][/FONT]

Well, the way I see it, at worse this'll give me a temp ban, a real goatse... might have been a bit more.

That would seriously be retarded if you get any sort of ban.

Sorry for interrupting your reunion.


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