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Wow. Castlevania OST is getting some really (deservedly) dark lyrics.. way different than what I'm used to (juese belmont anyone? lol)

Anyway, to the mix at hand. I listened to this one on speakers so I might have missed mixing issues - sounded fine to me. I really liked the arrangement - along with the new vocal melodies (and original lyrics), this mix had me listening to Wicked Child and Vampire Killer as though I'd never heard them before.

Creative, AND featuring S/M. Good job. :nicework:


I always love Game Over tracks, sure the mixing is a bit spotty, but the arrangement and soul is second to none. Their vocals are often polarizing, and I happen to be in the camp that loves them. While the drums are far from sequenced perfection that OCR is all too used to, I found them to not be a distraction.


I like this remix... The vocals remind me of a mixture of Dethklok and Helmet.

Repetitive drum beats seem to be the only flaw in this remix, but aside from that, it's one great remix.

I like how GameOver put this together on the guitar, it kind of makes me not pay attention to the repetitive drum beats.

It's no rock opera, and no Dream Theater, but still one rockin' tune.

Great job on this one =)


This is an absolutely brilliant Remix. I would listen to this song over and over again if it were not for the really deep demonic angry voice. It completely ruins the experience of the song for me. ;_;

All the other vocals, and the music is absolutely brilliant, but that low pitched angry demonic angry voice makes me not be able to listen to the song. ;_;


I just realized the part at 3:07 - 3:17 was taken from the last stage of the game! Completely forgot. Kinda cool, for a really long time I thought I wrote that part myself.

Also, I find it kind of funny that people are discussing sound quality so seriously considering our songs always seem to be so long they need to be in 128 kbps to fit on this site. (If you don't know what mp3 conversion will do at that rate, ask Mr MAGFest for a very educational lecture on the topic. :))

Also, I find it kind of funny that people are discussing sound quality so seriously considering our songs always seem to be so long they need to be in 128 kbps to fit on this site. (If you don't know what mp3 conversion will do at that rate, ask Mr MAGFest for a very educational lecture on the topic. :))

Oh I'd REALLY rather not... Brendan, god bless him, he's a great guy, but frankly the Internet is rife with folks who'll go off on Ogg vs. MP3 and bitrate rants at the drop of a hat; it's really nothing special. Dime a dozen. Yes, MP3 compression (and all other lossy forms) can and will introduce artifacting, but there are plenty of mixes on this site at similar lengths that sound fantastic and don't get the same types of comments.

Don't get me wrong - if it wasn't clear from the writeup, I think you put together an awesome track. But you seem to be suggesting that people can't "seriously" talk about sound quality, mixing, or mastering on a 128Kbps encoding, and they can, because there are PLENTY of details that come through - or don't, depending on the mixing/mastering/EQ of the source - at that quality, regardless of any artifacting or frequency limiting. In other words, I firmly believe most of the comments surrounding sound quality would still be made even if it were 320Kbps, as they are targeted at things you can't write off as MP3 compression.

For my money, this is the type of music that SHOULDN'T be pristinely mixed/mastered/EQ'd, as it's edgy, but to write off comments due to bitrate... bleh. I honestly was reluctant to even reply since it'll just bring folks who believe they've got superhuman hearing and can detect the difference between 320 and 321Kbps out of the woodwork... like moth to flame...


We have had people complain about low kbps. I keep getting emails from people who want wavs. Also, the issues you're talking about derive from recording more than anything. Mastering was done by a pro, for money.

But ok, then:

I find it kind of funny that people are discussing sound quality so seriously

Music is music is music.


Edit: Show me one other "remix" on this site with 40 tracks of which only 2 were sequenced with better quality than this and then MAYBE I shall shut up. :P


Objectively, it sounds pretty good. It's rough around the edges, but considering the style, it works well that way. Subjectively, though, I'm not much of a fan of metal, so I can't say I enjoy this one a lot (that subjectivity may tamper my assessment of the lyrics).

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm definitely a fan of Game Over (Cataclysmic Clash and Little Mac's Confession are some of my favorites here), and I really hope to see a lot more come out of them.

Have you guys played / considered playing at MAGFest any time? It's a trek, but... it could be worth it. I picture Transylvanian Temptation as something that'd be pretty sweet live. KF


Wow, this track was unexpected. Maybe I just don't really listen to the right OC tracks, but finding a Castlevania track with full on lyrics was a rare treat for me. Don't listen to anything this heavy these days but I thoroughly enjoyed this track.


I like the rough parts, makes it sound grungy and live which works for the genre. I half-expected to hear cheers and jeers from some underground crowd around 5:50.

The intro and outro sound really cool, but I don't understand how it fits in the rest of the song. That' s just me tho.


First time I listened to this I was paying so much attention to the... interesting lyrics that I kind of missed out on the actual music. After a few listens, I've really come to like this mix, it's a little humorous, but I've always liked the source and hearing it in this style is very cool.

Definitely one that stands out as unique in my book, mostly because of the lyrics.

juese belmont anyone? lol

That song always pops up in my head when I listen to this remix.

Anyway, about the song at hand: I really like the music and the singing; it has a very 90s Euro-Metal vibe to it. Not much of a fan of the growling, though, since it, for the most part, doesn't add anything to the song. Actually, it makes it longer than it needed to be.

In other words, less would have been more, but what is here is pretty good stuff.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01824 - Castlevania "Transylvanian Temptation"

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