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Hello all!

I'm working on a little flash shmup (oh and sidenote: that ad you see on OCR this month is another one of my games. Feel free to click and buy) and I'm doing what a lot of the big-boys in the Industry do: collect lots of data and redesign accordingly.

So I have a working build and an online survey ready. For those of you who are interested, I'd love it if you played around with the build for a bit, then answer the very brief survey. It would help me immensely, and plus, you get to be part of the Game's Industry... tacitly!


Here is the working build (give it a few seconds)


And here is the online survey.



Oh, and for those of you interested, here are some screens and mockups!










Being an adverb meaning "in a tacit/silent manner," you use the word "tacitly" as you would any other adverb.

See, I spent like 2 minutes elaborating on a damn word but I doubt I'll look at purty builds. Well, at least not today.


Purty Builds my red, shaven ass. Alls I thoughts was Ding Dong Wingless couldn't spell 'tactly' if it meant saving the Pope from an internal hemmoroid.

You can't blame a man for syntax. That is a Bible passage, dammit.

Edit: Also, since its late and I have nothing left to live for, or I can't sleep, one of the three, is there any way you can volunteer to be a registered sex offender? See, I'm thinking if I do that, then staying home all the time, not going on dates and being terrified of children's entertainment won't be so bad, as opposed to now when I do all that without a reason.


The only thing I'm ambivalent about is the length of your survey. Oh well, I'll get to it eventually.

Seemed pretty nice to me, overall, though the secondary weapon discharging graphics (graphics? there were just boxes) could use some work. I see you don't have any mockup for how it would look. Do you have an idea for how it would look or are you interested in suggestions?


k i played it and filled out the survey, and was rather unforgiving and relentless. but at the very least I hope I was informative. lulz.

like I stated in the survey, SHMUPS are a dime a dozen, and it's hard to differentiate between one from another one, so you really need to do something with it to call it its own and make it stand out from the rest of the pack. but it's still in the very early stages so I'm not expecting it to exactly blow me away right now.

just one thing I'd really like to see happen. either a larger playing area so there's more space to move. -or- a smaller ship to give the illusion of a larger playing area.

also, mouse controls, so you can have some speed control for your ship movement.


Those ideas for the art are fucking amazing. I thought it was a little boring as-is, but once theres more little ships to blow the hell out of this game should be siiiiiiiiiiiick. I'm not a huge shmup player, but that would definitely make me play it over and over again. The graphics are already pretty neat-o spiffington too. Survey'd.


played the early WIP and enjoyed the look and concept, left a lot of info in the survey. hope i didn't give you too many wacky ideas. wish ya the best with it, and i'm looking forward to the final version. BTW, is this one going to be free to play, or pay-to-play? i looked for the other game you mentioned, didn't find it. could you link please?

edit: other game? beam chess. and i feel dumb now.


Filled out the survey last night - I'm the guy who hates the Ctrl and Z keys, and thinks the weapon should charge automatically when you're not shooting (instead of having a separate button for that)... that is, unless there's a downside to charging whenever you're not shooting. Good luck! =D

Kind of early for a survey though, no?

Filled out the survey last night - I'm the guy who hates the Ctrl and Z keys, and thinks the weapon should charge automatically when you're not shooting (instead of having a separate button for that)... that is, unless there's a downside to charging whenever you're not shooting. Good luck! =D

Kind of early for a survey though, no?

I didn't like the use of the ctrl key either (it made my whole arm hurt very quickly)

But I have to disagree with an auto charge, because there seems to be different sorts of advantages and disadvantages to going uncharged or charging up. It would kind of defeat the purpose of having the main gun be different for the charge level if it auto charged don't you think?

I just had a thought that maybe to make it easier on the hands, use the left hand to move the ship around, and the mouse buttons to fire/charge...but that wouldn't be very mac friendly would it?

It may be nice to have several different control schemes, or even simply allow the player to map their own.

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