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KNGI VGM Radio: Nitro Game Injection (Sat 7:30 PM ET) & GameFuel

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It's a VGM radio two-fer! Nitro Game Injection (NGI) is a discussion and music show where I'm joined by Larry "Liontamer" Oji to talk about the VGM world and other nerdy topics while also spotlighting game remixes and arrangements, while GameFuel (GF) is a more traditional VGM request show that I host by myself. Both are hosted on Arecibo Radio and are released after airing as podcasts on the KNGI website.

NGI broadcasts live on Saturdays at 7:30 PM US Eastern Time. GameFuel is currently used as a fill-in show for NGI based on host availability.


Nitro Game Injection (NGI) is a video game music and discussion podcast that focuses on original soundtracks, remixes, covers, chiptunes, doujin music, game-inspired originals, and the communities that encompass them. It began in early 2003 as a live webcast. It is a live streaming program hosted on Arecibo Radio, alongside recordings released as podcasts on the KNGI Video Game Music Podcast Network.

The show is hosted by Kyle "KyleJCrb" Crouse and Larry "Liontamer" Oji, former VG Frequency radio show host and OverClocked ReMix Judge/Community Manager, who has been co-hosting the show since episode #113. The show also regularly features interviews with game composers, audio personnel, remixers, and arrangement artists like Level 99, zircon, virt, Grant Kirkhope, Alexander Brandon, Chris Huelsbeck, Danny B, brentalfloss, Christopher Tin, and more.


* Show: Nitro Game Injection

* Schedule: Saturdays at 7:30 PM Eastern

* Listen: http://areciboradio.com

* Chat: IRC: #areciboradio on irc.esper.net, or use the webchat at http://www.areciboradio.com

* Websites: http://www.kngi.org/ and http://www.areciboradio.com

* iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=312119573

* RSS: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/kngi

* Show Archives: http://kngi.org/episode-archive

* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nitrogameinjection

* Twitter: http://twitter.com/KyleJCrb and http://twitter.com/LarryOji

* Email Feedback: podcast(at)kngi(dot)org


GameFuel is a music-centric show featuring a weekly dose of hard-hitting video game-inspired music, as well as original soundtracks, chiptunes, and other original works. It is a continuation of Nitro Game Injection's pre-episode #100 format and is hosted by KyleJCrb.


* Show: GameFuel

* Schedule: No regular schedule; currently fills in for NGI based on availability

* Listen: http://areciboradio.com

* Chat: IRC: #areciboradio on irc.esper.net, or use the webchat at http://www.areciboradio.com

* Websites: http://www.kngi.org/ and http://www.areciboradio.com

* iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=312119573

* RSS: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/kngi

* Show Archives: http://kngi.org/episode-archive

* Twitter: http://twitter.com/KyleJCrb

* Email Feedback: podcast(at)kngi(dot)org

Edited by KyleJCrb

DAMNIT, why aren't more people excited about this? NGI has always been hot and now it has Larry Oji! It's just too good to be true!

I love you both so much right now. Looking forward to iTunes release too so I can just queue it up FOREVAR

EDIT: I like the podcast format. Also, mix Larry louder in the future, can't hear his beautiful voice as well as Kyle's equally pretty speech.


Wow, you've listened before, AnSo? That's awesome. And yes, people should be more excited.

As for Larry being quiet: I've already realized that (it's actually not a big discrepancy though, compared to past shows I've done with co-hosts). It should be rectified next time. Just need to bring my levels down a little bit.

Hopefully Apple reviews the show soon so we're on iTunes...

Wow, you've listened before, AnSo? That's awesome. And yes, people should be more excited.

As for Larry being quiet: I've already realized that (it's actually not a big discrepancy though, compared to past shows I've done with co-hosts). It should be rectified next time. Just need to bring my levels down a little bit.

Hopefully Apple reviews the show soon so we're on iTunes...

Yeah, I did some serious backtracking once :3

About the length, I find it awesome. The longer the better. I can just pause it and start again. SCREW THE HATERS

I like the podcast format, but three hours is a lot to digest in one sitting. Otherwise, great music, great chemistry between you and Larry, great show. So glad NGI's back.

NGI has always been long: I'm trying to cut it down to make it more listenable for folks, but to fit in all the great music AND the banter with hosts is tough!

NGI has always been long: I'm trying to cut it down to make it more listenable for folks, but to fit in all the great music AND the banter with hosts is tough!

I really shouldn't be complaining about it, though. Having a podcast I can listen to whenever is much better than being at my computer at a certain time every week. I still remember the first few episodes going on nearly all night, haha.


Alright, listened to 113. Great music, fun banter. Thanks guys! I personally only keep up with OCR when it comes to vgm arrangement community, so it's a treat to hear great music outside of it.

edit: Went ahead and listened to 114 - this was a tighter show (not just because it was shorter), I'm looking forward to the next one. Good stuff, definitely recommend listening.


Alright, listened to 113. Great music, fun banter. Thanks guys! I personally only keep up with OCR when it comes to vgm arrangement community, so it's a treat to hear great music outside of it.

edit: Went ahead and listened to 114 - this was a tighter show (not just because it was shorter), I'm looking forward to the next one. Good stuff, definitely recommend listening.


I like 114 better as well. I feel that we put more effort into it overall (and I edited out my "dead air...um...dead air" this time. Don't know what it is with me and uh, pausing at, uh, random, umm, while, err, talking on, uh, this show), and tried to be more informative and have a plan on what to talk about. I think it worked out much better.

I've listened to 113, 114, 112, 111, and now working on 110 (which is actually 108 in disguise!). Also I left a voice message. Here are those albums I was talking about:

Noise Mutation (SaGa Frontier 1 & 2) (fav is track 4 but they're all awesome)

Raydric (Ragnarok Online) (fav is track 6)

We got your voicemail Kaleb, and I actually have both of those albums, so I'll definitely be playing the tracks you mentioned on the show. You actually have the distinct honor of being our first voicemail caller ever (outside of the tests Mae and I did with it), so congratulations on such a prestigious honor. Or whatever you want to call it.

Though I am wondering: What do you mean about 110 being 108 in disguise?

You actually have the distinct honor of being our first voicemail caller ever (outside of the tests Mae and I did with it), so congratulations on such a prestigious honor. Or whatever you want to call it.

Wow! I'm sure I will go down in the history books for that. Yep, right down to the bottom of the barrel. =}

Though I am wondering: What do you mean about 110 being 108 in disguise?

The podcast titled "Nitro Game Injection #110: Winter Madness" is actually #108. It has the interview with LuIzA, and the playlist is exactly as detailed here.

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