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Finally finished watching ep12. Definitely a great follow-up to the awesomeness that ensued in ep11. I love how Shinken Blue was basically like, "Hey guys, I spent a crapload of time thinking up this awesome idea that will save our butts, but I wasn't going to tell you until the 11th hour when we were all about to die. Before we left for battle, I printed out a graphical presentation and instruction booklets for each of you. If you need any technical assistance call the 1-800 number on the back cover during regular business hours."

Also, what's up with the preview for next week? It looks like a bunch of red spandex ninjas are trying to hump everyone.


Now that we've gotten a two-part serious business story out of the way, we're going to start seeing some more lighter fluff episodes. Next episode also looks like the long overdue ShinkenPink/Mako focus episode. Usually in Sentai, they knock out focus episodes for each character within the first 6-7 weeks. Shinkenger seems to have taken a slightly more unorthodox--albeit organic--approach to character development and lets the story play out a little more. Mako did get a pretty good speech in Act 12 when she talked about what Takeru has to deal with as their "tono-sama." I like how she's becoming more and more the mommy of the group.

A lull was inevitable, but it won't last too long. If Shinkenger follows the typical Sentai cycle, we'll see some heavy story episodes coming in around 17-18, with possibly a big game-changing event around 19-20, possibly the introduction of the 6th ranger and maybe some new faces on the villains' side.

If waiting every week becomes too much to bear, remember that TVNihon also has past sentai series up for download as well. I highly recommend Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger. It starts off a little slow but turns into an absolutely fantastic martial arts themed sentai with lots of cool fights and kung fu movie references. And if you think Shinkenger's theme song and background music is good, then you'll love Gekiranger's soundtrack.

Also, what's up with the preview for next week? It looks like a bunch of red spandex ninjas are trying to hump everyone.

While that's not exactly what happened, the visuals are still there, and it's something I'll never be able to erase. XD

A lull was inevitable, but it won't last too long. If Shinkenger follows the typical Sentai cycle, we'll see some heavy story episodes coming in around 17-18, with possibly a big game-changing event around 19-20, possibly the introduction of the 6th ranger and maybe some new faces on the villains' side.

*If you haven't seen any of the series, skip the rest of this.*

I'm calling it now; we've already seen who the 6th "ranger" will be (assuming he gets Sentai powers to replace his own, which isn't neccessary).

That's what's gotta happen to our half-human friend, eventually...too much time has been invested in him to just have him turn into a villain killed at the end of an episode.


Ep13 was pretty great. One of the best character development episodes so far. I really appreciate that Mako and Kotoha's friendship is getting a lot of screen time. It's probably the strongest part of the show, outside of the action.


Yeah, Episode 13 was wonderful. I've been waiting for a Mako focus episode for a while, and it's nice to see they really delivered on it. I love the big-sister/little-sister vibe that the girls have, and for an episode that I thought was going to be silly, it really delivered on both heart and action. That Heaven/Earth strike the girls did was absolutely wicked, and their finishing poses were badass.

Episode 14 on the other hand was absolutely, unquestionably silly. Ashamee and I watched it last night (it's out, go get it!) and were cracking up the entire time. So many facepalm moments, which I guess is to be expected when Ryuunosuke/ShinkenBlue is involved.


Didn't realize that one was out already. I'll have to watch that when I get home tonight.

But yeah, Ryuunosuke is definitely over-the-top melodramatic about everything, so silliness is kinda to be expected if the episode features him heavily. Funny, because when the show first started, I expected Chaiki to be more of the comic relief than anyone else.


If you haven't watched ep 14 yet, you should. It's awesome. Hit me up on Skype if you want to watch and comment.

Also, DarkeSword and I have been marathoning GekiRanger while waiting during the week for new Shinkenger. GekiRanger is the Sentai series from two years ago (if I remember right), and is completely different. It has a crazy-awesome villains focus, and a lot of their mannerisms and motivations are pretty killer. It sure is neat to get an antagonistic approach, as opposed to Shinkenger's more protagonist-driven stories. I feel that it should be given a chance if you ever find yourself jonesing for Sentai or need something to watch. It's great stuff. I'd even watch with anyone who is interested.


Got a couple of pictures from a press conference for the upcoming Shinkenger and Decade movies. These four pictures are full of major spoilers, but if you're curious as to see a little bit of what's ahead for the series, check them out.

There's a bit more behind pic #4, but this forum doesn't have anything akin to spoiler tags that I could tell, so I can't really explain here. I guess if you guys PM me, I can say there.







More Shinken spoiler pics! Whole lot of 'em. XD





















And a Youtube video for the upcoming Shinkenger and Kamen Rider Decade movies, which we'll undoubtedly have to wait a year to see since TV-N doesn't sub the movies until they're released on DVD. This one video has the trailers and press conferences for both groups; the Shinkenger press conference goes from 2:20 to 4:43, and the movie trailer from 5:04 to the end, and both have some of the same spoilers seen in the pics above. No subs for this yet.

Oh, and for anyone who cares, Richard Brown's actor from Shinken 14 has a blog and a Facebook account. Also, here is a picture of a preadolescent Tono-sama to reward you all for going through all that crap. You can tell he was a big fan of Kakuranger back in the day.


Also, Ashamee and DarkeSword mentioned Gekiranger as a nice alternative to Shinken, or at least to the whole "waiting a week for each new ep" bit. I never got the chance to watch it back in the day, and I'm a few eps in now; it really is a fun ride, and very different from Shinken in terms of character focus and where they're taking things.

I also want to quickly suggest another season though (assuming Shariq doesn't mind the short threadhijacking): Carranger. It was 1996's season (season #20), and is actually an affectionate parody of Super Sentai. The premise is basically five idiot car repair shop workers becoming Rangers to FIGHT FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY against a group of idiot aliens, and features such nonsense as monsters growing large by eating a specific brand of Japanese sweet potato bars, not knowing how to use their mecha and having to read driver's manuals in battle, panicking when super powerful monsters are about to grow and just use the mecha to stomp them flat before they can, and the lyrics for the primary mecha's theme song including the line "even though the enemy is stupidly huge, we can’t afford to lose".

Unfortunately, unlike Geki, the entire series isn't available; HaroRangers has only subbed 7 episodes of 48. Still, you guys should check it out while you wait for Shinken 16. :P


Hey guys, episode 16 is out from TV-Nihon. I'm going to watch right now, but let's see if we can get some folks together tomorrow to watch altogether on a Skype-viewing party, maybe in the afternoon or something. It's a lot of fun when more people are on the chatline.


I watched it twice too! One of the best eps so far. And no way, rob! We're watching Saturday! If anyone wants to watch with us (sinewav sure did!) speak up in the IRC channel or Skype one of us.

The new ranger is absolutely hilarious and the fight is EPIC. He's easily set to become one of my favorite characters and I hope he doesn't usurp Kotoha. :o He's just THAT cool.


Ditto what Ashley said. He's both an amazing fighter, and hilariously incompetent at the same time. This one was probably the funniest episode yet.

We should have a weekly time where we all get together and watch an episode. I know a lot of us probably will still watch it the second it comes out, but it would be cool to have a regular get-together time as well. I'm free most saturday nights after 9.



Apparently for the first time ever, we're going to get a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai crossover, with Decade traveling to the "Shinken" world.

Arrowned, can you post the list of Decade episodes that are "required viewing" so that people can get up to speed on it?


Will do. People unfamiliar with Kamen Rider Decade will want to watch episodes 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, and 21 at the least. That's enough to introduce you to all the major characters and the season's overall plot. Episodes 4 and 5 introduce a minor character who's sort of plot-important, but I honestly don't think she'll play a major role in the teamup, if any at all, so it's probably safe to skip those eps. One of the weapons I know for sure Tsukasa will use during the teamup comes from episodes 8 and 9, but that's not plot important either.

As far as the crossover itself goes, there will be small bits and pieces about it in Shinkenger eps 20 and 21, but the bulk of the teamup will be contained within Decade eps 24 and 25.

EDIT: For great picture justice.


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