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Hey guys, this seemed to be the most appropriate place for my request - apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place.

First, let me give you a little info about myself. I have been extremely interested in the idea of composing original works for video games and/or remixing classics ever since 2003. I have no musical background to speak of, I don't know how to play ANY instrument, I am completely clueless when it comes to music theory. I have basically been toying around with Guitar Pro since GP3, writing all my midis by ear. A good number of you inspired me to continue writing up to this point.

What I'm going to post here will essentially be my magnum opus. I would very much love to have at least one work to be proud of before I completely give up on creating music, forever.

Honestly, I don't expect anyone to bother - this piece is a mishmash of "copy+paste" ideas, slapped together. The end result may very well end up nothing like it's current state and I'm prepared for that. It doesn't flow well, in my opinion, however it is pretty much the best thing I've ever put together.

I wanted this to be a sort of "cheesy" battle theme you'd hear in a NES to SNES-era RPG - something with an 80s action sequence feel. Influences range from Ys, to Lufia, to Castlevania, and Megaman.

On to the file: http://members.lycos.co.uk/saq022/Laek-Battle.mid

Thanks for reading guys.



Ya know its funny, when reading this i was like "oh great, another midi file...what fun this is going to be...", but i gotta admit that this is pretty damn catchy. For not having any sort of musical knowledge at all its pretty decent. If you could learn where the notes actually are you could use a program like Mixcraft 4 that lets you use virtual instruments similar to the idea of those found in GP3. Its like playing a keyboard, but only clicking the notes in yourself. I think GP3 uses RSE instruments, which are just glorfied midi samples.

I play guitar, and have been for almost 10 years now. Now, i don't have an amazing knowledge of music theory, but i know more than enough to get by. I know which notes to play in a scale and such. Anyways, what i'm getting at is that by playing just by ear, you've done pretty well. You probably spent, and still do spend, a lot of time playing RPGs.

This also reminds me a lot of the battle music from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, the sort of misfit of the Final Fantasy franchise.

Anyways, if you really are looking for some help with this, i can try, but i'm not all too familiar with GP3 in terms of composing. Seeing as how this is a midi file, i can always use it as the basis for a new composition. I love midi files cause they have all the notes right there for ya! :)


Wow, thanks for the response guys,

If anyone is interested in taking a look at the Guitar Pro file, I've uploaded a GP4 version: http://members.lycos.co.uk/saq022/Laek-Battle.gp4

@jabond23, right, this midi is the product of years spent working with the program, you should hear my earlier stuff, haha. You're correct about RSE, however that's introduced in GP5, they only include samples for Guitar/Acoustic, Drums and Bass. Here's a little excerpt of my favorite part, utilizing RSE: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=f162e9dc457b311f90a82c7bb0fad7ade04e75f6e8ebb871

and of course I'm still interested!

@TheHands, thank you and I appreciate it man.

@Rozovian, encouraging words, though I don't have the.. resources, skill, or creativity, my dry spells are 12+months long :-P



Damnit, I wish you would submit to the ORC competitions (link in my sig), this would be an incredible midi to remix for it!

Hell, screw the ORC - I may or may not give something a shot, here, anyway :)

As for counterpoint ideas, I don't know if Counterpoint would quite do this justice - however, being the avid Counterpoint fan I am I await what your rendition will sound like with anticipation, OA.

As for your dry spells, just listen to more music (and really listen to what the music is doing) - you'll find that eventually you'll hear something that you say 'Hey, why didn't they do this instead?', try it yourself and find out you've just composed something new. Don't throw yourself out of the race just yet - you obviously have the resources (to write midi, which is my favorite medium) and you have some obvious skill, here. The 'creativity' will come in time - don't give up!

This also reminds me a lot of the battle music from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, the sort of misfit of the Final Fantasy franchise.
Don't be hatin'.
Damnit, I wish you would submit to the ORC competitions (link in my sig), this would be an incredible midi to remix for it!

Oh man, I was completely unaware that something like that existed! You really think I should? I took a look around but I don't know... how I would go about doing that?

I'd be willing to take a shot at this- it's pretty rockin; mind if I add a few counterpoint ideas in?

I don't mind at all, I am completely fine with anything.

I listened to almost all of your (both of you) material I'm pretty stoked to say the least, you guys are awesome.

Again, thanks for the compliments.

I check here at least twice a day, you guys can PM me or write here - I will see it!


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