McCorvic Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 My brief summary: It was great until it became dialouge heavy. And I was waiting for one of the cult/church members to say "She turned me into a newt!" When you watch the movie you'll know what I mean. Quote
Eccles Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 So as I watched it...I'm sorry to say, but I spotted two continuity errors. For shame! SPOILZ!Cybil loads her gun when she locks herself in that room with Rose. Now that would give her 9 rounds of ammo (10 if you follow game physics) She only fires 3 (2 at Pyramid head, 1 into the air at the church)...but she's run out by the time she reaches Brookhaven. She didn't have chance or reason to fire 6/7 times between then and the hospital. Also, there's a tombstone in the graveyard outside the church that changes position. It says "John Grisham" (an actual author) and it's near the steps facing the camera when you see all the people in the cult running up the stairs...and it's also at the back of the graveyard facing the camera when you get the long shot of the front of the church. I like to think it's a jab at crappy JPEG technology from old 3D games...'cause...y'know, Gans is infallible in every way. Not continuity errors but spoilers anyway... I didn't like how Midwich looked like a house on the inside. I dunno, maybe some American schools do that (I've never been in one outside of video games so I can't say I'd know) but the general look of it was "Wrecked house" rather than "Wrecked school". I wasn't too keen on how the topography of the town kept changing, either. Like...maybe it's just me, but I don't remember there being a Grand Hotel in the town. And was there really any need to make Brookhaven a six floor building? It only has three and the film only used two of them anyway. So yeah, a lot of the gripes that I have are stuff that only hardcore fanatics like myself would gripe about. I DID like how it showed how the various characters solved the same puzzles in different ways. Rose clambers her way across wreckage and debris, Cybil finds a rope and uses that. I liked that. Quote
Aetherius Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 broken tag there, A-man. edit: liek omg fixed already I dunno, I kinda got the impression that Cybil faked shooting cristabella, rather than ran out of bullets. She seemed to have already accepted her fate, after having given rose her chance to escape. It occurs to me that I must have really liked this movie, elsewise I'd have been in bed by now instead of blabbering on about the movie in various forums. Quote
Yoshi3gg Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 I only played about half of Silent Hill 2 (I rented it, enjoyed it, but ultimately never finished it), so I know just enough about the series to enjoy some of the stuff they pulled from the games. POSSIBLE SPOILERS, MAYBE? I absolutely LOVED the first half or so of the movie. Absolutely and completely. Everything looked and sounded incredible (Well, except the acting). Pyramidhead was visually perfect, despite being completely irrelevant to anything else that was going on in the movie. I felt absolutely no attachment to any sort of story arc being built, but I greatly appreciated how incredible everything was designed, and looked. I think that's why I stopped enjoying the movie once it became intensely involved with the actual plot. It stopped being as fun to watch, for me. I understand that it's crucial for movies to have plots, but honestly, the atmosphere that was so aptly forged by the first half of the movie kind of crumbled away (but not without a few exceptions). The whole plot involving the cult seemed to lack any subtlety, and I just couldn't find myself staying interested in it. I wish it could've just kept on doing what it did earlier, maybe just hinting at what was really going on, instead of shoving it down my throat. Or if the movie stopped there, I would've been pretty happy too, because it felt like it dragged on for a really long time. Again, I have only played a portion of one of the games, just enough to get a superficial understanding of the games' style, and literally no understanding of its overall plot, so I'm sure there are probably tons of you with a better appreciation for the series who were able to enjoy what this movie's plot had to offer. But, even with its faults, this is by far the finest video game-to-movie adaptation I've ever seen. It's great to see that some games can have their atmosphere left intact while being transferred to the big screen. Quote
Trygon Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Going to see it tomorrow, I heavily suspect I'll love it. After all, I think Doom ruled. Quote
metaknight Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Went and saw Silent Hill with a group of friends and prayed that this movie doesn't bomb (especially since I'm a fan of the series). I found it awesome that the tunes in the game are put in the movie. It made me feel like it was the game I was watching, plus the tunes themselves I thought amped up the atmosphere of some areas. Some tunes on the otherhand... CG and effects are incredible as always. I praise this movie on making the transition from "Normal" Silent Hill to "Nightmare" SH pefectly (trademark "Siren" included!). Sadly thats the only thing hollywood can do now, Top notch visuals, so I don't grade movies on the over the top CG stuff. (even though that PH scene was nuts). Storyline, acting, and dialogue were really sub-par. The only person that I really thought did a good job acting was the actress playing Cybil. Still, why couldn't they have just made this movie like SH1 with Harry instead of this Rose character? I really didn't care for the ending or the events that led to the ending. Man, I was really enjoying how it mostly stayed true to the game for the first half of the film (going to main areas you would see in the first game) but then after that the plot and story dragged on and on and you saw less action and anything familiar from the game on out. I would've loved it if they had just followed the first game step by step. Hell, they certianly did a great job with it in the beginning, why not the rest? I love the Silent Hill games but this movie really made me laugh and roll my eyes on a lot of parts: *Spoilers about some really odd parts* The Daughter doing the "Meow meow" god, I wanted to kill myself right there and now. If I remember correctly When Cybil and Rose reunite and head to the Hotel. Rose: People say that this place is haunted....I think I beleive them. Me: What? After the ENTIRE scene in the alleyway where you almost got gang raped by imps and seeing Pyramid Head at the school NOW you say that!? When Rose was swinging over the pit; that was a really goofy scene. When Rose defiles the Church and that burned girl appears, a REALLY out of place organ tune plays. I swear I was half expecting to see the Phantom of the opera then the barewired girl. I really joked with this one. Once they entered the Hotel Rose sees what looks, to me, like a VERY dull knife on the ground and says, "I'm taking this with me." I whisper to my friends Me: What? A butter knife?! Geez Rose, you were better off with the flashlight. Overall: Yep, It was a video game movie. Don't expect too much from it. Lots of awesome gory visuals, as usual, and has tons of elements from the games but the last half of the movie the story really drags and you tire of it, the overemphasizing Religious cult stuff and the poor acting. I give it the grade of a "C"...which is pretty good compared to every other Video game movie ever made. Quote
Decoy Octopus Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 After all, I think Doom ruled. You poor, pitiful fool... I'll probably go see Silent Hill Monday night. I'm not too encouraged by the 28% at and 27 at, though. I'm unable to turn my brain off and enjoy this movie simply as a fanboy. The shitty things I've been hearing about it are most likely going to stand out to me as they would in any other poorly constructed movie. Although, I've been playing the first Silent Hill again and the acting in the movie can't possibly be worse than in the game. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 My brief summary: It was great until it became dialouge heavy.And I was waiting for one of the cult/church members to say "She turned me into a newt!" When you watch the movie you'll know what I mean. I was thinking the same thing. I half-expected for them to try to weigh Cybil against a duck. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 I swear they played Promise (Reprise) about three fucking times. Oh no! Not THREE times! No fucking shit. Do you complain when you hear the same piece of music in the game more than twice? **SPOILERS** For those who are nitpicking, like I said earlier, you have to take these things as a 'take' on the series and not as a literal direct transltation of it. I think that the reason you don't quite feel the same horror watching this is the fact that it's a movie and not a game. When you're playing the game, you are the main character, and the game focuses on what you would feel in a certain situation, being why the main character rarely emotes. But, this is a movie and you can't do that, so it must focus on what the main character feels, and it did just that. The first time Rose goes to the other world, she laid down and bawled her eyes out. But it doensn't show that in the game because that takes the focus off of your emotions and transfers them to the character on the screen. Games don't translate to movies well because you have to take the interactivity out of it. If you wanted to watch a videogame, then you should have done that instead of going to a movie based on a videogame. I do agree with the comments about characters saying stupid lines, and bad acting, and plots that go nowhere. I'm sorry, I can be a harsh movie critic but nitpicking stupid points about the ages of characters isn't exactly like the game just is dumb. **END SPOILERS** Still dosen't excuse this movie for being a piece of shit. And your main reasoning behind this is because it used too much good music and didn't have enough bullshit action. Where did I say that? The plot is awful. The acting is awful. The dialogue is awful. This movie is beautiful...but that's all it has going for it.So... do you like Silent Hill at all? That's what the series is about.What the fuck are you talking about? This movie sucks. It's nothing about transition between movies and games. The fact is, this movie is a piece of polished turd. Where did I mention anything about the ages of the characters? And even if I did, is there anything wrong with worrying about continuity? As for the music...are you deaf? I can just imagine Gans telling Jeff Danna to stuff as much music in it as possible.I do agree with the comments about characters saying stupid lines, and bad acting, and plots that go nowhere. You do realize this is what makes a good movie? At least Silent Hill (The Game) had a reason for the wooden acting...the japanese voice director asked the voiceactors to talk slower and clearer because he couldn't understand them as well when they talked fast and emotionally. Don't tell me Gans told the actors to act shitty on purpose. The writing for this movie is atrocious. Don't even begin to compare this boring shitfest to the games.I think that the reason you don't quite feel the same horror watching this is the fact that it's a movie and not a game. When you're playing the game, you are the main character, and the game focuses on what you would feel in a certain situation, being why the main character rarely emotes. But, this is a movie and you can't do that, so it must focus on what the main character feels, and it did just that. The first time Rose goes to the other world, she laid down and bawled her eyes out. But it doensn't show that in the game because that takes the focus off of your emotions and transfers them to the character on the screen. Games don't translate to movies well because you have to take the interactivity out of it. If you wanted to watch a videogame, then you should have done that instead of going to a movie based on a videogame....Whatever. Stop trying to tell me why I hate this movie. Quote
Amaterasu Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Something tells me (I haven't seen the movie yet) that they went a little overboard with the gore. Sure, the Silent Hill games are fucked up, but most of the actual deaths are off screen. For example, spoilerPH stabbing Maria in the hallway in SH2.spoiler C'mon now, barb-wire rape?! Augh. Quote
Razumen Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Saw it, loved it. I'm definitively going to buy it on DVD when it comes out. It's pretty much the best video game movie I've seen yet. If you're even slightly interested in this movie you owe it to yourself to watch it and form your own opinion. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 I love the Silent Hill games but this movie really made me laugh and roll my eyes on a lot of parts: *Spoilers about some really odd parts* The Daughter doing the "Meow meow" god, I wanted to kill myself right there and now. If I remember correctly When Cybil and Rose reunite and head to the Hotel. Rose: People say that this place is haunted....I think I beleive them. Me: What? After the ENTIRE scene in the alleyway where you almost got gang raped by imps and seeing Pyramid Head at the school NOW you say that!? When Rose was swinging over the pit; that was a really goofy scene. When Rose defiles the Church and that burned girl appears, a REALLY out of place organ tune plays. I swear I was half expecting to see the Phantom of the opera then the barewired girl. I really joked with this one. Once they entered the Hotel Rose sees what looks, to me, like a VERY dull knife on the ground and says, "I'm taking this with me." I whisper to my friends Me: What? A butter knife?! Geez Rose, you were better off with the flashlight. Yeah...those were just a few of the areas that made me roll my eyes. But for every crummy scene, I can think of at least one other that was done well. The movie has just got this inconsistency with its scenes (something ifirit noted himself). Meh. We've got this diluge of posts now, can't reply to them all with something meaningful to say. But it's nice to see that the movie can be enjoyed by most people (and for the most part) despite its flaws. ^^ Quote
Dexie Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important... Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Quote
BocoDragon Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away thinking this was a good movie. (Most critics hate it for a reason you know) Quote
ZeLLfAN666 Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important...Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.My sentiments exactly.I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away thinking this was a good movie. (Most critics hate it for a reason you know)Most critics also have no or close to no knowledge of the source material. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important...Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.My sentiments exactly. If it was apart of Alessa's revenge then why did Dahlia have control over him? Quote
McCorvic Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important...Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.My sentiments exactly. If it was apart of Alessa's revenge then why did Dahlia have control over him? Because to little girls mother's are gods? So it was more like Dahlia telling her daughter she should die, and Alessa listening and actually controlling PH. I dunno. I was thinking about this same thing last night and that was the best explanation I could come up with. Quote
ZeLLfAN666 Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 If it was apart of Alessa's revenge then why did Dahlia have control over him?Touche, lol. I didn't even think about that, well I did say IF I was correct. Both theories are plausible though IMO. Thanks for clearing it up though, cheers. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important...Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.My sentiments exactly.I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away thinking this was a good movie. (Most critics hate it for a reason you know)Most critics also have no or close to no knowledge of the source material.And? Even if they did, I doubt they'd like it. Why do you have to have knowledge of the source to enjoy this? Do you have to be a fanboy to enjoy this? Because honestly, SH fanboys seem to be the only people that enjoyed the movie. Quote
Ezio Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 (Most critics hate it for a reason you know) Yes, they do. It's based on a video game. Quote
Jenga Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 (Most critics hate it for a reason you know) Yes, they do. It's based on a video game. Oh. I thought it was because of the lazy writing, plot, acting, and pacing. It's just me I guess. Quote
ifirit Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 slight spoilers, nothing too important...Anyone else notice at the beginning, when Rose's husband was looking at the websites, one of them mentioned a Harold? (Harry?) I noticed it for a brief moment, and was like "Hey wait, slow down so I can read that!" Guess I'll be pausing that scene when the DVD is released. Ditto. I'm going to go back tonight to watch the film again. (I got my Silent Hill T-shirt last night, so I'll wear that today. w00t!) Anyway, it seems a little odd to be doing this now that the film has been released, but let's do another... Silent Hill Film Update: Official Film Site Update & Downloadable Film Clips: Now that the film has been released, the official website has updated it's page to include some more awesome stuff. Part of this is the new PSP page filled with material that you can download onto your PSP, including actual clips from the film. (Warning: Clips may contain spoilers) In addition to downloading them, you can preview them on the website. Very cool for fanatics. Sony Pictures - Silent Hill Official Film Website Sony Pictures - Silent Hill Official Film Website - Video Clips Page Film Memorabilia, Props and Costumes Up for Bids: In addition to the new features on the film website, you can also follow a link to bid on items from the film itself. If you collect costumes, then you'll find costumes for Rahda Mitchell, Laurie Holden, Alice Krige, Jodelle Ferland and the extras (Cult Member and Miner costumes). If props are what you seek, then you can get items like Rahda Mitchell's pendant or lighter, Laurie Holden's badge or Alice Krige's silver goblet. You can even purchase a bent metal bar ( ). For the film set fans, you can purchase background items such as a rusted lamp post, the Silent Hill Beautification Association trash can or some red-colored emergency lights. Too bad the prices for such things are beyond my current financial means. Oh, well, maybe you guys can enjoy them. Premiere Props - #1 Movie Props and Memorabilia - Silent Hill Warning: Silent Hill Spoilers About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. You might have been correct about that had you considered something in addition to this: The Red Pyramid is based on the beliefs of the religion of Silent Hill. In the context of the games, the religion and the history of the town are tied together by the events that occured at the Toluca Prison and Prison Camp. However, in the film, the religion of Silent Hill (or more accurately, the cult of Silent Hill) is not shown as having a connection to the history of the prison (it's not even mentioned), being that the cult of Silent Hill follows the Puritan religion in terms of conservatism and practices. They were witch hunters, not hybrid pagan-christian worshippers. This change in the presentation of the cult fundementally changes the foundation on which it was built. Therefore, we can no longer associate the executioners of the Toluca Prison and Prison Camp with the present day beliefs of the cult of Silent Hill from the film. Of course, we can make assumptions and other ties back to the history of Silent Hill and the cult during the U.S. Civil War, but such speculations could not be well supported since these ties were not made within the film itself. In other words, I'm not saying that it can't have the Red Pyramid because it is contradictive to the series; I'm saying that because they changed the nature of the cult, the resulting history from the games can no longer be applied. (Granted, had any one of the members of the cult who aided in the execution/purification of "witches" worn a triangle-shaped hood and robe at either of the burnings [Alessa's or Cybil's], I would have allowed for such an argument about the RP being an executioner fly.) Yet, as things are presented in the film, the Red Pyramid theory as an executioner cannot work in the context of the film. This is the primary reason why I wish to discuss the monsters from the film again now knowing the new context. Consequently, I know that a lot of people may disagree about this, but Gans and company failed to make a strong connection between the history of Silent Hill from the games to the film. Therefore, I'm calling out for a discussion on the subject to keep this from becoming considered a continuity error. Quote
Aetherius Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 (Most critics hate it for a reason you know) Yes, they do. It's based on a video game. Oh. I thought it was because of the lazy writing, plot, acting, and pacing. It's just me I guess. I've seen a plethora of TERRIBLE movies in my time, and this is not one of them. Either you're too picky, or your opinion is the polar opposite of everyone else's, in which empassioned (but flawed) writing becomes lazy writing, plot must not exist in order to be plot, and none of the actors should ever say anything. Also, the movie should only be 3 seconds long. Quote
BocoDragon Posted April 22, 2006 Posted April 22, 2006 Jenga: You can't defer to the critics on this one. You just can't. The studio didn't screen it for critics. It's a new studio policy this year to not screen genre films. In the past, not screening for critics meant it was absolute shit..... keep in mind, they did screen the RE movies..... Not screening used to mean far worse than even that. So you're a critic, say Ebert, and you know that this is a videogame horror movie that was not screened for critics. You already "know" it's crappy, because the studio has told you so in so many words. And on top of that, it's Silent fucking Hill, strange and ambigious as always. If you don't get it, and the studio has told you it's shit, then what are you likely to say? That it was interesting but a little confusing? No, THEY ALREADY TOLD YOU IT WAS SHIT BY NOT SCREENING IT. If you're a critic, would you dare give the benefit of the doubt..... no... it is a videogame horror movie... why appear foolish? It's probably just shallow and there's nothing to get, right? Not screening it was a critical kiss of death, even though it was likely pulled from critic screenings because it was a little wierd, in a year when they're pulling any movie they feel like. So the critics liked RE the movie more than SH. Does this make sense?? Quote
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