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Walking into that first alley, in the first SH game. A moment to remember

Ditto...After my first time playing up to that point, it took me a couple of years to pick up the controller and try the game again.

Here are some others that almost are equally as scary for me.

1. The fourth floor button in the elevator in the hospital in SH...and the added supersticious correlation between the number 4 and death, especially in Japanese culture.

2. Jumping down the holes in SH2 in the prison and labyrinth: The well, the gated hole, the wax/shoe hole, the body dumping hole, the elevator ride, and your own grave...I think that's all of them...fucking mind warp I tell ya.

3. Encountering Pyramid Head in the Labyrinth, especially right before you meet up with Angela again. I sure as hell didn't expect that...Damn AI...

4. The teacher's lounge in Midwich school. The picture on the wall, and the reality of it when you enter the alternate school.

5. The mirror storage room in SH3.

6. The god damn clock tower music in SH.

I haven't played four yet...so eh...

There's many more, but I think I will stop here.

**Possible spoiler**

SH3, when your in the building before getting to Heather's appartment. The room with all the bloody mannequins with the missing heads except for one, you look at, turn the corner to pick something up and then there's a scream-ripping sound-dropping sound. You go back to check it out and the one mannequin lost it's head... that made me piss myself almost.

But I personally believe that SH3 has no plot holes, exactly, and everything you mentioned does fall under the realm of "vagueness". It is a trademark of this series to just not tell you very much about what is "really" going on, which obviously serves to heighten the sense of the unknown.

It's not vagueness. "Vagueness" is whether or not you can tell if something is one thing or another. In the cases I mentioned above, there is no answer. There is nothing to compare one thing to another. Being vague would mean a case like: "the monsters are really people. I'm just joking." They might be, or they might not be; that is subjective.

A case where the material might not be considered "vague" is where the developers create a notion about a certain topic as being the central idea of an event or give you no information at all, creating a hole in the story. Though, the developers try to lead you astray by dropping in certain distractions, they ultimately either give you something to determine what the whole story is about or nothing at all (such as the case I mentioned above).

It's not that the games are always vague, or that the story has some sort of multiple dimensioning to it. The stories weren't developed to have a single story in mind or any story for that matter, but as the series continues, the direction that Konami is leading us is towards a single storyline. So, knowing what the difference between a subject being vague and non-existant is of importance to decifering the story, and ultimately understanding those experiences and emotions.

Knowing what to feel may be just as subjective as determining whether or not something is a "dream-like experience." Should I feel sad that Alessa was killed, or overjoyed? Does Dahlia make me feel safe, or stalked? Because if it's all just a dream, then why feel anything? (*Inspires interesting SH4 theory idea.*) Why even take the series under consideration if you know that it doesn't really matter anyway? It does, and it should. But, I guess the point is to balance it out.

We should know when and where it's important to consider the make-up of the games. Thinking too much might lose your audience, and thinking too little invites unanswerable questions. But, I'll provide one extreme, because there are too many people providing the other.

P.S. Saying that "I'm a firm believer that these games are 100% subjective dreamlike experiences," qualifies as a theory about the games. So, that right there creates a paradox in your thinking. :P

All I know is, filling in too many details would ruin the atomosphere and subjectivity of the game, and obviously Konami knows this. What do you think?... Are the details of the storylines that they've left out (including your "plot holes") unintentional goofs that they should've filled in but didn't? No, it's clear they knew what they were doing. Things were intentionally ommitted. (again, for "vagueness". That's a nice rebuttal on the term, but you know what I mean..... "vague" means "not too specific". Period.)

Furthermore, are these details going to be revealed in a sequel or some sort of clumsy creator release? (like the RE series "Wesker's Reports"). If they are smart, no. I think they fully know this: The magic comes from not revealing too much.

(yes, I'm aware of SH Lost Memories. Luckily it doesn't attempt to give new storyline... it just collects everything in the games thus far.)

The flip side of that coin is that there's very little to actually decipher. There are metaphors, themes and motifs to discuss (Yes Dahlia, for example, represents negative feelings.... Don't you have good and bad figures in your dreams?), but the storyline itself.... Is not gonna add up to anything. This is not MGS.

So point out that my non-theory is a theory unto itself. Okay. But you know what I mean. ;)

I like the story theories. From people who are invested in the gameplay and understand the sensibilities of the game, like yourself, it's pretty neat. But, I wonder if it misses the point of why the games are so special, that's all. Are we gonna ruin the magic by discussing the town Angela grew up in, or the make of Harry's car? Discuss all you want, but the real appeal of the games lies somehwere else (IMHO)

We don't have to argue, btw. :) I totally see your point. I'm just pointing something out, that's all.


I just received a perfectly pristine, original release copy of Silent Hill 2 in the mail today for PS2.

Got me some winter vacation entertainment.

EDIT- Mine is the 666th post in this thread. DUN DUN DUN. I feel Silent Hill slowly converging around me as we speak.


It's time for another edition of...

Silent Hill Movie Update: (W00T!)

For those of you who have been following Roger Avary's online journal, a recent meeting between the development team from Davis Films met with representatives from Konami to discuss and collaborate on the upcoming movie. This is a little bit of old news, but Konami also released a preview trailer highlighting the basic plot-line of the movie. The trailer itself has nothing new in terms of visuals (Remember, filming begins in February), however, there is some new audio.

Although, the Silent Hill movie will not be a remake of the original Silent Hill game, it will be a reinterpretation.

Movie Plot (possible spoilers)

The story focuses on a mother looking for her lost child in the town of Silent Hill. The woman, Harriet (--> Harry), is unaware of the danger lurking in Silent Hill as she searches for Sharon (--> Cheryl), her daughter. She'll meet several strange people and discover a shocking truth. [/spoilers]

Konami is still hosting the video file of the meeting and part of the trailer (though video quality is low). If you cannot access the file, try again later; the files are running off Konami's main bandwidth.

Silent Hill Movie Preview (Broadband)

Silent Hill Movie Preview (DSL/56k Modem)


I also found an awesome remix of "Melancholy Requiem" from SH4. It was made by James Madison (not the president) and can be found here (RAR file) or off of my page (MP3 file).


I just wanted to mention that in January, I'll be visiting southern California and I plan on taking the Silent Hill Tour: San Bruno, Toluca Lake, ect. I'll be taking a lot of pictures and hope to get them uploaded when I get back. But, if you want some scary pictures to tie you over, try these places:

Visions from the Underworld

Entrances to Hell (Less than serious)

This one's my favorite: Fog at the Rest Stop


This is a bit of irrevelence; I started to play SH3 again after beating it once. I got the Beamsabre and Sub Machine gun w/infinite ammo, guess that means I gotta kill everything with a gun now. Also unlocked all (thanks to Game FAQs) all the costumes. WTF is up with the Transform one, lol. Sorta makes me miss Sailor Moon.

This is a bit of irrevelence; I started to play SH3 again after beating it once. I got the Beamsabre and Sub Machine gun w/infinite ammo, guess that means I gotta kill everything with a gun now. Also unlocked all (thanks to Game FAQs) all the costumes. WTF is up with the Transform one, lol. Sorta makes me miss Sailor Moon.

I'll bite.

As you may have read on GameFAQs, certain weapons are obtained based on how you defeat the final boss, the time to defeat certain bosses and which difficulty you beat the game. All in all, it's based on your game ranking. The Infinite Sub-Machine Gun is obtained by defeating the final boss with a melee weapon (note that I said "defeated," that doesn't mean that is the only type of weapon you can use). The Beam Saber is also obtained when you defeat the final boss with a melee weapon on Normal or higher difficulty. There are other weapons that you can unlock, but nothing really beats the I.S.M.G.

However, when you play an Extra New Game, you will be penalized if you use a special weapon, like the unlockables. However, to view all the endings, there is a certain unlockable weapon that you have to use. As to finding all the different costumes for Heather, a different costume is unlocked each time you beat the game (assuming you get a high score each time). Some are displayed on the ranking screen after you finish the game, others are found in magazines and other read-able materials in the game.

Yet, not all the costumes codes are found in the game; certain codes were obtained from various gaming magazines which published the codes for their respective costume, though, personally, they all looked about the same and added nothing exciting to the mix. The real reason for having the costumes there were to act as incentives to unlock the ten ultra-hard survival difficulties, with the Raiden costume acting as the final reward for beating the tenth difficulty level.

But, what the most exciting things about the costumes for SH3 are, are obtained from the PC version of SH3, where you can manipulate and create you own costumes for Heather. I've posted a link to the plug-in and costume editor here before, but I'll do so again, because I'm waiting for the programmer to add the character model editor, so that you can change the skin on Heather. This means that you can replay the game as one of the other characters, i.e. Claudia, Vincent, Douglas, monsters. :wink, wink:

As far as the Princess Heart costume is concerned, it's just a joke idea, but it actually is the only costume that helps you out in the game. The Princess Heart costume acts to maintain Heather's stamina as she runs and uses weapons, meaning that she will not tire as quickly (but still only marginally). If you combine it with a certain weapon, the effects can be substantial.

There is also the rumored "Underwear Costume" which can be unlocked from the Start Menu screen. It is somehow connected to the legendary "Konami Code."

But, what the most exciting things about the costumes for SH3 are, are obtained from the PC version of SH3, where you can manipulate and create you own costumes for Heather. I've posted a link to the plug-in and costume editor here before, but I'll do so again, because I'm waiting for the programmer to add the character model editor, so that you can change the skin on Heather. This means that you can replay the game as one of the other characters, i.e. Claudia, Vincent, Douglas, monsters. :wink, wink:

If, and when, this happens, I'm going to get it just for that, and play as Pyramid Head. That would rock.


Look like I forgot to post the links to the SH3 modification tools. Oops. Well, here they are:

Overall link to all modification tools for the Silent Hill games (Please note that inorder to view certain materials, you must be a member of Yahoo! Groups.)

Forum discussion with the log of SH3 Costume Mod. Tools (Tools provided thanks to SolidSnake313.)

Another forum featuring character modeling for SH3 (This is an independent project, where the artist is doing everything by hand.) (Only pictures available.)


Speaking of Metal Gear Solid, there is apparently several references in "Snake Eater" refering to SH3, and Silent Hill in general. I'm going to get this game soon and find them for myself.

I just received a perfectly pristine, original release copy of Silent Hill 2 in the mail today for PS2.

Got me some winter vacation entertainment.

EDIT- Mine is the 666th post in this thread. DUN DUN DUN. I feel Silent Hill slowly converging around me as we speak.

Oh noes!


Someone should archive this thread. It would be a shame to lose it and all of the information/theories.

*Turns on playstation to play SH2*

EDIT- Also, it's probably been talked about and discussed at great length somewhere in the anals of this thread, but what's up with white vans in the town of Silent Hill?

There are white vans everywhere, appearing more so than any other type of car parked in the town. Also, at the beginning of Silent Hill 3, there's a white van blocking the exit from outside the mall in the alley behind the bathroom. When examined, Heather says something like "How did someone park this here anyway?" because it's wedged in so tight between the brick.

Anyways, I'm sure I'm not the only one that sees the damn things everywhere.

Also, as I have been reading through this thread tonight, a lot of the links posted are now dead. On that note, does anyone have a link handy for desktop wallpaper of some of the cooler images from the series, such as Valtiel and the hanging sisters?

Also, while we're on the subject of cool pictures that look like Silent Hill:



Also, it's probably been talked about and discussed at great length somewhere in the anals of this thread, but what's up with white vans in the town of Silent Hill?

There are white vans everywhere, appearing more so than any other type of car parked in the town. Also, at the beginning of Silent Hill 3, there's a white van blocking the exit from outside the mall in the alley behind the bathroom. When examined, Heather says something like "How did someone park this here anyway?" because it's wedged in so tight between the brick.

Anyways, I'm sure I'm not the only one that sees the damn things everywhere.

Actually, I never ever noticed these vans, and we've never talked about them either. I can't really see anything special about them though. It is interesting that they are everywhere though. Are there no markings on them?

Also, it's probably been talked about and discussed at great length somewhere in the anals of this thread, but what's up with white vans in the town of Silent Hill?

It's a simple sprite to reuse over and over and over. It's the same reason every room in Midwich Elementary has the same drawings on the walls.

Anyways...about the abundance of light in Silent Hill 4...I really didn't like it. Whereas the first three games promoted creeping about in the dark to make sure nobody saw you the fourth had no creeping, no hiding, nothing like that...just out-and-out running like hell (because killing the monsters was too much of a chore).

Some of the creepy things they did with the light could have worked but only if they put more effort into it. Like the custodian in the tower (For those who dont know, when you enter one room you hear thunderous footsteps and you see the shillouette of a person walk past the door)...it would have worked if there had been something there when you got out of the room. But the fact there was nothing made it more of a "oh..." moment than anything else.

I should probably get round to finishing four. I got to the forest the second time round and I'm supposed to be assembling the doll...I just thought "oh to hell with that" and gave up. It really did spectacularly fail to hold my attention even with the cameos and giant heads and whatnot.


Eccles is not alone... It seems almost every Silent Hill fan regards 4 not as awful, just quite meh :|

RE: The current plot of the SH movie

It kinda worries me that they're just flipping the plot of the first game. I want the movie to be an independant entry in the SH mythos, not just a rehash. But I guess, in a way, it still fits the bill, since these are at least different characters in the roles.....


I beat Silent Hill 2 today.

All I can say is wow. The game had so many layers of meaning, and the plot was amazing....wow.

This is going down as one of my favorite games of all time. Despite being rather generic, James Sunderland is one of the best, most well-rounded characters in any story in any sort of medium (books, movies, games). I am absolutely blown away.


White Vans:

I have also noticed the types of cars in the Silent Hill series, and also the white vans. However, in terms of vehicles used in the games, the most common are mini-vans and sedans. Those things were everywhere. Still, it doesn't really appear to me that any of those vehicles are important to notice, other than their placement. Most were placed along side the roads and in ditches as if they were abandoned. As with the general vagueness of the town of Silent Hill, it seems strange that people would simply abandon their cars on the street.

In terms of the ambulance, it only appears three times in the series: Alchemilla Hospital Parking Lot, Brookhaven Hospital Parking Lot, and the St. Jerome Ambulance in front of South Ashfield heights. Only in SH4, does the the ambulance play more of a role than simple background.

I could go into details about how the automobile represents a person's personal freedom, and that abandoning it is symbolic of each character's mission in Silent Hill, but it seems rather unimportant to me.

SH4 Ambience:

I agree with DDE on this one. Konami had a really great potential to create a new and terrifying experience with the use of lighting in SH4 by having independent light sources in the game, but they failed to utilize it fully. Though, there were some really great effects created, like the prison cells, the possessed wheelchairs, and apartment hauntings, most of these were subtle features and little stood out in your mind.

I'm hoping that if enough noise is made about this, but with the correct direction, we might see more substantial advances in lighting and shadow in the following games.

Silent Hill Movie Plot:

I have my doubts too about the prospects of another crappy VG movie, but I'm trying to stay positive since the film has a good production team. And I try to think of the movie like I would a remix, especially since that is how the Gans and Avary used the influence (they basically played SH1 over and over again as they were writing the script). So, the movie has some heavy influences from the game, but hopefully the creators are taking liberties with their interpretation as it transitions itself to film.

Silent Hill Dead Links:

It's true that many of the links posted in this topic have long since died, mostly due to too much traffic, resulting as a burden to the webmaster, or from lack of interest. It's a shame too, since there were so many great tidbits of information that were highly valuable to understanding the series. Although I have managed to save most of the material myself and archive many of the hidden reference material, I've never had the time to devote to a website.

But, there's good news everyone! A brand new Silent Hill website has opened up for Silent Hill 2. Letter From Silent Heaven is a beautiful, flash-oriented website that not only looks pretty, but also has archived the most rare and secret materials from the game.

Check it out now!


I've been playing SH2 reccently for someone, and I realized something durning the sequence where the Hospital changes. I'm not sure but it kinda looks like it's a first person view of James being dragged out into the courtyard.

Trying to figure out what the deal is with Stanly Coleman in SH3... I'm sure that could've been mentioned here before, guess I'll look around.

I've been playing SH2 reccently for someone, and I realized something durning the sequence where the Hospital changes. I'm not sure but it kinda looks like it's a first person view of James being dragged out into the courtyard.

I got the impression that he was looking through the eyes of Mary as she was being rolled on a gurney through the hospital (both because the view is that of a ceiling rolling rapidly by, and also her voice calling his name) that served as a sort of mind trance intermission of sorts for him to be transported to the Other hospital.

I've been playing SH2 reccently for someone, and I realized something durning the sequence where the Hospital changes. I'm not sure but it kinda looks like it's a first person view of James being dragged out into the courtyard.

I got the impression that he was looking through the eyes of Mary as she was being rolled on a gurney through the hospital (both because the view is that of a ceiling rolling rapidly by, and also her voice calling his name) that served as a sort of mind trance intermission of sorts for him to be transported to the Other hospital.

Ah, that makes more sense. Great insight in this thread, thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

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