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1up's interview with Metroid co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto and Team Ninja head Yusuke Hayashi.

"1UP: When I think of the two series, they seem very different. Metroid is very slow, methodical, exploratory, while Ninja Gaiden is very fast, violent, and action-oriented. How do you reconcile those two and create something that takes advantage of your strengths, but still feels like a Metroid game?

YH: We want to try and take the best of both. As you progress through the game, there will be more action-oriented, faster-paced sequences. But then you'll have your careful, exploratory parts of the story as well. We actually used it to our advantage to try and marry the two concepts together. "



That's a really good interview.

And even though the action is different, the pacing still seems to be about the same. There are parts in Super Metroid where you're exploring along then happen across an action area. Move on, explore more, heavy action again. Though maybe that fits better in the Prime games - and maybe I'm just talking out of my rear here, as I've only beaten Prime 1, got halfway through Prime 2 (the alternate worlds, combined with going through Twilight Princess concurrently, were just getting to be annoying), then through the first couple areas of Prime 3.

All that to say, this might convince me to buy the game and borrow a friend's console for a Metroid Wiikend.

i remember playing Super Metroid and loving every second. The end when the Metroid dies protecting you actually mad me very upset. Seeing that trailer brought back memories.

OMG spoiler! Thanks for ruining it for me! ;_:

Just kidding >_>

Anyway, I can't and won't deny that this game looks great and has a lot of potential.

My one gripe with it is that the video looks very violent/aggresive and that doesn't really feel right to me in regards to my experience with the other Metroid games. Of course this could just be because of the montage.

To clarify: Samus' moves seem a bit more uhm, brutal. Maybe that has something to do with the story though.

Looking forward to learning more about how you actually play through the levels.


Looking at the gameplay, it does feel like... 90% Ninja Gaiden. Then again, the old Ninja Gaiden Black (NG1) on the Xbox had an incredible exploratory feel with all of the stages interconnecting before you know it. Maybe they can expand on that into this game.

In watching the trailer over and over, there appear to be a lot of scenes and areas that look like they could be from past games. The forested area where she's fighting what appear to be Arachnus looks like it could be the surface of SR-388 as shown in the intro to Fusion. There's also the place where that giant multi-eyed creature leaps out from the lava which looks a whole lot like Magmoor Caverns (and possibly a magmoor) from Prime. There's the part where she's grappling with a Space Pirate, however, the design of the Pirate is very close to the X-parasite ones. Then there are the bits with Adam and Samus' past as well as the scene from Super Metroid. With so many seemingly different time periods and locations, I feel like the game either deals with actual time travel, or a lot of flashbacks. At any rate, there seem to be quite a few connections to Fusion here. Actually, now that I think about it, this could all just be some kind of "Umbrella Chronicles" for the Metroid series.

Incidentally, the dead soldier could very well be Adam and the Living Body Arms Development Lab has something to do with them making an AI out of him. Why he's dead right outside the lab is kind of odd, and of course that would mean that Samus should have known about it prior to Fusion seeing as how she's kinda standing there while that other lady is logging on, so that theory's pretty much debunked already. Could also be that guy that either we or Samus is supposed to remember. I also thought it was interesting that, during the fight with the giant, purple squid-thing, there are a bunch of Federation Troopers providing cover fire for Samus.

I agree with pretty much everything this intelligent person is saying. I wonder if Nintendo is going to take a Chrono Trigger-like plot to Metroid. It's extremely unlikely, but would make for an interesting game.


I'm also wondering if Sylux will be making an appearance, considering the vast amount of things relating to the Galactic federation, and the easter egg at the end of MP3. Could be in the wrong spot in the timeline though. Maybe Sylux kills adam, that'd be cool.


Honestly is there any REAL need for Wii Motion +?

When I saw the trailer for the first time and I heard adam say "Any objections, Lady?" My jaw was on the floor. Then seeing Samus kick the living crap out of some of those enemies made me tear up. Sinff, it was so beautiful!!!

Honestly is there any REAL need for Wii Motion +?

When I saw the trailer for the first time and I heard adam say "Any objections, Lady?" My jaw was on the floor. Then seeing Samus kick the living crap out of some of those enemies made me tear up. Sinff, it was so beautiful!!!

Which is why I like that they aren't forcing it into the game if there's no need. I just wish a lot of companies would do the same for unneeded waggle.. lol

What about that black guy in the trailer who says, "Remember me?" Could he be Sylux?

I doubt it. This is supposed to be happening between Super Metroid and Fusion, and MPH takes place before them. Sylux has a hatred towards the federation and Samus, so I doubt he'd greet her with that happy look on his face.

Maybe, if all theories considered, it's before she pissed him off?
I doubt it. This is supposed to be happening between Super Metroid and Fusion, and MPH takes place before them. Sylux has a hatred towards the federation and Samus, so I doubt he'd greet her with that happy look on his face.


Maybe, if all theories considered, it's before she pissed him off?

...this includes flashbacks, time travel, parallel universes, etc.

EDIT: crap, beat me to my own post...

  • 1 year later...

Bumping this old topic rather than making a new one.

So this is due out in a few days. Infendo did a review of it which I just read through. I'll still be picking this up, but I think I'll be sharing the reviewers views. Limited 1st person controls in comparison to Prime, Cut Scenes galore, and character development that the metroid-verse isn't akin to.

As long as more than 50% of the game is shooting at space baddies I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

Full Review:


Yeah... Those comments on that page got way out of hand.

Anyone picking this up on Tuesday?


What character? In all of the previous games with the exception of some prologue stuff Samus was (barring injury/death noises) a silent protagonist.

There's no character to ruin.

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