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I was just thinking, based on the general epicness of the trailer, what the HELL Death is going to be like in this game.

Furthermore, he has to have the best voice over in the game. Hands down.

(Although, as awesome as a Patrick Stewart Grim Reaper would be, I doubt its him doing it.)


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if they left Death out of this one, especially if it's not connected to the other games. I mean, he's as iconic in the CV games as Dracula himself...but he's not necessary. In fact, I'm still not even sure they might be using Dracula for this game. All they really need are vampires of some sort and Castlevania itself.

If it takes place before Lament of Innocence there is.

It doesn't really have that kind of feel to it. Something tells me it takes place AFTER that, but probably before Castlevania III (or Legends, if you wanna get super-technical about it (but that doesn't exist for timeline purposes so wtf ever)).

If it IS before LoI, then it should tie into Walter or Joachim in some way--otherwise it would have absolutely no connection to Castlevania at all. We'll need more information for either situations to be true, of course.


I agree that it has a very pre-Legends feel to it, but for some reason(all the wolves), I can't help but think that it might take place during or before Cornell's period. Of course that wouldn't make sense being that IGA retconned the N64 games, but the game IS being developed by a European team with Kojima acting as oversight.


Not to mention that the Vampire Killer (whip) shouldn't exist until near the end of LoI's last few events. There's the Whip of Alchemy which had some effect but no where near as poweful as the famed VP.

I agree that it has a very pre-Legends feel to it, but for some reason(all the wolves), I can't help but think that it might take place during or before Cornell's period. Of course that wouldn't make sense being that IGA retconned the N64 games, but the game IS being developed by a European team with Kojima acting as oversight.

Werewolves have always been enemies in the Castlevania series, as early as Simon's Quest even. Also, I don't know if he's retconned Legacy of Darkness; Cornell IS in Judgment, after all. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he'd eventually try and forget that one existed, too...

Not to mention that the Vampire Killer (whip) shouldn't exist until near the end of LoI's last few events. There's the Whip of Alchemy which had some effect but no where near as poweful as the famed VP.

The WoA was Rinaldo's creation, and doubtful that it was used by anyone else BUT him up until Leon.

Gabriel's whip in the trailer looks nothing like the Vampire Killer. Granted, they HAVE changed it's appearance in-game many times, from a basic leather whip to some sort of long flail, but canonically it's leather. Hell, we don't even know of Gabriel is a Belmont, or even one of the splinter families--and by his accent, I'm doubting he is one.

Werewolves have always been enemies in the Castlevania series, as early as Simon's Quest even. Also, I don't know if he's retconned Legacy of Darkness; Cornell IS in Judgment, after all. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he'd eventually try and forget that one existed, too...

From Wikipedia~

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness was present within the series' chronology from its original release until 2002, when a timeline published on the official Japanese Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance website omitted it - as well as several other Castlevania games - from the series' continuity. The others also included Castlevania Legends for the Game Boy, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and the original Castlevania release for the Nintendo 64.

In 2006, series producer Koji Igarashi stated that "These games were taken out of the timeline [...] not because I didn't work on them, but because they were considered by their directors to be side projects in the series".

Since the 2002 removal, the events of Legacy of Darkness have occupied an ambiguous place in timelines published by Konami of Japan, Konami of America, and various gaming publications. The most recent English language timeline, distributed with preordered versions of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin in North America by Konami of America, includes Legacy of Darkness but does not describe the game's plot.

Unlike most games in the series, Legacy of Darkness does not follow either the Belmont or Morris clans of vampire hunters. Cornell and Henry Oldrey aren't Belmonts who took up the fight to destroy creatures of darkness. Although the secret characters, Reinhardt Schneider and Carrie Fernandez have a connection to the Belmont and Belnades families respectively, Reinhardt does not hold the Belmont or Morris family names.

From Wikipedia~

Which really doesn't shed much light on things. IGA states that it was removed from the timeline, and yet it shows up on the PoR timeline list as well as having Cornell in Judgment.

It's a strange case.

Which really doesn't shed much light on things. IGA states that it was removed from the timeline, and yet it shows up on the PoR timeline list as well as having Cornell in Judgment.

It's a strange case.

He retconned Legacy from his "official" timeline, meaning if you want to go by what games are influenced by what games, Legacy and Cornell would be unofficial tie-ins. Iga acknowledges Legacy, as well as Legends and CV64, but doesn't feel they fit into HIS timeline. (prompting mass griping at him from fans for trying too hard to make a believable timeline) Cornell was put into Judgment to give the game more balance and because, despite being retconned, he's still a very popular character amongst fans.

Lords of Shadow being before Lament of Innocence could work, and I'll tell you why. Kojima and Dave Cox already said this game will have no connections to any other game in the series. (though I'm skeptical to believe it will have no mention of anything from the other games at all) Having the game happen between Lament and Dracula's Curse would run the risk of Dracula already inhabiting Castlevania itself since he became its master after he became a vampire at the end of LoI...which would also negate the idea that the Belmonts didn't encounter Dracula/Mathias again until CV3 because Drac was supposedly laying low. Having Lords of Shadow happen before Lament takes away the risk of running into the other games because chronologically they hadn't happened yet, but Castlevania itself is still there and vampires were around long before Dracula since there were Walter and Joachim, and I'm guessing more.

All speculation of course. I could be totally wrong and they might try to slip it in after Lament, but I'm guessing they don't want to step on Iga's precious timeline which is why they are staying away from this game interacting with any others...which means the less interaction with Dracula the better. Or....they could take a big shit on everything and not give a damn. Hell, Judgment already did that, and it wasn't put to the torch.


Lords of Shadow being before Lament of Innocence could work, and I'll tell you why. Kojima and Dave Cox already said this game will have no connections to any other game in the series. (though I'm skeptical to believe it will have no mention of anything from the other games at all) Having the game happen between Lament and Dracula's Curse would run the risk of Dracula already inhabiting Castlevania itself since he became its master after he became a vampire at the end of LoI...which would also negate the idea that the Belmonts didn't encounter Dracula/Mathias again until CV3 because Drac was supposedly laying low. Having Lords of Shadow happen before Lament takes away the risk of running into the other games because chronologically they hadn't happened yet, but Castlevania itself is still there and vampires were around long before Dracula since there were Walter and Joachim, and I'm guessing more.

Speculation: perhaps Dracula is manipulating Gabriel in some manner to attain the power of the Lords of Shadow for himself. His servant, Death, has show the capacity before--we do not, after all, know who that voice is that is speaking to Gabriel in the opening when he is talking about the mask.

We don't know exactly HOW powerful he was directly after LoI; we just know he'd been laying low for some 400 years. I'd imagine he was spending that time gaining more power and resources in a clandestine manner, and trying to gain the Lords' power for himself would be in line with how he works.

Again, though, speculation.


I think that's a good explanation of things. It's also possible that Gabriel isn't even related to the Belmonts in any way. Lords of Shadow could also mean that there are more than one vampire at work(if any) behind the scenes.

I sure would love it if they gave us some more information.


I always thought the ending to LoI seemed like a total setup for a game where you play as Dracula himself. Newly created vampire who has a magical stone that absorbs the power of other vampires? It's freaking Castlevania: Mega Man Edition! :-P

I always thought the ending to LoI seemed like a total setup for a game where you play as Dracula himself. Newly created vampire who has a magical stone that absorbs the power of other vampires? It's freaking Castlevania: Mega Man Edition! :-P

Oh wait, Dracula reincarnate using other creatures powers? Sounds like a game or two I used to play. I think it was Castlevania...



Except Soma Cruz isn't dracula and never will be dracula regardless of his ability to become dracula because he is a white-haired prettyboy and isn't badass in the least bit as opposed to Dracula the guy who lives in Castlevania (and your nightmares).

Except Soma Cruz isn't dracula and never will be dracula regardless of his ability to become dracula because he is a white-haired prettyboy and isn't badass in the least bit as opposed to Dracula the guy who lives in Castlevania (and your nightmares).

Not so. Soma is Dracula's reincarnation. Therefore, he's Dracula's soul. He *IS* Dracula, but with another personality. Lets say its the virtuous personality Dracula had when he was still Mathias during the Crusades pre-vampire days. Really, if you go by Dawn of Sorrow's Julius-mode, Soma became Dracula pretty much totally, except that he was a white-haired pretty boy instead of a white-hair scary guy who is a head taller than everyone else. (looking at your sig there, Relyan)

<end off-topic rant>

I honestly hope the Lords of Shadow are other vampires, because I want the Castlevania world to be expanded upon other than Dracula being the only big-bad-vampire with only a handful of other lesser-vamps floating around.

  • 9 months later...

Necrobump you Castlevania loving mudda fuggas!

Anyway, I cruised through the thread and didn't see this linked to, so...


It's an extended trailer from last year's GC. Shows more in-game stuff and dialogue.

I read through everything here, and if memory serves, this is supposed to be a reboot of the franchise (it's all the rage these days, isn't it?). So how it links into the older games doesn't really matter if that's the case. It'd be a fresh start... though I'm sure there'll be lots of little fan service touches that'll hearken the previous games.

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