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Transformers 2: Or how I can't believe no one thought of this for Soundwave

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I just hope that the third one spends more time with the transformers and less time with the unnecessary human secondary characters.

QFT. This is what has stopped both of the movies from being really good. Inane, random "humor" from secondary characters (Humping dogs? Really?!?)

I come to the movie expecting to see big robots brawling, I got that, but I had to wade through a sea of atrocious "jokes" and goofiness to get to it.

QFT. This is what has stopped both of the movies from being really good. Inane, random "humor" from secondary characters (Humping dogs? Really?!?)

I come to the movie expecting to see big robots brawling, I got that, but I had to wade through a sea of atrocious "jokes" and goofiness to get to it.

Well I don't mind so much that we have actual plot between the robots fighting, but I would much rather learn about one of the secondary transformers than spend a half hour with Sam's new roommate or his parents.


I enjoyed the humor in the first movie. The scene where he was trying to find the glasses in his house was pretty funny, and so were a lot of the scenes where he was getting to know his new car. However, the "humor" was overbearing in the second one. The audience busted out in laughter when the dogs were humping eachother, while I bowed my head in shame. Seriously, that wasn't even funny, and people laughed at that crap?

Overall, it was good mindless fun. Totally worth it for the action, but the first was much better.


I just got home from watching this...I left the theater totally confused and mind-fucked.

Absolutely loved some parts of the movie, but hated most of it.

"Unnecessary" is the goddamn word that just kept popping up in my head.

Throughout the duration of it, the action continued to get better, while the plot continued to get worse.

Optimus Prime did kick some ass however.


This movie had a plot? I thought it was just 2 1/2 hour commercial for action figures that could turn into vehicles and fight each other.

That being said, it was exactly what I was hoping for. Good movie? Debatable. Giant robots kicking ass? Definitely. Had a fun time? Absolutely.


Not nearly enough robots imo.

I mean ffs, look at all iterations of Transformers before this. Even that shitty one with the 3D animation they dubbed around 2002 or something, which had a good handful of throwaway human characters, didn't have such a garbage plotline.


Why would a robot need to fart, pee, or vomit? And why would it need testicles?

Michael Bay does not understand what a robot is or how to make a decent movie


This movie had a plot? I thought it was just 2 1/2 hour commercial for action figures that could turn into vehicles and fight each other.

That being said, it was exactly what I was hoping for. Good movie? Debatable. Giant robots kicking ass? Definitely. Had a fun time? Absolutely.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. As a storytelling experience, it was absolutely miserable, but if you just completely shut your brain off, it was entertaining to watch everything explode. The only expectations I had were giant robots and explosions. This is Michael Bay, after all:


I agree with that. The twins were borderline offensive but the roommate guy just screamed too damn much. And why'd he have to be this movie's computer person. I liked the hot Australian a lot more.

There's a hot aussie in the second movie too- Isabel Lucas. Although we never knew she was an adeptus mechanicus fetish fuel metallic tentacle monster abomination until now.

I think Japan wants her.

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