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Not familiar with source, and I don't like the voice clip in the intro.

Now that that's done with...

This sounds pretty good. Not finished, not awesome, but pretty promising. Pleasant vibe, nice sound. You could drop the resonance on the bass a bit, perhaps EQ it a little more into the background. It gets in the way of the leads.

A little too much panning on the harpsichord, imo. See if you can balance it with the later lead that it then supports without panning it that much. There's a bunch of other little fixes like that that you could do, but I'm not gonna name them all.

Can't say much about the arrangement without knowing the source, but sound-wise this is pretty good for a first wip. Nice work.

ps. don't do the lyrics. they seem a little too much like an intro song to a kids' cartoon.


I deleted it, coz it wouldn't get nowhere anyway like my previous stuff here. After a while ppl get tired hearing the same song and doesn't bother to give feedback anymore, as it happened to my Bridge Zone remix.

Ah... it's blank. I was going to check it out, too. Sadness.

Rozo, the lyrics were from the source - which indeed made it sound like a kid's cartoon :<. I can see your point for the remix, though :P.

Btw, I wrote new lyrics for it, that's what Rozo called stupid, so another reason to scrap it.

I deleted it, coz it wouldn't get nowhere anyway like my previous stuff here. After a while ppl get tired hearing the same song and doesn't bother to give feedback anymore, as it happened to my Bridge Zone remix.

Btw, I wrote new lyrics for it, that's what Rozo called stupid, so another reason to scrap it.

Yeah, ppl get tired of the same song, especially when the changes aren't big from one revision to another. Also, ppl see there's lots of comments already and think it's gotten all the feedback it needs. Also, we're not here to write and mix it for you, and having a thousand revisions kind'a makes it seem that way. But in any case, you improved a lot during your work on your Bridge Zone remix, and that's always good.

btw correction: I said "they seem a little too much like an intro song to a kids' cartoon", didn't say they were stupid. Please don't put words in my mouth... in my posts... in my text... something.

btw correction: I said "they seem a little too much like an intro song to a kids' cartoon", didn't say they were stupid. Please don't put words in my mouth... in my posts... in my text... something.

Dunno which is worse, but for me both means it was a waste of time to work on them then.

Just becuse it wasn't received well (by me anyway) doesn't mean it's a waste of time. You learn from it, and from how it's received. At least, you should. Everybody should. :D

Otherwise you end up like me, Tarnish. If Rozo doesn't like your mix, change it. If you don't feel like it, don't change it. Rozo is just one person, if someone like him doesn't like your mix there are bound to be people who do like it. Don't dub something a waste of time because one single person doesn't like it.

I once was doing a remix and a member of this forum (banned) came in and said stuff like I ruined the source etc... did that stop me? ... well yeah, it actually did.

But I learned that I made a huge mistake. Never quit working on something unless you honestly think it's a waste of time, not because someone doesn't like it/ receive it well.


Hmm... seems to me tarnish that your taking a small complaint making a big thing out of it... rozo actually did you a fairly good review, the lyrics quip was obviously a minor concern. Don't scrap it because lyrics were considered bad that you haven't even put in the mix yet... Try it, it may sound good :D

I have a word of advice - don't ever scrap any ideas you have as you may have use for them later or a listen the next day may reveal a different angle you can take it thats better in your opinion.

Also, try not to get too discouraged, we aren't trying to put you down or tell you that your mixes are shit - We are trying to help you become better with constructive advice :D

I suggest that you have a think about it over the next couple of days and see where you want to take your mix.

If you still want to scrap it then I won't argue the point any further.



Still don't feel like finishing it, but I'm putting the WIP back anyway to see what others think.

Source (with original lyrics): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvDXSvVNA8w

My lame lyrics:

Running at the speed of sound,

If we’re around, better hit the ground,

Coz from enemies we rebound,

And with Sonic speed, we abound!

As a team we’ve got plenty new,

Cool moves, stuff I never knew,

We’re breakin’ thru every maze,

With Sonic style, coz that’s the craze!

Watch me as I’m going strong,

With my friends along!

This way nothing can go wrong,

Eggman, so long!

Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

I won't even hesitate,

With a team like this, I won’t lose faith!

They can try their best to change my fate,

Against us? Hmph! They’re always late!

Watch me as I’m going strong,

With my friends along!

This way nothing can go wrong,

Eggman, so long!

Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

You can bet there ain't no doubt,

That I truly care about, my best buddies.

I can chase another day,

Fight you all the way,

Just for them.

And together we stand strong no matter how,

No one can bring us down...

Sonic Heroes, All right, here goes!

We go so fast we’ll make a Sonic Boom!

Sonic Heroes, We’re on it, so here goes!

But we can do much more, yeah, I assume!

Sonic Heroes (Heroes, Heroes..)

Sonic Heroes (Heroes, Heroes..)

Give us a reason and we're on our way!

Tried to make it about Sonic being a team with Tails and Knuckles, like it was in the game for those who never played with it (hence the clip at the start). Corny, isn't it?


well. i listened this before teh drama and decided to wait for some progress, but after all that I just have to say something in-case you decide to continue.

You have a big problem with your mix in my opinion, the bass clashes constantly, I hear some odd fluctuations in your volume (compressor being an ass...maybe)

Then...you haven't really done anything but changed the sounds from electric guitar and all those things that SEGA puts into it's games nowadays...and replaced them with some 404 lines from Fruity Loops...and they annoy my ears for the whole duration of the song...

I'm sorry, but you'll have to make some major revisions to that in my opinion. the arrangement is not too different from the original, the sounds are really low-grade and that vocal-line at the beginning made me grin in the wrong way :/

I'm just saying this as I hear it, this is not the opinion of the whole world so if I sound like an ass then I am an ass and you don't have to care about it :P

You have a big problem with your mix in my opinion, the bass clashes constantly, I hear some odd fluctuations in your volume (compressor being an ass...maybe)

Then...you haven't really done anything but changed the sounds from electric guitar and all those things that SEGA puts into it's games nowadays...and replaced them with some 404 lines from Fruity Loops...and they annoy my ears for the whole duration of the song...

I'm sorry, but you'll have to make some major revisions to that in my opinion. the arrangement is not too different from the original, the sounds are really low-grade...

I'm sorry but I kinda have to agree. It really needs some work before you can even start putting the lyrics on. I dunno, I don't find them so bad- they sound very J-pop and happy which is cool seeing as the kinda mix you're going for. Sickly sweet and upbeat though, especially with the sound clip! ^__^ What SkyWay didn't pick up on was the presets you used. A lot of that stuff was straight from the "Arp" section of Sitrus which isn't too great. Try playing around with some of them to generate y'own sounds. Keep the lyrics, just focus on improving the mix itself.

Yes, but if he moves on to something else, Neblixsaber, he might be able to learn something faster than if he wrestles with a song he is at a deadlock with, too. There's some give and take with this situation.

Still no reason to scrap it.

Did I scrap "Megaman Zero 3- Halfway To Go!" when Snappleman (JUST ONE PERSON OUT OF A MILLION, hint hint to Tarnish) trashed my thread? No. I still have it. I didn't let Snappleman make me scrap it.

Tarnish, those lyrics are fine... but you should fix the problems SkyWay told you about.

There's objective and then there's subjective:

Objective= Problems that no one needs an opinion on. Hard fast sticking to the rules, without a bias or opinion.

Subjective= Problems that only some people believe. It's more of what people prefer.

You should worry more about the objective problems (clashing bass, simply just a change of instruments from source) than the subjective (someone doesn't like it because your lyrics sound too much like a kid show intro).

By the way, you shouldn't care if it sounds like an intro to a kid show. That's not entirely a bad thing, and I don't think it would get rejected just for cheesy lyrics.

Still no reason to scrap it.

I never agreed to scrap it - I'm glad he put it up again. Unfortunately I'm not in a condition to listen to anything, right now (just did about 6 hours of labor in ~100 degree weather - yuck) but maybe I'll get on it in a few hours.


Well thx for the feedback, opinions and whatnot guys, but I think I'll work on my Bridge Zone remix instead, even tho I said I consider that finished and everyone's sick and tired of listening to it by now..at least that had some potential. I'm making more variations, new intro and stuff for it, like some of you suggested and making it sound more playful. I'll post a new version in it's thread when I feel it's worth it.


A few hours = A few days, but whatever, I'm listening to it now. Gotta love voice clips (you got me there - I can't help but love them).

I can so see your lyrics going with your music perfectly. Even if it would sound like a kids show. That bass is annoying, but if you go for the kids show sound it fits well (although it gets a bit loud, from time to time). I noticed a few 'pops' in the sound, so you'd need to look into the production on this one a bit. By the way, I don't know the source well enough, so I can't say I agree or disagree with what everyone said about this song... Maybe they're right, but whatever :P.

I have to admit, this is pretty good. Sing over it and we'd have a winner (or at least I'll really like it, lol).

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