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  zircon said:

My suggestion to make Staff of the Master allow Accursed's ult to be targeted (with some caveats.) Right now it sucks on him, and Accursed himself kinda sucks lategame in general. This makes him a more competitive pick vs. Jeraziah.

I like this idea, voted yes.


Rampage = B tier. Typical noob stomp hero. Kills most heroes 1v1, no real AoE capabilities. Scales well into lategame

Vindicator = A tier. Situational pick, but should be quite strong in the current AoE rape based metagame, will probably become a bit less useful if/when people start moving away from Tempest/Behemoth/Plague Rider/Magmus type meta.


So guys, did that last game I played as Elec prove to you that he's an awesome, versatile hero? I maintain that he's high-tier, not mediocre as many of you have suggested. With the latest patch his Static Grip and Energy Absorption do even more damage, too. My argument: he's probably THE hardest to kill tank in the game as he has 50% damage reduction on top of everything else; no other hero can claim that. He's a disgusting laner and early ganker - put him with any other stun and you will get first blood for sure. He has remarkable farming abilities (I outfarmed everyone in the game I played) and basically doesn't ever have mana problems.

His ult makes him incredibly mobile and the CD is short enough that it can be used constantly for a variety of purposes. The dispel/debuff is just an added bonus! Lastly, while people complain about Grip being interruptable, you just need to be smart about it. Use it on isolated heroes. Force people to blow their stuns on you and stop YOU, while your team stops them. Watch for AOE stuns and remember their cooldowns so you can grip at the opportune time.

Elec is awesome.

  zircon said:
So guys, did that last game I played as Elec prove to you that he's an awesome, versatile hero? I maintain that he's high-tier, not mediocre as many of you have suggested. With the latest patch his Static Grip and Energy Absorption do even more damage, too. My argument: he's probably THE hardest to kill tank in the game as he has 50% damage reduction on top of everything else; no other hero can claim that. He's a disgusting laner and early ganker - put him with any other stun and you will get first blood for sure. He has remarkable farming abilities (I outfarmed everyone in the game I played) and basically doesn't ever have mana problems.

His ult makes him incredibly mobile and the CD is short enough that it can be used constantly for a variety of purposes. The dispel/debuff is just an added bonus! Lastly, while people complain about Grip being interruptable, you just need to be smart about it. Use it on isolated heroes. Force people to blow their stuns on you and stop YOU, while your team stops them. Watch for AOE stuns and remember their cooldowns so you can grip at the opportune time.

Elec is awesome.

Since the buff he's way more awesome since his farming ability and general DPS has been elevated by true damage and stuff. I still think he's pretty damn good, I just don't see a lot of reason to actually try to attack an electrician after he gripped and that's why he's not top picked. Tank all you want but if no one's hitting you it doesn't matter ;)


really diggin vindicator

not so hot for gimpy rhino. he's not the powerhouse str carry he is in dota =/



We should totally form a team to play in the $10k tournament that's scheduled to happen when they release the tournament system. Even though we probably won't even get past the first round, it should be fun to experience a more competitive environment.


OK, hit me with some help here. I played Hellbringer the other night, and I was horrible with him. I died a couple times real early and was pretty sure I would take my whole team down (not to mention someone quit when they were level 4). So, during the course of the match, I don't do a bunch of killing, but I always seem to be around when hero kills happen, and the next thing I know, I'm above everyone by 2 levels (around 22). But I still just don't know how to use my arsenal!

What do you do with a high level Hellbringer? My ult is pretty sweet to screw everyone up in a team fight and help my team get the extra couple seconds they need, but the DoT is kinda worthless at that level, especially with its CD. Also, the slow is decent, but again, the CD makes it pretty useless in team fights. And then the 3rd skill where I can get healed for everyone else's misery .. well, that's awesome, but again, it doesn't do a bunch of damage. Am I just gimpy late game, or do I need to get different items or ....? What?

  bladiator said:
OK, hit me with some help here. I played Hellbringer the other night, and I was horrible with him. I died a couple times real early and was pretty sure I would take my whole team down (not to mention someone quit when they were level 4). So, during the course of the match, I don't do a bunch of killing, but I always seem to be around when hero kills happen, and the next thing I know, I'm above everyone by 2 levels (around 22). But I still just don't know how to use my arsenal!

What do you do with a high level Hellbringer? My ult is pretty sweet to screw everyone up in a team fight and help my team get the extra couple seconds they need, but the DoT is kinda worthless at that level, especially with its CD. Also, the slow is decent, but again, the CD makes it pretty useless in team fights. And then the 3rd skill where I can get healed for everyone else's misery .. well, that's awesome, but again, it doesn't do a bunch of damage. Am I just gimpy late game, or do I need to get different items or ....? What?

Your ult scales better than you might think because as you get higher level Mana void, the enemy magical armor will get lower, so your ult will do more damage. Provided you have the money, get a restoration stone. A double ult will win teamfights, even later on in the game.

The stun will go through magic immunity and the range you can cast it on is huge. It's one of the best initiation/counter-initiation spells at any point in the game. Before Vindicator, Hellbringer was possibly the best counter to Tempest because he could just drop his ult on him as soon as he started channeling.

Yes, the DoT is kind of worthless at higher levels, but 360 magic damage amplified by Life Void can still help wear down enemy HP. You level the DoT early because it's very strong in lane and should you allow to dominate in combination with the healing you get from void.

Use the slow either on runners or on the enemy DPS carry to fuck up his attack speed.

Hellbringer is good at ganking as well, but it requires good micro to pull it off consistently, basically you need to cast your mana void, the DoT and your ult as quickly as possible on the enemy, then immediately hit him with Malphas' firebreath, and slow him when he starts running away, all while hitting him with autoattacks from both yourself and Malphas.

In competitive games, I can see him getting Kuldra as his only lategame item for obvious reasons, but in lower levels of play you can pull off fun stuff like barbed armor + life void or aforementioned restoration stone.


God Tier - Jeraziah, Tempest

S - Madman, Magmus, Behemoth, Defiler, Thunderbringer, Demented Shaman, Arachna, Plague Rider, Succubus, Hellbringer, Pharaoh, Electrician, Pandamonium, Kraken, Pestilence

A - Pollywog Priest, Torturer, Blood Hunter, Pyromancer, Moon Queen, Wildsoul, Magebane, Sand Wraith, The Dark Lady, Maliken, Valkyrie, Soulstealer, Vindicator, Swiftblade, Glacius

B - Puppet Master, Voodoo Jester, Hammerstorm, Zephyr, Soul Reaper, Andromeda, Legionnaire, Accursed, Slither, Scout, Devourer, Rampage, Predator

C - Armadon, Night Hound, Nymphora, War Beast, Wretched Hag

D - Chronos, Keeper of the Forest, Blacksmith

Underline: Moved up a tier

Bold: Moved down a tier


So uh

When we ask you to help us gank because the target is getting too much experience, PLEASE GANK. Not listening to those needing a gank is the reason my team lost 2 games yesterday. Remember Chronos? When me and Tensei asked REPEATEDLY for help ganking him? Yeah.

Same goes for the game with the overfed Magmus previous.

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