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Tiers time!


God tier - Always pick these heroes if given the opportunity. Always ban them if the opposing team could have access.

S tier - Powerful, versatile characters that have significant utility. Try to fill your team with these.

A tier - Good heroes that can do one thing very well (perhaps on an S-tier level) but don't quite have as much overall utility as S-tiers. For example, Pollywog Priest is a great disabler. However, Succubus is an even better disabler, plus she has more lane staying power. Pandamonium and Rampage are solid STR carries with good stunning capabilities, but Pestilence offers more power overall.

B tier - Average picks. These may be competitive with the above tiers under circumstances, but cannot be thrown into any lineup. Generally these guys are mixed bags. For example, Swiftblade is a pretty good carry, but pales in comparison to Madman or the Dark Lady. Nymphora has some good potential but needs to be with the right heroes. Electrician counters Jeraziah, but doesn't offer a great deal to teamfights.

C tier - Below-average picks. Certainly capable of filling specific roles, but they have 1-2 "deadweight" or underpowered abilities, or are very easily countered. For example, Night Hound's Ult makes him invisible, but wards, dust, eyes and Pestilence's ult will reveal him. Keeper's ult is comparable to Tempest's, but not quite as good, his eyes are easily countered, and his self-damage buff is a waste.

D tier - Severely underpowered heroes. These guys require significant farm to be effective or are simply extremely hard to play properly. There is little reason to pick them over higher tier heroes.

God: Tempest, Jeraziah, Demented Shaman, Behemoth

S: Madman, The Dark Lady, Sand Wraith, Pestilence, Witch Slayer, Valkyrie, Thunderbringer, Hellbringer, Succubus, Plague Rider, Soul Reaper, Kraken, Pharaoh, Maliken

A: Legionnaire, Scout, Pandamonium, Rampage, Magebane, Soulstealer, Voodoo Jester, Puppet Master, Pollywog Priest, Defiler, Torturer, Accursed, Glacius, Magmus, Hammerstorm, Pyromancer, Corrupted Disciple

B: Swiftblade, Slither, Wretched Hag, Vindicator, Nymphora, Pebbles, Blood Hunter, Electrician, Wildsoul, Andromeda

C: Night Hound, Predator, Devourer, Forsaken Archer, Armadon, Keeper of the Forest, Moon Queen, Blacksmith

D: Zephyr, War Beast, Chronos, Ophelia

Unranked: Engineer


I just want to say that Legionnaire is the manliest hero in the entire game. In a match earlier tonight, I was running up to a teamfight and noticed Magmus off to the side charging his ult. I immediately portkeyed in and Taunted him, eating the full brunt of every single ult wave, then executed him on the spot. I've never quite had that kind of adrenaline rush with any other hero. There's something about Lego's style of play that is just... so satisfying!

TDL in S surprises me. While she's a decent AGI carry, putting her on the same level as Maliken and Madman might be giving her a bit too much credit. I always consider her more of an alternative to Magebane or even BH.

TDL has the best damage output among agi carries, and can shred pretty much any hero as long as she has the jump on them. She a very specialized hero that requires flawless execution.

TDL has the best damage output among agi carries, and can shred pretty much any hero as long as she has the jump on them. She a very specialized hero that requires flawless execution.

Requiring flawless execution to even compare to a decent execution of Madman does not put them on the same tier. I still think she should be an B list hero. Definitely not S.

Also Witch Slayer << Pyro. So you might want to look into that.

Rampage is not a carry. He is a ganker and a subpar one at that. He is a win-more hero. B at best.

You underestimate Pebbles. He is a great alternate initiator as well as he can own anyone who tries to mess with him early with his spell combo early then he becomes solid support later. He should be bumped up.

Glacius and Defiler have both become less and less useful as time goes on. Both need a drop down.

Also Engineer is a B hero (where Scout belongs, actually) because he's a great noob killer but any team will know how to deal with him.

Also you've missed some heroes (at least one that I noticed). Arachna is a B hero.

And Soul Reaper needs a bump down. He doesn't do enough to be an every game pick.


TDL can boost her ASPD nearly as much as Madman can, except with a nonult skill. She can also buff her own damage to incredible levels again without her ult. Her AOE silence lasts longer than MM's stun and her skills require less mana. She's on par.

Witch being worse than Pyro? That's funny because most of the people on the HON forums (ex-dota players) said that Lina was typically considered a watered-down Lion. Witch has the disabling versatility of someone like Pollywog but can do way more damage and has incredible lane presence, plus a superior attack animation.

Engineer would be a solid A. Very high physical DPS that can get completely shut down by void talisman and barbed armor. Or by just focusing the turret.

Barbed Armor is probably a better solution since Void Talisman will amplify the damage from his ult as well as the chain lightning proc when he gets Thunderclaw. Not to mention you can't attack. :[ But yeah, Engi benefits a lot from the natural chaos of teamfights. I'm definitely curious as to what Zero's easy counter is. I'm also curious as to what the "Perplexed" status effect does exactly.

Anyway, I guess this is a good time to mention that there is a house ban on Panda's ult in addition to Succubus (and Tempest I think) in 3v3 games. When Wes and I played him (pretty much first time for both of us) it just completely broke the game.


To be fair, any kind of disabler becomes a much bigger threat in 3v3. Puppet Master was practically made to take on 3 people at the same time. Witch Slayer and Pyro can instagib people even faster than Panda. Even Polly becomes brutal with a properly executed ult + stun.

Witch being worse than Pyro? That's funny because most of the people on the HON forums (ex-dota players) said that Lina was typically considered a watered-down Lion. Witch has the disabling versatility of someone like Pollywog but can do way more damage and has incredible lane presence, plus a superior attack animation.

Look at pro replays in DotA. Only time you'll see Lion is to babysit a midrange carry. You see Lina a lot more. Or at least used to. Can't say I've totally kept up.

Look at pro replays in DotA. Only time you'll see Lion is to babysit a midrange carry. You see Lina a lot more. Or at least used to. Can't say I've totally kept up.

I can vouch for this. Lina was much more oft-used for her superior aoe/initiation. Lion's stun isn't really good for stunning multiple enemies in DotA. The ults are pretty much carbon copies with different colors of lightning, and lina can all but match lion with sheepstick, plus her passive move/attack speed bonus makes her actually useful post-nukespam.



Anyone want to try joining some tournaments? Seems like it could be fun. At least 5 of us I think could put up a good fight in a really competitive match.

Also I'm just not afraid of Pyro. His stun is harder to land and hits fewer people. Witch can initiate just as well but can spam more freely in lanes. Matches Witch with a Sheepstick? What? That's like saying Magebane matches Madman's crit.. all he needs is Riftshards! :roll:

Matches Witch with a Sheepstick? What? That's like saying Magebane matches Madman's crit.. all he needs is Riftshards! :roll:

the primary difference in your analogy being that magebane would need to match madmans crit at all, which is, of course, not true

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