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of course not. but it was established pages ago that there isn't enough seasoned remixer help to pull off an album at this point.

these hoards of random people don't need to tell us what we already know. we know golden sun has decent music! it's not cool enough to overshadow other major games, though. it's trash when compared to other games that have never had a legitimate project - games like FFX or chrono cross...those are projects that really, really need to happen before a second-rate [iMO] game.

it's just annoying when it keeps on coming up again and again. that's all. didn't mean to ruffle feathers.

Too bad we have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many projects.

We really shouldn't start ANY more projects until all the current ones are 100% completed.

Thank you for reiterating what dozens of people love to say over and over and over again all the time. Thank goodness we have you here to keep the project situation under control.

Look. A request is a request. Plain and simple. There's nothing wrong with people posting requests or ideas. If you don't like it, leave it alone.

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