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I posted this over on VGMix in the "Currently Playing" thread. I thought you guys might find it interesting as well.

Final Fantasy Tactics Complete Beta v.50


So here's the deal: A friend of mine told me about Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 -It is a patch for FFT that attempts to re-balance the game and make it more difficult (see video).

It sounded interesting, but what caught my eye even more was the FFT: Complete patch, which takes the vastly improved translation from the PSP version of the game, and applies it to the PS1 version. Too bad I couldn't find the download.

So I ripped an image of my copy of FFT (don't pirate, kids), applied the 1.3 patch, and was on my way to check it out, but I got tired of fiddling with ePSXe (PS1 emulator), so I did a quick search for PS2 slim modding/hacking/whatever it is you do to let you play backup PS1 games on your PS2 slim.

Found out it's dead simple.

Did it (though I did mine slightly differently than everyone else in every video I've seen. I get the same result, but I did it in a less stupid way).

Started playing, but quickly discovered I don't like 1.3 all that much. I really just want to go through the story again, and not play through battles that take 4x as long.

SO. I looked and looked and emailed and messaged the guys behind Final Fantasy Tactics Complete, and could not find the link to download the patch anywhere.

Finally, I signed up for the forums at ffhacktics, went to post my question "WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!" and finally found it.

It was attached to this forum post, but you can't see the link unless you're signed in...


I can now play Tactics with an amazing translation without buying a PSP. I am pumped.

They are planning another release soon, which will most likely add the PSP intro and cutscenes into the PS1 version of the game. I can't wait.


heh, I remember finding this a couple years ago. before they were even close to done. I forgot about it though

I will likely get this so that I can play the definitive version (PS1 version speed with PSP translation) on my PSP icon_ugly.gif

the PSP version's speed problems pissed me off so bad


Yeah, I've tried that one in the past. It works well, but has issues on my system. I probably need a better video card or more ram or something.

I'm so glad I can play it on my actual PS2 though. It just feels right.


Thank you, this thread. Never would have thought to check versions. I'll make a note to use my FF Tactics CD as a coaster and fix up the better translation on my compy for when I get around to playing it.

Yeah, the speed problems in FFT for PSP made it unplayable. It should not take 8 seconds for "Throw Stone" to execute. Part of what made FFT awesome was the fluidity of the animations.

I never found it that bad, and for me, it only seemed like the first time it used an animation *might* be slow. Next time I play it through, though, I'm going to copy it to memory stick; I'm doing that with all my PSP games now. The loading times for Dissidia with the entire game on the memory stick are so much better.

I never found it that bad

play them side by side

it will become apparent within 2 seconds how much faster the original was even with WotL copied to memstick

anyway, I've got this working on PSP, so if anyone wants it *cough* PM me

I never found it that bad, and for me, it only seemed like the first time it used an animation *might* be slow. Next time I play it through, though, I'm going to copy it to memory stick; I'm doing that with all my PSP games now. The loading times for Dissidia with the entire game on the memory stick are so much better.

yeah, i didn't really have a problem with the slower speed.

i'm definitely going to look into playing this, though. this looks great.

play them side by side

it will become apparent within 2 seconds how much faster the original was even with WotL copied to memstick

Yeah, I never owned a PS1, so I never played the original. Maybe I'd find it more aggravating as someone who had, but as far as I'm concerned, it's not annoyingly unplayable.


I really wanted to msave another FFT playthrough for my eventual PSP purchase, and despite the fact that I got a good feeling, I'd feel like a rebel planning rebellion to use this method.


OK. Timeout.

Which is the better translation? The dialogue in Gollgagh's screenshots is sexy, but is that indicative of the entire game? Does the PSP translation have more horrid screw-ups in the vein of 'their' vs 'they're'?

I don't want to waste my time with this nonsense if it's not worth it.


I don't know what prophet's talking about, since I didn't notice on my initial playthrough, but it's been a year and a half since then.

I guess I'll keep an eye out as I play through again.

I don't want to waste my time with this nonsense if it's not worth it.

Ok, first of all: Playing Final Fantasy Tactics is never a waste of time.


The PSP translation is invariably superior. The charm and wit is carried throughout the entire game. I would not consider playing with the original translation again if I could at all avoid it (and I can). I have no idea how anyone can claim it has a bad translation. Sure, there may be grammatical errors, but if you can see past that, and appreciate it for what it is supposed to be (and you should) you will have a greater time enjoying the story with the PSP translation. I don't care if they use a certain form of a word incorrectly. I mean... look at this:


I am Alazlam, a scholar of ancient Ivalice history...

Have you ever heard of the "Lion War"?

It divided Ivalice in two over who would be the successor to the throne.

It ended with the appearance of a young hero named Delita.

Everybody living here knows this hero's tale...

But we also know that what we see with our eyes alone... isn't necessarily the truth.

Here's a young man.

He is the youngest son of the noble Beoulve...pillars of knighthood.

There's no record of his playing an active part in history but...

According to the "Durai Report" released last year (concealed for many years by church), this unknown man is the true hero...

The church claims he was a blasphemer and anarchist-the root of all evil...

But is this the "truth"?

Won't you join me on a journey for the "truth"?

PSP version:

I am Arazlam, student of Ivalice's Middle Age. You are familiar with the War of

the Lions, no?

It was a bitter war of succession that rent the land of Ivalice in two. Here we

first find mention of Delita Heiral, a hithertofore unknown young man, the hero

who would draw the curtain of this dark act of our history.

His is a heroism of great renown - a story familiar to all who dwell within our


Ah, but what the eye sees is oftentimes a mere fragment of the truth.

There was another young man, the youngest of House Beoulve, long famed for

producing leaders of knights and men.

There is no official record of the role he played on history's stage.

However, according to the Durai Papers, the existence of which became known to

the public only this last year - they had long lain concealed in Church

archives - this forgotten young man is in fact the true hero.

The Church maintains he was a heretic, an inciter of unrest and disturber of

the peace.

Which accounts is to be believed?

Join me in my search to uncover the answer.

Ok, first of all: Playing Final Fantasy Tactics is never a waste of time.

I love it when I make people irate. Reminds me of me when I...

But I shouldn't poke. That comparison was clutch. I'm now sold on the remake translation. Thanks for the elaboration... the many hours I shall invest in this game will be better from your assistance. And I sure as hell wouldn't have typed out all that. If you copy-pasted, you're cool, but if you typed from scratch then you are awesome.

Though... hithertofore? Methinks the inherent redundancy gives that translation a big wet 'no'.

Overall though, it definitely sounds like the definitive version (yum redundancy).

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