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I've got a problem - I've been saving up for a while to (finally) get a this-gen console. Now that I actually have the money, I'm not sure what to get. I have a Wii already, and, while I love the thing, I want to be able to play some other stuff, too. Tales of Vesperia is a huge draw to the 360, despite the tantalizing signs it may be coming out in N. America for the PS3. I'm not keen on Blu-Ray, but it looks like PS3 has a way better build quality. So, I'm kinda torn...fanboys, convince me of the errors of my non 360/PS3 ways!


Well, I'm partial to the 360 (despite having it break over 7 times now, RROD etc, but don't let that scare you!) because of it's online service and interface.

Though the interface part is really a huge personal thing, I find it more smooth to work with than PSN XMB and wonky friendslist. But yeah, I play online a lot, and PSN just doesn't like me. Dropouts, lag, all that stuff.

These days most games are multiplatform anyway so I'd imagine a huge part is deciding if you're gonna play online a lot or not - though PSN is fine for a lot of people, not saying it's bad by any means, just bad for me.

Though, you mentioned Tales of Vesperia, and I logged 80+hrs into it and it's freaking fantastic. GET IT. GET IT YESTERDAY.

Well, I'm partial to the 360 (despite having it break over 7 times now, RROD etc, but don't let that scare you!) because of it's online service and interface.

Though the interface part is really a huge personal thing, I find it more smooth to work with than PSN XMB and wonky friendslist. But yeah, I play online a lot, and PSN just doesn't like me. Dropouts, lag, all that stuff.

These days most games are multiplatform anyway so I'd imagine a huge part is deciding if you're gonna play online a lot or not - though PSN is fine for a lot of people, not saying it's bad by any means, just bad for me.

Though, you mentioned Tales of Vesperia, and I logged 80+hrs into it and it's freaking fantastic. GET IT. GET IT YESTERDAY.

I'm not much for the online world, to be totally honest, although I've a bunch of friends on Xbox Live. I LOVE Tales of Vesperia - I played it at a buddy's (I also love Tales of Symphona and Tales of the Abyss, both of which I own). And what you say is true, too - stuff is multi-platform, and usually fairly close one way or the other.

What else do you play, or would you play? It's supposedly coming out 3rd quarter 2010 for ps3 (with an extra char :D).

I'm really into the dying breeds of video games - I like Little Big Planet. Platformers and adventure games are my thing - I only play FPS on a compy. I liked Mirror's Edge, too. Bear in mind that I've very little experience with this-gen consoles...I'm a retro gamer - my era is the 8-to-16-bit one, which kicks tremendous ass, with occasional forays into GCN/PS2/PS/N64.

both, mofo

But I po'. I had to spend $700 on textbooks this term...so much for my pay raise/Boxing Day super money, eh? I might one day be able to get both...

The compy thing is valid, though - I do have a pretty solid comp (8 gig RAM, 512MB video card, good power supply - aftermarket for the win!), and Xbox games are also compy games. Except Tales of Vesperia...

But I po'. I had to spend $700 on textbooks this term...so much for my pay raise/Boxing Day super money, eh? I might one day be able to get both...

The compy thing is valid, though - I do have a pretty solid comp (8 gig RAM, 512MB video card, good power supply - aftermarket for the win!), and Xbox games are also compy games. Except Tales of Vesperia...

Tales of Vesperia is also on the PS3...


eh you ain't missing much, not to mention you can just mooch off one of your buddies right? I'd say go for whatever console works for ya on a practical/financial/personal interest scale.

I will admit there are some fun titles I'd love to try if they weren't just on the 360-live. Nonetheless I refuse to buy something that I'd would find little value imo; like MW2.

I'm not much for the online world, to be totally honest, although I've a bunch of friends on Xbox Live. I LOVE Tales of Vesperia - I played it at a buddy's (I also love Tales of Symphona and Tales of the Abyss, both of which I own). And what you say is true, too - stuff is multi-platform, and usually fairly close one way or the other.

Then I think you'll be quite happy with a PS3, actually. I'll cross all my fingers for a nonJPN release for Tales of Vesperia then. All those new features sound really cool from what I've read - I wouldn't mind buying it again for the PS3 myself, to be honest.

Aside from that, PS3 costs more, so if you get that now, somewhere later down the line it'll be easier for you to pick up a cheap 360 somewhere! =]


The only serious downside from owning either system is that the games, regardless of either 360 or PS3, will cost you around $60 each, and that's just for the regular retail bought "new". How the flying fuck we accepted that no body knows... IW even tried to foist that shit pricing on PC gamers on the pc version.

The only serious downside from owning either system is that the games, regardless of either 360 or PS3, will cost you around $60 each, and that's just for the regular retail bought "new". How the flying fuck we accepted that no body knows... IW even tried to foist that shit pricing on PC gamers on the pc version.

Imagine living in Europe. Costs for videogames doubled when that freakin' Euro showed it's face! XO

I definitely agree though. Then again, if they're good games, I dont mind that much... <3

I'm not much for the online world, to be totally honest, although I've a bunch of friends on Xbox Live.

Do you think you'd play a lot of games with them if you did get a 360? If the answer is yes, get one right now. The Xbox 360 is good to play with friends.

Also, what do you think about achievements? Are you even slightly interested in them? If the answer is yes, then, once again, I would recommend getting a 360.

Of course, the best idea is to get both at some point.


Wow, I'm surprised, gamestop.ca sells games for $59.99 just like in the USA.

When I was playing PSX/PS2, I was paying $80 for a game that cost $60 in the US, but since then the CDN dollar went to almost-par with the US dollar and the companies ran out of excuses for different pricing.


Get whichever one has the games you want.

Seriously, the list of exclusives for each title is fairly short. 360 has Halo. PS3 has Metal Gear. 360 has Ace Combat. PS3 has Little Big Planet. Etc etc etc.

About the only other reason to get one over the other is the BluRay player on the PS3 or Xbox Live on 360 (which I hear is markedly superior to PS3's online play, but I've never messed with a PS3 online, so I couldn't tell you personally).


About the only other reason to get one over the other is the BluRay player on the PS3 or Xbox Live on 360 (which I hear is markedly superior to PS3's online play, but I've never messed with a PS3 online, so I couldn't tell you personally).

I have messed with PS online, and I must say I prefer XBL even if MS nickel-and-dimes me for it (you can usually stock up on yearly subscriptions when they go on sale for ~$35 each). To be fair though, certain PS3 games have improved upon PSO's functionality, and PSO is certainly tolerable if you're set on a PS3.

The debate really is just a matter of personal preference. If you've been in Sony's camp for the past two console generations like I was (moreso with the PS2 than the PSX), then you'll probably be in their corner for this one. If the emergence of online play via XBL (or whatever other factor) brought you over to the Xbox, then you're probably still on MS's side. It isn't a bad thing to have a preference, just don't act like a fanboy.

Bottom line, I can only repeat what others have said. Regardless of what the marketing teams at Sony and MS say about their hardware being "media centers" and whatnot, keep in mind that you are buying what is primarily a game console. Therefore the most important factor to consider is the lineup of games. Not saying there aren't other factors, but that is the one I think should definitely be at the top.

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