Kiyobi Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 I had this idea for an Engie unlock a few days back. Clefairy might remember this. It's a backpack. It replaces your shotgun, but gives you the ability to literally carry a buildable on your back, completely functional. It slows you down at high levels, though, especially level 3 Sentries. Like... Heavies-look-fast speed. Mobile dispenser at the expense of your shotgun? Discuss.
Powerlord Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Considering that pretty much everyone hates how much the Engineer is tethered to his buildings, I predict unlocks geared towards fungineering in the update, not turtling. Didn't they already try that with the Repair Node and decided "lolno"? Yes, and in the process, Valve has basically said "no new buildings." Also, one of the unlocks will likely be the P.D.Q. if Valve hasn't scrapped that idea.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Yea. Also I don't usually hide by my stuff, Turbine is an exception. Usually I never upgrade anything and go offensive engy. You will notice me doing this if you pay attention. I have another video I'll upload here soon from harvest event that highlights this. I have noticed, in fact.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Total double post but I don't care because I got a Backbiter's Billycock fuck yeah. The funny part is that I got it while in a map via the map_<mapname> command from the console, not while idling or actually, you know, playing. That is all. <.<
chivesontheweb Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Total double post but I don't care because I got a Backbiter's Billycock fuck yeah.The funny part is that I got it while in a map via the map_<mapname> command from the console, not while idling or actually, you know, playing. That is all. <.< Hehe, very nice. Sometimes the random drop system works out okay! Sometimes. Very sometimes. I'll probably trying regular rifle Sniper out tonight. Now that I've got used to my new mouse set-up I want to see if it'll improve my Sniping. It did so for my Scouting, so I'm hopeful.
chivesontheweb Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Turns out I'm a horrible Sniper, but I'll try it next time I'm on.
Aeronaut Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Engineer Update will be a three month long Stalemate.Cause everyone will be turt' lin'. Cept Aeronaut, cause he will be busy fungineering. You know it.
FireSlash Posted April 8, 2010 Author Posted April 8, 2010 Turns out I'm a horrible Sniper, but I'll try it next time I'm on. There is a cvar that can lower the sens a bit while zoomed in. Works wonders for me. It's zoom_somethingarather (Just type it in the dev console, it'll be the only suggested option). I usually set mine to .6
RussellChamp Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Hey, just had a cool idea... what would you guys think about a Windows desktop widget that tracked certain things on HLstatsX (such as certain server population, players, map, etc) or give you similar results for a server as when one of your friends is in a game? This would be a lot easier than loading up the entire game. Seemed like a cool idea to me. Couldn't find anything online to that end, though. Ah, it may be that if I want one I'd have to make it myself.
atmuh Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 ive seen a lot of people use things like that but i never bothered to get it for myself
FireSlash Posted April 8, 2010 Author Posted April 8, 2010 Hey, just had a cool idea... what would you guys think about a Windows desktop widget that tracked certain things on HLstatsX (such as certain server population, players, map, etc) or give you similar results for a server as when one of your friends is in a game? This would be a lot easier than loading up the entire game.Seemed like a cool idea to me. Couldn't find anything online to that end, though. Ah, it may be that if I want one I'd have to make it myself. If you add a server to your favorites on tf2stats, they show up on the server page. Otherwise interesting idea.
Sporknight Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Hey, just had a cool idea... what would you guys think about a Windows desktop widget that tracked certain things on HLstatsX (such as certain server population, players, map, etc) or give you similar results for a server as when one of your friends is in a game? This would be a lot easier than loading up the entire game.Seemed like a cool idea to me. Couldn't find anything online to that end, though. Ah, it may be that if I want one I'd have to make it myself. I just click the "Servers" button on the Steam application itself, then right-click the server and click "View Server Info". You can also right-click on your pal on the friends list and click "View game info". You just need to have Steam running for that.
Kinslayer Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Well, I got on the server for the first time yesterday, had a blast, still suck ass at the game, but that's what I get for being a n00b, but I'm getting better. Can't wait to play another all-nighter actually
Kenogu Labz Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Heya, Kinslayer (Lews Therin?) TF2 is a game that takes a bit to get good at, and you'll still be discovering new things several months in, so don't feel too bad if you're having a hard time at first!
Powerlord Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Here's a quick guide to Things You Should Know In TF2: The Medic's Medigun/Kritzkrieg can heal people. It can also overheal them to 150% health. Right-click specials: Scout with Sandman to hit baseball at someone Pyro with Flamethrower to activate airblast to extinguish burning allies or push enemy players away Demoman to explode sticky bombs Demoman to charge with shield Heavy with Minigun/Natascha to keep barrel spinning Medic with Medigun/Kritzkrieg to ubercharge themselves and a teammate when their Ubercharge meter is 100%. That's 8 seconds of invincibility or 100% crits on target depending on which one you have. Sniper with Sniper Rifle to zoom in. Spy to Cloak/Decloak with Invisibility Watch or Cloak and Dagger Spy to pull out Dead Ringer or deactivate it Sniper headshots (with the sniper rifle or Huntsman bow) will kill most classes guaranteed. A fully charged Sniper Rifle shot will deal 450 damage, killing anyone who isn't invincible. Soldiers can rocket jump by jumping just before shooting down. Demoman can sticky bomb jump by jumping just before right-clicking to explode their sticky bombs Engineer weapon 4 is the build panel. You can use it to build a sentry gun, an ammo dispenser, and a teleporter entrance and exit. Note that this takes metal. You get more metal from ammo boxes (and your dispenser). Note: Each building can be upgraded to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench (melee weapon). It takes 200 metal (25 at a time) to upgrade a building 1 level. Engineer weapon 5 is the destruction panel. It does the opposite of the build panel. Engineer: Hit a building that has a sapper on it twice to knock the sapper off. Engineer: Hitting a building with your wrench while it's building makes it build faster. Engineer: Hitting a building with your wrench uses your metal to repair it if it's damaged or needs ammo, or uses 25 metal to partly upgrade it if it isn't damaged and not yet level 3. Spy weapon 2 is the Electronics Sapper. It is a short-range item that is placed on an Engineer building, disabling and damaging said building. Using it does not break your disguise. You have an unlimited supply of these. Spy weapon 4 is the Disguise Kit. 1-9 correspond to the classes in the class selection screen. Press - first to switch team color. Spy's right-click activates his cloaking device. Pressing b as Spy disguises using your last used Disguise. If you're already disguised, it changes the weapon your disguise appears to be holding to your current weapon's slot. The exceptions are that you can not appear as an Engineer holding their build toolbox or as an enemy Spy holding a Sapper or Disguise Kit.Things You Should Know In TF2 - Spies:The Spy has 3 special features: Spies briefly show their real team color when cloaking/decloaking and disguising. When bumping into a cloaked enemy Spy using the Invisibility Watch or Cloak and Dagger (or Dead Ringer after ~8 seconds), they will show up as a translucent red or blue outline of their current disguise.This does not apply to the Dead Ringer for the first ~8 seconds. However, you can still run into them. [*]The Dead Ringer cloaking device allows a Spy to fake their death. Just because you see a Spy die, don't assume they really did. The Dead Ringer also makes a somewhat-loud zapping sound when it wears off. Spies that disguise as people on their own team will drop a fake corpse of that class rather than a fake Spy corpse. Beware of anyone who dies too quickly. [*]Since friendly fire is off on most TF2 servers, check for spies using your weapons. Pyro is especially adept at this, because spies can be set on fire. Speaking of which, players burn with their team color. A player burning the wrong color (red player, blue flames and vice versa) is a disguised Spy. [*]You can pass through your teammates, but not enemy players. This can also be used for spychecking, although it isn't recommended. [*]Spies can place sappers on Engineer buildings to disable/destroy them. This does not remove their disguise like their gun and knife do. This has a special animation for all 9 class models. If you see a player slap something onto an engineer building with their hand, they're an enemy spy. [*]The following are never enemy spies: Engineers carrying a toolbox. Spies with their sapper out Spies with their disguise kit out A teammate that is currently shooting or using their melee weapon. A player carrying the enemy intelligence. A dispenser, no matter what Brushfire says. tl;dr If you see a teammate acting suspicious, shoot them... they might be a Spy.The Spy can disguise as any class from either team.The Spy can turn invisible for a limited amount of time.Spies have an instant-kill backstab with their melee weapon.
Kenogu Labz Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 You should throw that on the front page, Powerlord. Or have FireSlash do it. Then again, most of the people who come to this topic probably already know what they're doing...
Kinslayer Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I would probably agree with should go on the first page as a guide for new would be helpful...alot of that stuff I've already discovered...I've tried pretty much all classes so far...although I tend to like Pyro/Heavy at the moment, although I did get a headshot as a sniper tonight... and Kenogu Labs, yes, my username is in reference to Lews Therin Kinslayer...
Necro Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I would probably agree with should go on the first page as a guide for new would be helpful...alot of that stuff I've already discovered...I've tried pretty much all classes so far...although I tend to like Pyro/Heavy at the moment, although I did get a headshot as a sniper tonight... Here's a thread that details a bunch of videos that cover how to play the classes. Here's the site that lists all the technical information that you may be interested in. Other things. Open up your options and go to Keyboard settings. Under advanced settings you will find two checkboxes. One turns on fast weapon switch and the other turns on the developer console. Turn them both on. The console allows you to access a large number of helpful commands. Multiplayer Options Under multiplayer options you will find some good stuff. There are things such as a Medic autocall, an autoheal button, and autoreload. Turn on damage text as well. This tells you how much damage you are doing. Hitsounds Turn on hitsounds so that you can tell when you hit your enemy. If the sound is too loud you can lower it by opening the console and typing "tf_dingaling_volume" and setting it to your desired level. I personally use 0.4. One final note. Do not feel bad for scoring low on the OCR server. From my experience the OCR server has a very high level of skill in its player base. Several of the regulars have played in leagues and the normal crowd is very skilled. Feel free to ask any questions. The regulars are a friendly bunch.
Kinslayer Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Well, assuming you killed me about 30 times tonight but I'm having fun, and I am getting some least I'm not the worst player on the server XD
HoopyFrood Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Yes,don't worry too much about it Kinslayer. I've only been playing for 4 months and have(I think) improved a lot in that time.
Bleck Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Then again, most of the people who come to this topic probably already know what they're doing... hahahahahahaha
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