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Were you even on just now, I didn't hear you speak a word...

Who me? No. It is kinda hard to play a game on a government computer because:

A) It is illegal for me to install, or even bring external software into my building.

B) These compy's are so under powered I'd have to use the N64 Mod to play TF2 in them.

C)Amazing Fantastico Techno Disco De Chocobo

D) ◕◡◕


Heh, I didn't realize you were at work...I got off 1 1/2 hours ago...but geez I wish I had a job that paid better...I'm so sick of working in television and getting paid next to nothing to do it...

At least you reserve the right to have a title, I guess mine would simply be, the n00b.

Awards and ribbons get reset in Hlstatsx every 28 days or so. This means that you can snag a few global awards once the period lapses.

Awards and ribbons get reset in Hlstatsx every 28 days or so. This means that you can snag a few global awards once the period lapses.

I think it's more of a "rolling" time period, as opposed to discrete 28-day frames.

For my part, I guard my global Backstab, Ambassador, and Sapper awards jealously. I had the global Revolver award for a while, but it's passed to someone else recently.

I think it's more of a "rolling" time period, as opposed to discrete 28-day frames.

For my part, I guard my global Backstab, Ambassador, and Sapper awards jealously. I had the global Revolver award for a while, but it's passed to someone else recently.

I stole the Revolver award with my 3 maybe 4 days of nothing but DR revolver spy. lol

I used to have the global award for Flaregun kills but I gave up trying to maintain it.

I stole the Revolver award with my 3 maybe 4 days of nothing but DR revolver spy. lol

I used to have the global award for Flaregun kills but I gave up trying to maintain it.

Paranoid stole it from me and you stole it from him.

I should point at Paranoid and laugh!

Seriously, I might play more during the summer. Right now, school (2 programming classes) and work are taking up far too much time. The few times I do play are on weekends and when I should be doing homework.

It's not a really a mod, it's "take your settings down so low it looks like you're playing TF2 on a N64." I have to use it since my comp is so bad, and there's nothing exciting about it.

Oh, that. I already have that. *sulks away in disappointment*

Paranoid stole it from me and you stole it from him.

I should point at Paranoid and laugh!

Seriously, I might play more during the summer. Right now, school (2 programming classes) and work are taking up far too much time. The few times I do play are on weekends and when I should be doing homework.

Only because I had the silver Revolver ribbon and wanted to get gold. Which requires earning the daily Revolver award 10 times. I have it now, so back to the Ambassador for me.

Well thank god my computer isn't that bad...XD, I would hate to think of how bad it would be trying to play on lesser graphics...

I dunno, I kinda like it. Long as I get my framerate up, I'm perfectly happy.

I have most Huntsman kills and most Razorbacks broken right now. I used to have most Pumpkin Bomb kills, other than that I don't remember.

Apparently I have the pumpkin bomb kills now, although I rarely ever killed anyone with them. x.x

once you play with every setting maxed and mat-picmip -10 you cant go back

Then you'd have a hard time adjusting to my config, then.


At least I gave characters back eyes and teeth now. It used to be...


So yeah, it's ugly but keeping 60 fps > pretty graphics for me. The game still keeps its overall charm for me, somehow.


This is what TF2 would look like on a PS1...

Maybe it's time to invest in a graphics card. You can get a 9800GT (More than fast enough to play tf2 at max everything and a bit of AA) for like $75 these days

Then you'd have a hard time adjusting to my config, then.


At least I gave characters back eyes and teeth now. It used to be...


So yeah, it's ugly but keeping 60 fps > pretty graphics for me. The game still keeps its overall charm for me, somehow.

Jesus christ on a pogo stick.

I second FireSlash's suggestion.

This is what TF2 would look like on a PS1...

Maybe it's time to invest in a graphics card. You can get a 9800GT (More than fast enough to play tf2 at max everything and a bit of AA) for like $75 these days

Hell, my GT240 (which is one generation newer) set me back $100... before a $20 mail in rebate. And it came with a coupon for a free Capcom game download. I chose Resident Evil 5 over Dark Void or Street Fighter IV..

Edit: Also, third Backbiter's Billycock! GO ME!

This is what TF2 would look like on a PS1...

Maybe it's time to invest in a graphics card. You can get a 9800GT (More than fast enough to play tf2 at max everything and a bit of AA) for like $75 these days

I have a 9600GT. Is it really worth the 75 dollars more to upgrade? I mean, I play the game fine as it is.

EDIT: I think I gave the impression I have a crap computer. I don't. I just choose to maximize my FPS, and with this config it runs very smoothly.

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