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uh that means you actually have a decent idea as to how if youre gonna be a spy that it actually should be played

To a point. If you're just going to ignore your Knife then you should switch classes, but any halfway decent Spy needs to learn how to use their gun, yes. Revolver vs. Ambassador is irrelevant and ultimately boils down to the situations you find yourself in more often. (Or if you can headshot consistently, in which case the Ambassador has better DPS full stop except maybe at point blank range in which case why aren't you backstabbing them.)

On an unrelated note, I think the mapcycle's messed up. We went from Gold Rush to Badwater, and I don't think Gold Rush was RTV'd to. (I know for a fact Badwater wasn't.)


On a random note, beware of a Starfox raid of 8-10 players sometime between Friday-Sunday (April 30-May 2), all consisting of OCR regulars (so no, it is not a clanstack).

And somebody kill cp_fastlane from the map cycle... the last points on that map are terrible and seem impossible to defend.

On a random note, beware of a Starfox raid of 8-10 players sometime between Friday-Sunday (April 30-May 2), all consisting of OCR regulars (so no, it is not a clanstack).

And somebody kill cp_fastlane from the map cycle... the last points on that map are terrible and seem impossible to defend.

What? No. Fastlane is awesome.


Um, I can find both of those on Newegg.com...however, a 9800 is too big for my computer...and on another note...my video card recovered...so I'll likely be playing again until the red goes out again...


i tested it out and other than the very beginning of rounds where everyone is exploding and jumping and taunting it runs pretty smoothly

i'm definitely gonna play a lil here and there with you guys though i warn im not gonna be up to par for awhile

And somebody kill cp_fastlane from the map cycle... the last points on that map are terrible and seem impossible to defend.

Seem impossible. Fastlane is actually known for having last points that are difficult for the pushers to cap, hence why in competitive circles I've heard it referred to as "Slowlane".

However, if you are getting tired of Fastlane I wouldn't be totally against it. Just make sure it gets replaced with another 5-CP map, probably Yukon or Coldfront. Also, pl_waste has got to go.

On another note, why is Gold Rush 40 minutes long? I think 30 would be long enough, considering it doesn't exit until the current round/match is finished. Unless I just misunderstand something, which is possible.

Also, whine whine whine complain complain complain

Um, I can find both of those on Newegg.com...however, a 9800 is too big for my computer...and on another note...my video card recovered...so I'll likely be playing again until the red goes out again...

a 9800GT is practically the same card as an 8800GT. The changes are so minimal they're not worth mentioning.

Oh, btw, fastlane isn't that bad. Keep in mind it's one map in a big rotation. Also moving pl_waste OUT and cp_coldfront IN, since nobody has told me they hate it (yet)


Well, I'm going with the 9500 I think...I can get it within my price range, unfortunately, the 9800 is currently a little too expensive for me...I'll get it worked out...

a 9800GT is practically the same card as an 8800GT. The changes are so minimal they're not worth mentioning.

Oh, btw, fastlane isn't that bad. Keep in mind it's one map in a big rotation. Also moving pl_waste OUT and cp_coldfront IN, since nobody has told me they hate it (yet)

If you're doing this, make it cp_coldfront_rc2. The particles are flagged as weather now, so they can be disabled in options.

EDIT: Download link if you need it.

a 9800GT is practically the same card as an 8800GT. The changes are so minimal they're not worth mentioning.

Oh, btw, fastlane isn't that bad. Keep in mind it's one map in a big rotation. Also moving pl_waste OUT and cp_coldfront IN, since nobody has told me they hate it (yet)

Eh, I've noticed a significant increase in performance with the 9800 as well as being able to clock it higher but for the average user you would be right.


TF2 Update coming within an hour. It's also a DoD:S update, so it's probably just an engine fix.

Also, OCR's boards stopped emailing me about new posts again. >:/

P.S. At least one of Steam's servers is being quite wonky this evening, so don't be shocked if the servers are all disconnected from masters again.

TF2Items can't even see some backpacks at the moment, and personally, my friends list keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.


Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Dedicated server

- Linux optimizations.

- Fixed Linux servers not relisting correctly after a master server restart.

- Fixed a case where servers could have "ghost" players consuming player slots.


- Marked the "snd_show" convar as a cheat.

Team Fortress 2

New content:

- Added new community map cp_freight.

- Added missing physics models for several items.

- Added jiggle bones to the Sam & Max items, and The Buff Banner.

- Added Crit-a-Cola.

Gameplay Changes:

- Pyro changes:

-- Flamethrower direct damage reduced 20%.

-- Burn duration reduced (10 -> 6 seconds).

-- Airblast re-fire delay reduced by 25%.

-- Airblast ammo usage reduced by 20%.

-- All reflected rockets/grenades/arrows now mini-crit.

-- Airblasting enemies into environmental deaths now awards the death credit to the Pyro.

- Heavy changes:

-- Minigun spin-up/down time reduced by 25%

-- Minigun firing movement speed increased to just under half-normal (from 80 to 110).

-- Throwing a sandvich to a teammate now earns a full bonus point (was half a point).

- Bonk! changes:

-- Post-use movement penalty removed.

-- Now has a re-use cooldown time, like The Sandman.

- The Chargin' Target changes:

-- Direct charge hit now does 50 damage + 10 per head (up to 5 heads).

-- Capped the turn rate from +left and +right while charging.

- The Huntsman changes:

-- Removed restriction that arrows need to be aimed before they can be lit by a Pyro.

-- Bow can now be lowered without losing the lit arrow.

-- Changed bow so you can start charging it while you're jumping, but you can't fire until you're on the ground.

-- Fixed bug where flame effect would get stuck on if you change weapons with a lit arrow.

- Backpack changes:

-- Moved Crafting button out to the root class/backpack selection panel.

-- Dragging and dropping items in your backpack now makes appropriate sounds.

- Bot changes:

-- Bots don't retreat to gather health as readily if they are in combat.

-- Bots no longer retreat when moving to block a point capture.

-- Bots should now equip an appropriate combat weapon and fight while moving to collect health.

-- Bots who are roaming the map and hunting now chase down their victims, following them around corners.

-- Bots That fire projectiles (ie: rockets/grenades/etc) don't hold down their fire button for a minimum time. This was causing Soldier bots to fire rockets into nearby walls as they strafed, killing themselves.

-- Soldiers bots now switch to their shotgun after firing all four rockets when engaging an enemy.

-- Added a few more bot names from community suggestions.

-- Fixed a behavior loop with Engineer metal gathering.

- The Sandman change:

-- Added a slight speed reduction to stunned players.

- Community requests

-- Added ConVars log_verbose_enable and log_verbose_interval to report player positions in the server log at regular intervals

--- log_verbose_enable default: 0

--- log_verbose_interval default: 3 secs

- "Last-weapon" initialization on respawn now sets itself to be the melee weapon if you don't have a selectable secondary weapon (like The Razorback).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an case where The Gunboats didn't apply their damage reduction properly.

- The amount count in the HUD now flashes red when you're low on ammo.

- Extinguishing a burning teammate now earns a full bonus point (was half a point).

- Fixed a permanent overheal exploit involving dispensers.

- Fixed a bug in spectator mode where the user aborted out of freezecam, setup a spec mode (like IN_EYE), and would then have the setting stomped after the freezecam timer expired.

- Fixed bug with disguised spy sometimes seeing his own name in the disguise status HUD.

- Fixed a client crash that could result from players with arrows embedded in them.

- Fixed items that can be worn by any class having the wrong model when worn by a disguised Spy.

- Added missing map prefixes to server browser game types.

- Killing yourself with your own sentry no longer increments the sentry's kill counter.

- Fixed dropped hats sometimes having the wrong team color.

- Fixed crit-boosted players not getting critical hits if their weapon has custom no-crit behavior.

- Fixed the achievement dialog taking a long time to pop up, and completed achievements now sort to the bottom of the list.

- Fixed Spies disguised as Medics hearing the autocaller sound.


Sourcemod is no longer working on TF2 for Linux servers, like ours It will be disabled temporarily until a new version of it is released.

Which means reserve slots won't work.

i see an updated server up and running with sourcemod

It only affects Linux servers, Windows servers are unaffected.

And in addition to those changes, we have made large changes in the Linux engine, moving to a newer compiler, adding multiple GCC specific optimizations and changing the filesystem layout for binaries to match more closely to other platforms builds.

These changes have a few consequences you should be aware of. We have increased the minimum glibc version to 2.3.6, our survey shows that over 95% of you already have newer glibc's so this shouldn't generally be an issue. The new compiler and optimizations has also changed the binary format, if you are using tools that do binary patches into our engine (SourceMod and the like) then these will no longer function, the authors of those products will need to provide updates to get them working again. We have also increased our usage of threads and mutex constructs, if you see hangs or deadlocks on your server (when you didn't before) a gdb backtrace of the process will help us pin down problem.

Pyro changes!! It's like Christmas! Heavy changes are gonna make Frogg even more horrible.

Overall I really like this update.

Um, your flamethrower does less damage and afterburn is shorter with no DPS change, so only the airblast was buffed.

But dear god you're right about the Heavy changes. 8-O

Also I totally want to play on Freight now. Just give me an hour to get to my room and shower and I'll hop online. :P


Oh dear god. What did they do to Heavy. They had BETTER come out with a patch to revert at least some of this real soon... seriously, that big of a buff is way too much.

Pyro... it's arguable about nerf or not, but I do like the airblast changes (namely AIRBLASTING OFF A CLIFF COUNTS AS A KILL NOW, YAY!).

Um, your flamethrower does less damage and afterburn is shorter with no DPS change, so only the airblast was buffed.

The flamethrower is only really useful for ignition and last ditch attempts to stay alive, or stupid opponents. The airblast is the more important part of the equation for me, especially with Axstinguisher and Shotgun. It's a buff for airblast-using Pyros like me.

I'm worried about the Flare Gun getting nerfed indirectly, though. Should have kept Flare Gun afterburn the same unless they changed the weapon a bit.

Also, please don't put freight on the rotation. It's a good map but it's a terrible pub map. It gets horribly crowded way too fast. Not that I think you guys would but you never know.

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