chivesontheweb Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 I got back on the server for a little while before it crashed and I forced to go elsewhere. I might check in this evening, maybe not. It will probably depend on who is on the server and if I want to play with them. Paranoid, I love your signature.
ParanoidDrone Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 its funny that you guys take it seriously when people call each other hackers in tf2 Just appreciating the irony of a failspy accusing one of the best Spies on the server of hacking by reacting to the decloak sound. I got back on the server for a little while before it crashed and I forced to go elsewhere. I might check in this evening, maybe not. It will probably depend on who is on the server and if I want to play with them.Paranoid, I love your signature. Is it... ..spectacular?
Brushfire Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 If you are in the top 50 of the TF2 server, clearly you hack. Unless you are me, and have 24 days clocked in the server.
ParanoidDrone Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Blog update. TF2 for Mac tomorrow, which is "later this week" in Valve Time. Damn, the Scout looks badass in that picture.
atmuh Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 one of the best Spies on the server nice patting yourself on the back there
Powerlord Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Blog update. TF2 for Mac tomorrow, which is "later this week" in Valve Time.Damn, the Scout looks badass in that picture. You're wrong, "Speem Gortress zmavailable on the Babac." is clearly supposed to be Team Portress available on the crack.
ParanoidDrone Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 nice patting yourself on the back there If I wasn't having computer issues for two weeks, the stats would back me up on this.
ParanoidDrone Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 The fact that the stats only count the last 28 days?
moooonpie Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Hey guys, reporting another late-light troll. Moonpie was being a general nuisance to the server at large (74% of players votekicked him once I forced the vote, since he wasn't showing up on the kicklist for a lot of them). He rejoined immediately and began bugging them again and ignored repeated requests to stop. oh shame on you or rather, shame on me for being unremarkable enough this past year that you didn't even recognize me when have i been anything but sweet and adorable? i have 7 days clocked at this server (never any complaints) and a reserved slot despite not playing at all since the sc2 beta came out, and you come in because a 16yearold with 1 day is taking himself way too seriously. these pompous self-entitled and anal kids were correcting anyone who made a spelling error and being condescending on a fucking cartoon video game at 3 am. what a buzzkill. my "trolling" consisted of spelling things incorrectly on purpose and rehashing everything they said back to them. i even got them to spend an hour talking shit about the bible and to argue the most obvious things, like how potatoes grow underground instead of on trees. eventually it hit them that they were (quite obviously, i might add) being mocked and that's when they got you. ask any other regular present at the time, i made no unprovoked attacks. He rejoined immediately and began bugging them again and ignored repeated requests to stop.i received no request from anyone i recognized to stop. i realize your intentions are good but there is no need to exaggerate.
atmuh Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 a 16yearold with 1 day is taking himself way too seriously im gonna guess hes referring to that aaron guy and yeah really that guy is way over the top
miyako Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 basically aaron used chilli to exact revenge for being mocked like a retard ban aaron small
Dark Chocobo Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 nice patting yourself on the back there That's not him patting himself on the back, it's acknowledging a fact, like if Frogg called himself a great Heavy. Okay, maybe not to that degree, but same basic principle. I'm fairly sure we can count Paranoid as one of the best Spies on the server, owing as he until recently had the most knife kills, and is rather well known for being a great spy among the regulars.
Powerlord Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 That's not him patting himself on the back, it's acknowledging a fact, like if Frogg called himself a great Heavy.Okay, maybe not to that degree, but same basic principle. I'm fairly sure we can count Paranoid as one of the best Spies on the server, owing as he until recently had the most knife kills, and is rather well known for being a great spy among the regulars. I can go with that, as long as you let me claim the same thing because I hold the global Revolver and Sapper awards.
Dark Chocobo Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I can go with that, as long as you let me claim the same thing because I hold the global Revolver and Sapper awards. Sure, why not?
atmuh Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 playing a class for a zillion hours doesnt equal playing a class well case in point .75 k/d as spy also i think its kind of amusing id have the global ambassador award if i didnt remove myself from hlstats and ive only been playing spy for like a week as a joke
ParanoidDrone Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I can go with that, as long as you let me claim the same thing because I hold the global Revolver and Sapper awards. *makes mental note to reclaim global Revolver/Sapper awards* saw nothing. <.< EDIT: I find a strange irony in possessing the award for most Razorbacks broken. I think I'm getting careless.
WindStrike Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 For those of you that missed it last time, myself and others are doing yet another Starfox TF2 OCR night this Saturday night starting between 9:00-10:00pm EST and running till it dies out. Yes, it's a Starfox micspam event, however, I am running the rule of no excessive micspam so that it doesn't completely overwhelm everyone. If you're playing TF2 that night and don't enjoy Starfox micspams, just mute everyone. We have a good amount of players, but... it's currently an uneven ratio between the two teams. So if you want any of the following slots, PM me or bug me in Steam (don't publicly announce it): Starwolf Team: - Pigma - Panther - Andross Bold - we really need someone to be Pigma If you want be someone else, it will be considered after Pigma is filled. And now to let this post be ignored simply because I am the one that posted it. - Headphones? Guess we'll know tonight.
Powerlord Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Source Beta have been released. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include: Engine - Made several changes that improve stability for clients running low on addressable memory. - Changed all HTML controls to use Webkit for the rendering engine. Team Fortress 2 - Added Mac support. - Overhauled the main menu, and added help to Loadout, Backpack, and Crafting screens. - Added Training, with support for General gameplay & Soldier class training for now. - Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl. - The "Open Character Loadout" key will now go to your future class if you've requested a class change, but haven't respawned yet. - Community Requests: - Added "mp_forceautoteam", a server convar that forces all joining players to autoteam. - Added "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", a server convar that allows melee weapons only during stalemates. - Added "ExtinguishPlayer" input to tf_player for map makers. Counter-Strike: Source Beta - Fixed "wade" water sound not playing correctly on maps like Chateau. - Updated the scoreboard: - Fixed to scale correctly in 5:4 resolution. - Fixed so it can be closed during intermission - Reduced font size to accommodate seeing 16 players per side. - Fixed issue that awarded three points and a separate achievement when the bomb explodes after the round ends. - Fixed issue with round end panel blocking the view of the game. - Fixed issue in which you weren't given credit for grenade damage if you fired a weapon at someone then hit them with a grenade. - Fixed getting the achievement for shooting enemies in mid-air if the enemies were on ladders. - Fixed mapcycle.txt skipping over several entries in the list. - Fixed console warnings about missing materials. - Fixed an issue that could cause a single MVP star to appear as an entry on the scoreboard. - Fixed issue that made the FINISHER achievement impossible to get. - Fixed ai_test_los crashing the server. - Fixed the chat window so it no longer renders over scoreboard. - Fixed MVPs not being cleared when sv_nomvp is set to 1. - Marked mat_showlowresimage as a cheat command. - Updated several strings to be gender neutral. - The large radar is now disabled when freeze cam is active. - Achievements dialog changes: - Now displaying the Steam Achievements dialog instead of the in-game Achievements dialog if screen width is less than 1024. - The Achievements dialog is now closed if you have it open and switch to a lower resolution. - Repositioned the Fun Fact on the summary tab of the Achievements dialog and gave it a background to fix truncation and readability. - Added a priority order for displaying win conditions when multiple win conditions are set. - If timelimit exists and is not 0, then show timelimit. - If timelimit does not exist, show maxrounds if not 0. - If both timelimit and maxrounds are 0, show winlimit. - If timelimit, maxrounds, and winlimit are all 0, show nothing. Also, logging in from a Mac within the next 4 days will net you an Earbuds hat. The game is also 50% off right now. playing a class for a zillion hours doesnt equal playing a class wellcase in point .75 k/d as spy also i think its kind of amusing id have the global ambassador award if i didnt remove myself from hlstats and ive only been playing spy for like a week as a joke I have my priorities. The first is to take out enemy sentry guns, which I'm really good at doing. Hence why I have a gold (and now global) sapper award, but only bronze knife/backstab awards. Not that you can get Backstab awards right now, since FireSlash disabled the plugin that logs those.
atmuh Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 why would a sentry be your priority its the absolute last line of defense and is incredibly easy for plenty of other classes to take out its also a heck of a lot easier to take out a sentry than a target thatd actually be important like the enemy medic or top attacker also hah tutorial for macs
Brushfire Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Lets turn on that autojointeam cvar. Also faggy earbuds.
Powerlord Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Lets turn on that autojointeam cvar. I'm sorely tempted to do so. Also faggy earbuds. ...and yet I went over to my parents place to install TF2 on my father's Macbook to get them. Edit: Also, the video on the Mac Update page shows the Engineer sporting a new Shotgun.
Dark Chocobo Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 why would a sentry be your priority its the absolute last line of defense and is incredibly easy for plenty of other classes to take outits also a heck of a lot easier to take out a sentry than a target thatd actually be important like the enemy medic or top attacker also hah tutorial for macs Sentries are difficult to most classes save Demo and Soldier, and most of the time they're pushing the front lines. Spies can sneak around and disable both the gun and the engineer. Sentries are also only occasionally the last line of defense, I've seen plenty of Engies build their stuff far up to create a first line of defense. It's a different playstyle that I can certainly see advantages for, especially on maps like Dustbowl or Goldrush where sentries can and have stymied pushes. If there's no Uber around, or able to get to the front lines intact, spies can shut down those defensive points and let the team push forward. In addition, sentries with a constant Engie guard can be annoying even for spies, and they're not always super incredibly easy, especially if there's more than just the Engie around. Taking out sentries is just a different way to help the team, plus taking out enemy medics and the top attacker are never as easy as they sound. Ever.
Powerlord Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Sentries are difficult to most classes save Demo and Soldier, and most of the time they're pushing the front lines. Spies can sneak around and disable both the gun and the engineer.Sentries are also only occasionally the last line of defense, I've seen plenty of Engies build their stuff far up to create a first line of defense. It's a different playstyle that I can certainly see advantages for, especially on maps like Dustbowl or Goldrush where sentries can and have stymied pushes. If there's no Uber around, or able to get to the front lines intact, spies can shut down those defensive points and let the team push forward. In addition, sentries with a constant Engie guard can be annoying even for spies, and they're not always super incredibly easy, especially if there's more than just the Engie around. Taking out sentries is just a different way to help the team, plus taking out enemy medics and the top attacker are never as easy as they sound. Ever. Well, part of the point is to sap the sentry gun when your team is about to push. I also tend to push carts, cap points, and capture Intel as a Spy. None of which show up on a K/D ratio, but do in points.
Brushfire Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I also tend to push carts, cap points, and capture Intel as a Spy. None of which show up on a K/D ratio, but do in points. That is what I like doing as a Spy as well. Most fun doing this on CTF maps as you instant uncloak when you pickup the intel.
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