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From looking at the TF2Items page, it appears that several items other than the Polycount winners were added.

Rocket Jumper

-100% damage

No self damage

+200% max ammo

Gloves of Running Urgently

+30% move speed

-50% damage

-6 HP per second when held out


Retain up to 20% Ubercharge when you die

-10 max HP

Plus gift items that give a random item to either a single person on the server or 23 people. (Chosen randomly.) And a dueling item, a badge that reflects how many duels you've won, a bunch of hats, name tags that seem to let you rename your weapons, paint cans that let you recolor your weapons, and a crate/key combination that I have no idea what they do.

Wow. Also I'm totally naming my Ambassador "Ma Petite Chou-Fleur" if I can.

So... anyone else thinking that prices oughta be cut down to about 25% at least of what they already are right now?

Also, lol at the Rocket Jumper.

Most of the prices seem reasonable (even if I disagree with the concept of it), but $17.50 for hats which complete sets is fairly ridiculous.

I'm pretty fucking late to the game, but do a lot of you guys still play this?

I'm contemplating picking this up sometime.

A major update just got released today. Hell yes people are still playing. Game's worth every penny.

You know with it being level 42, I can't help thinking that the Holy Mackerel should really be a salmon (of doubt.) ;)

That's the next update, where the demoman gains a swordfish, and the fish-slapping dance can be truly performed. That or the description should have been So Long etc.


Well this microtranscation store thing sure came out of nowhere, I guess every developer needs some kind of DLC or similar these days though. Prices do seem insane but I can't imagine ever buying anything with real money in TF2 so it doesn't really matter I guess. This would only annoy me if the items weren't obtainable by other means, but since they are, none of them should be that big a deal in a month or two especially with trading in. I'd love to see someone who hadn't played TF2 for about a year come back to this, so many new items now.

The thing I was most happy to see come in is trading finally, new hats and fancy new items are cool and all, but I really just want to get rid of a few hats that have just been sitting there. If anyone wants a Trophy Belt, Bloke's Bucket Hat, or Camera Beard, and has hats they want to get rid of, by all means let me know.

Well this microtranscation store thing sure came out of nowhere, I guess every developer needs some kind of DLC or similar these days though. Prices do seem insane but I can't imagine ever buying anything with real money in TF2 so it doesn't really matter I guess. This would only annoy me if the items weren't obtainable by other means, but since they are, none of them should be that big a deal in a month or two especially with trading in. I'd love to see someone who hadn't played TF2 for about a year come back to this, so many new items now.

The thing I was most happy to see come in is trading finally, new hats and fancy new items are cool and all, but I really just want to get rid of a few hats that have just been sitting there. If anyone wants a Trophy Belt, Bloke's Bucket Hat, or Camera Beard, and has hats they want to get rid of, by all means let me know.

I don't blame Valve... I mean, they have had free updates for this game for 3 years now, for a game that originally shipped as one of 5 games in a $50 set.

Speaking of which, TF2 is $10 this weekend, although if you're going to get it and don't already have HL2 or Portal (but you'd BETTER have Portal), consider getting The Orange Box for $30 instead.

Oh, and atmuh was right... I did end up buying the Polycount Pack. Good thing Valve started this sale on Payday, or I might have earmarked that money somewhere else, likely on Dominion: Prosperity (also $50 on Amazon).

I kinda wish I had decided this before I crafted a bunch of Polycount items, though... I used 7 reclaimed metal to make items of the 9 it takes to make a random hat: the items on row 3 of page 1 of my inventory. Valve is adding new recipes tomorrow (well, today in this time zone) and I want to find out what I need for the other items before trading any of them... GRU is probably KGB, and the Medic one is prolly Ubersaw... which I already have an extra of. No idea about the Frying Pan, though.

Edit: BAH, I forgot that I'll likely be working on a paper after work tomorrow. I'll probably leave early to work on said paper, as my boss is pretty flexible about that.

I'm pretty fucking late to the game, but do a lot of you guys still play this?

I'm contemplating picking this up sometime.

We play this game all the time. Servers can go empty for a few days but most days of the week/weekends its got a sizable amount of people in it.

I bought paint, a gift, and a practice rocket launcher. I thought the practice rocket launcher held like 60 rockets in the clip (they do no damage) so I wanted to spam completely harmless rockets in every direction. Oh well, I can dream.

fyi paint only works on hats.


Oh I didn't mean to sound disapproving, more just that it really did kind of come out of nowhere. Valve is one company I'd be happy to give more money to, though I expect that will be in the form of a Portal 2, or dare I even suggest, a HL2 Ep3. I'm also really glad they didn't make the transactions in the form of some sort of points that you have to buy in weird nonsensical increments, but just straight up dollars, which can even be used elsewhere on Steam.

Side note, I was a little surprised to see that the promotional hats such as Bill's Hat or the Sam & Max ears were tradeable, cool for those who missed it and are interested I guess.


Observations about the Eternal Reward.

First, the "Your" in front of it as opposed to "The" irks me for no reason. Moving on.

Getting that first backstab is a bitch, especially if there are any Sentries. No disguises at all to start means that Sentries lock you down completely. It gets better once you get that first kill, and the silent death + vanishing ragdoll mechanic make it trivial to backstab lone enemies without raising suspicion. However, missing a single backstab or even using your gun to defend yourself drops your disguise and you're back at square one. I'm conflicted about this and wonder if the Eternal Reward should allow use of the "lastdisguise" command for such situations.

One thing that the Eternal Reward absolutely excels at is clearing out an Engineer's encampment. The disguising is instant, so the Sentry doesn't even notice you backstabbing the Engineer behind it, leaving you free to sap at your leisure.

There is a bug though where you cannot change your disguise's held weapon with the Eternal Reward. I suspect this is because it's tied to the "lastdisguise" command, which it disables.

I haven't used L'Etranger enough to form a solid opinion on it yet, but it seems more accurate than the Revolver at any rate. And I can tell it'll synergize with the Dead Ringer beautifully.

I'd also like to take this moment to lay claim to the phrase "Sorry, but I need your body" when pulling a body snatcher routine with the Eternal Reward. Bonus points if it's because I'm actively looking for a disguise. <.<

I hope that crate is a random drop.

It'd be really cool if it contained items we don't know about yet.

I got a dropped one last night. Unlocked it into a can of paint. Meh. Will trade if anyone is interested. When you get the crate, the mouse hover tells you what it can contain. Mine was something like 3-4 of the standard unlocks (sandman, backburner, etc), two different cans of paint, and two of the new hats. They make it seem just worthwhile enough to spend $2.50 on the key.

Edit: I have a second crate. Taking offers.

there are still methods of unlocking everything in game for free and as such the microtransactions are nothing to be bitching about

Agreed. Also, the new stuff is super fun so far -- I wish I had the extra cash to grab it all, but as is I just have the new spy knife (badass as Paranoid discusses above) and the gun (not great with new knife, but good for DR spies for sure).

I got a dropped one last night. Unlocked it into a can of paint. Meh. Will trade if anyone is interested. When you get the crate, the mouse hover tells you what it can contain. Mine was something like 3-4 of the standard unlocks (sandman, backburner, etc), two different cans of paint, and two of the new hats. They make it seem just worthwhile enough to spend $2.50 on the key.

Edit: I have a second crate. Taking offers.

What color?

there are still methods of unlocking everything in game for free and as such the microtransactions are nothing to be bitching about

The main problem I have is that the hats which affect gameplay, like the Milkman and the Croco-hat thing, cannot be reliably crafted, and finding one of the five randomly is akin to winning the lottery. The only surefire way of obtaining them as it stands now is in fact to purchase them.

HOWEVER I have heard that they are going to be patching in recipes to craft these hats, and in that case my previous rage towards Valve has been reduced to a low grumble of mild discontent.


Is it just me or is the shortstop overpowering..?

Sure it has a slowdown effect similar to natasha, but that seems pointless to have when I can kill an engy or even a soldier in two shots or three with it.

The main problem I have is that the hats which affect gameplay, like the Milkman and the Croco-hat thing, cannot be reliably crafted, and finding one of the five randomly is akin to winning the lottery. The only surefire way of obtaining them as it stands now is in fact to purchase them.

HOWEVER I have heard that they are going to be patching in recipes to craft these hats, and in that case my previous rage towards Valve has been reduced to a low grumble of mild discontent.

Just spend the 50 bux like me or Powerlord.

You can't get ahead without that bread.

Just spend the 50 bux like me or Powerlord.

You can't get ahead without that bread.

I'm honestly considering it and the only thing stopping me is that I already crafted the Black Box, Eternal Reward, and L'Etranger.

Tangent: The crafting screen seems to be row based instead of column based, which makes the little 5x5 grid seem really weird if you order your items in columns.

what are you trying to say here

Nothing serious, I just find it strange for it to have a slow down effect for a scout.

Heavy I can understand having to chase down a scout, equalizer-wielding soldier, or a charging demo could use the aid of a Natasha but a scout needing to slow some one down? :lol:

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