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Been there, done that.

Whether a map ends immediately or not is apparently a setting in the map itself.

As a general rule:

CTF and 5CP (Symmetric) maps end immediately.

Push CP, PLR, PL, KOTH, and Arena maps end at the end of the round.

PL Upward is bugged and ends immediately. I seem to recall one other map is bugged as well... I was thinking it was PL Thunder Mountain, but I don't remember.

The only way to fix this is to toss the timelimit and use maxrounds instead. However, this is not a one-size fits all setting. For instance, KOTH rounds can go as quickly as 3.5 minutes. Multi-stage CP and PL maps can take up to 35 or so minutes per round (As I recall Dustbowl is 30, Gold Rush and Thunder Mountain are 35).

The other map that ends immediately is cp_gorge, I think. I don't recall Thunder Mountain ever ending abruptly.


That's right, it was Gorge that cut out right in the middle of a point capture. It'd be great if that gets fixed at some point, because it's pretty much the TF2 equivalent of blue balls.


Yeah, I just got more pissed off at TF2 than I have at anything in a really long time. It started with a 3v2 on Hightower where the other team went srs biznus with sniper, heavy, and scout. It only got worse from there.


i mad, bro.

Yeah, I just got more pissed off at TF2 than I have at anything in a really long time. It started with a 3v2 on Hightower where the other team went srs biznus with sniper, heavy, and scout. It only got worse from there.

i mad, bro.

I bolded the problem in your description.

Yeah, I just got more pissed off at TF2 than I have at anything in a really long time. It started with a 3v2 on Hightower where the other team went srs biznus with sniper, heavy, and scout. It only got worse from there.

Ok so here's what you do. You will need classes that can do it all. The best choices would be 2 Soldiers or a Soldier and a Demoman. A Demo can easily kill a cart Heavy and a Soldier can make quick work of the Scout. The Sniper can be a non issue once the Soldier fires a few rockets at the Sniper.


I was mostly going demo during that. Problem was that while I was killing the heavy and the scout, the sniper was killing me, and if I went to kill the sniper, the heavy and the scout were busy capping.

Didn't help that on later maps, once the server filled up, the guy playing sniper was lagging like hell. He went demoknight and was using the headtaker, which already has absurd range; combine that with a little lag and suddenly you're being beheaded from halfway across the map. I would hit him with grenades while he was charging and he wouldn't flinch. I killed someone through him at least once; as in, I shot at him, the shot went through him, and the guy behind him died.

And then the map switched to Thunder Mountain. It was somewhere during stage three that I ragequit.

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed a packet injection exploit in the client/server streams

- Fixed UDP logging exploit

- Added a new server convar "sv_logsecret" which emits a new S2A_LOGSTRING2 UDP packet to any UDP log targets with the secret value pre-pended

Team Fortress 2

- Added new map Koth_Badlands

- Updated CP_Well

- Spawn room by second cap for each time is now a one-way door

- Updated Training

- Added 3 new training courses for the Demoman, Engineer, and Spy

- Added the Ready for Duty achievement for completing all of the training courses

- Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts

- Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_create_identity" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to create a server account using the currently logged in Steam account. This will generate values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token"

- Put the values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token" into your server.cfg

- Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_list" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to list all of the game server accounts owned by the currently logged in Steam account

- Added a new system for coaching players

- Added a new vote system

- Server convars to control the vote system

- sv_allow_votes : Allow voting?

- sv_vote_failure_timer : A vote that fails cannot be voted on again during this period.

- sv_vote_allow_specators : Allow spectators to vote?

- sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed : Allow votes to change levels?

- sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : Allow votes to kick players from the server?

- sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed : Allow votes to set the next level?

- sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend : Allow votes to extend the current map?

- sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : Allow votes to restart the game?

- sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed : Allow votes to scramble the teams?

- sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode : Present players with a list of maps with the lowest playtimes to choose from?

- sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)

- Added dynamic model loading to improve performance

- Combat Text changes

- Added a new convar "hud_combattext_healing" to display the amount of healing done per second

- Added bonus points to the items displayed using Combat Text

- Starting position of values is now affected by range to target, making it easier to see numbers when next to targets

- Updated voice to use the Steam voice codec to improve quality

- Servers can toggle between the old codec and the new codec with the convar "sv_use_steam_voice", which defaults to 1.

- Fixed not being able to see the correct colors for painted hats when running with DX8

- Fixed not being able to see the | character in custom names and descriptions

- Fixed a couple cases where custom sprays would not import correctly

- Duel changes

- The duel dialog has been extended to include class-specific duels in addition to the default duels

- Duel badges now only show the number of wins a player has

- Added Payload maps to Offline Practice

- Fixed taunt kills made with a Katana not counting towards honorbound kills

- Fixed a bug where killing a Katana wielder with a Katana was incorrectly causing an increased crit chance

- Fixed infinite noisemakers exploit where noisemakers could continue to be used after their charges had run out

- Improved the Medic overheal effect so it's more noticeable

- Fixed func_build entities to respect the team value and prevent the associated team from building in the area

- Items changes:

- Added new "Sort by Rarity" option for sorting backpack items

- Improved the backpack sorting algorithms

- Added "styles" for the Ghastlier Gibus, Scotsman's Stove Pipe, Treasure Hat, Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect, and the Googly Gazer

- Added paint preview to the preview section when shopping for hats

- Updated the Googly Gazer to be paintable

- Added new paint styles to the Pyromancer's Mask

- Items in the action slot won't be swapped until returning to a supply cabinet

- Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following:

- The Eyelander, The Gunslinger, The Southern Hospitality, The Powerjack (also added +20% melee vulnerability)

- The Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker, The Ullapool Caber, The Claidheamohmor

- Vitasaw

- Added the ability to see enemy health

- Dalokohs Bar

- Removed item cool down meter and ammo count when using the Dalokohs Bar

- Fists of Steel

- Increase deploy times 20%

- Ranged damage reduced 40% (down from 60%)

- Loch-n-Load

- Damage increased by 10%

- Equalizer

- Tuned high-end damage range so it's no longer possible to one-shot certain classes

- Suppress the medic call effect while active

- Battalion’s Backup

- Reduced rage generation rate by 50%

- Concheror

- Damage-to-health conversion increased to 35% (from 20%)

- Mad Milk

- Heal 60% of damage done (down from 75%)

- Sun-on-a-Stick

- Base damage lowered slightly but guarantees crits against burning players instead of mini-crits

- Fan O’ War

- Marking someone for death now lasts 15 seconds (from 10 seconds)

- Flaregun

- Flares always crit burning targets, regardless of range

- Backburner

- Removed the restriction on airblast

- Ammo cost increased 150% (4 blasts at full ammo)

- Damage bonus reduced to 10% (from 15%)

- Sydney Sleeper:

- Charge rate increased 25%

- Bot changes:

- Added Spy TFBots. Spy bots have basic cloaking, diguising, sapping, and backstabbing behaviors now, and are ready to join the fight

- TFBots understand the basics of the Payload scenario now, and will push the cart on offense, and try to stop the cart on defense

- Added navigation meshes for pl_goldrush, pl_badwater, pl_upward, pl_thundermountain, and pl_hoodoo_final

- Improved TFBot reactions to cloaked and/or disguised enemy Spies

- Improved Demoman bot behaviors for planting sticky bomb traps

- Demoman bots will now try to move to a safe spot and lob stickybombs onto enemy sentry nests to destroy them

- Soldier bots switch to their shotgun after emptying their rocket launcher at close/medium range

- TFBots will no longer hide from sapped or carried sentryguns

- Engineer bots are better at moving their sentry gun nest as the scenario changes

- Improved Sniper bot algorithm for finding good sniping spots for both Capture Point and Payload scenarios

- Sniper bots will take opportunistic shots at targets while they move to their desired sniping spot

- Fixed bug where Sniper bots would sometimes stand around in their spawn room doing nothing.

- Improved TFBot ability to find a safe vantage spot to attack enemy sentry guns

- TFBots will no longer try to use a teleporter entrance they can't actually reach

- Added tf_bot_melee_only cvar. If set to 1, all TFBots will be restricted to only using their melee weapon

Read more about the update here: http://www.teamfortress.com/hatless

Updating BLU and RED now.

We will be disabling the built-in map voting as, having tested it in Beta, it is inferior to the SourceMod votes we use now.

Provided SourceMod is working post-update, that is.

- Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts

Any idea what this is about? Does it act like a built-in admin or reserved slot functionality?

- Added "styles" for the Ghastlier Gibus, Scotsman's Stove Pipe, Treasure Hat, Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect, and the Googly Gazer

Too bad I don't have any of those. Hopefully will end up acquiring the Boogly Eyes for my pyro at some point, though.

- Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following:

What? That seems like a pretty significant damage reduction, not sure that'll balance out properly.

- Sydney Sleeper:

- Charge rate increased 25%

Haha, Sir Prize will be happy about that one. Actually, I might start using it more myself. Who needs headshots when you shoot Jarate-darts?


I'm not really a fan of most of those melee nerfs myself (they make a few achievements significantly harder to get), but glancing at SPUF reveals the expected level of BAWWWWWW over every little thing. Yeah, God forbid they actually made the Backburner have a purpose now, or that idiot Soldiers with their equalizer out can't keep spamming the Medic button.


(Holy crap, this thing still hasn't finished downloading. Their servers are not handling this well.)

Too bad I don't have any of those. Hopefully will end up acquiring the Boogly Eyes for my pyro at some point, though.

Googly Gazer's a robot eye for the Engineer. You're thinking of A Sight For Sore Eyes.

What? That seems like a pretty significant damage reduction, not sure that'll balance out properly.

Agreed. I don't like the idea of the Caber being able to randomly crit, even with a -25% damage nerf. I don't think the Eyelander and variants needed it either, given that it's the base melee of the Demoknight subclass and grants an on-kill bonus. And that unpronounceable sword is even more worthless than before, if such a thing is possible.

Haha, Sir Prize will be happy about that one. Actually, I might start using it more myself. Who needs headshots when you shoot Jarate-darts?

I can think of a few changes to the Sleeper that would turn it into a valid long range support weapon, but I still fail to see the point of what amounts to a bodyshot Sniper rifle. Meh.


Agreed. I don't like the idea of the Caber being able to randomly crit, even with a -25% damage nerf. I don't think the Eyelander and variants needed it either, given that it's the base melee of the Demoknight subclass and grants an on-kill bonus. And that unpronounceable sword is even more worthless than before, if such a thing is possible.

You are aware it's just 'Claymore' right? (claidhmore)


By the way, sorry I haven't been playing much TF2 lately. I got into the whole Valve ARG thing.

Oh, did I mention I now have all 36 potatoes? It looks like that's all of them, because I now have a gold potato by my name in my Steam profile.

Also, let me know if the server is crashy or glitchy. I may need to remove Metamod/Sourcemod if there are problems related to them in the newest update.


Does anyone know what the update notes about associating steam accounts with servers means? I'm referring to:

Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts

  • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_create_identity" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to create a server account using the currently logged in Steam account. This will generate values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token"
  • Put the values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token" into your server.cfg
  • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_list" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to list all of the game server accounts owned by the currently logged in Steam account

This is probably what they meant on the update page when it says:

Servers can now associate themselves with a Steam ID, which’ll allow us to track servers better going forward, rewarding the good ones and punishing the bad. If years from now you’re wondering how the entire TF2 team got a God complex, it probably started here.

Does anyone know what the update notes about associating steam accounts with servers means? I'm referring to:

Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts

  • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_create_identity" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to create a server account using the currently logged in Steam account. This will generate values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token"
  • Put the values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token" into your server.cfg
  • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_list" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to list all of the game server accounts owned by the currently logged in Steam account

This is probably what they meant on the update page when it says:

Servers can now associate themselves with a Steam ID, which’ll allow us to track servers better going forward, rewarding the good ones and punishing the bad. If years from now you’re wondering how the entire TF2 team got a God complex, it probably started here.

No idea how it works.

Oh, also... Portal 2 countdown clock on the Aperature Science site.

Which is yet another hint that Portal 2 is being released on Steam tomorrow rather than Tuesday, since it's counting down to 9am PDT tomorrow.


MetaMod or SourceMod is currently broken and has been disabled in order to stop the server from crashing. It will be reenabled whenever these are fixed.

In the mean time, I'm leaving the TF2 built-in votes enabled and enabling the nextmap vote.


Nextmap vote disabled, as the server crashed shortly after someone reported on the TF2 server list that it's crashing servers, too.

Also, the Portal 2 Countdown clock refers to one last puzzle, available presumably when the timer reaches 0 and it heavily implies that it will affect Portal 2's release date.

You are aware it's just 'Claymore' right? (claidhmore)

I knew it translated to Claymore, but I was unaware that's how it was pronounced.

I'll probably continue to refer to it as unspellable though.

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