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It's 8:45 PM on a Saturday. Why the heck isn't the server full. LET'S DO THIS. :nicework:

Sorry, my ISP is practicing being extra crappy this weekend and I've had ~150ms ping times to any game server since Thursday night, even after resetting my cable modem, router, and all computers on my network.

Sorry, my ISP is practicing being extra crappy this weekend and I've had ~150ms ping times to any game server since Thursday night, even after resetting my cable modem, router, and all computers on my network.

Well that sucks.

Well that sucks.

I've been exploring other options, but it looks like we're locked in a contract with our cable company until September.

At that point, I'll likely switch to AT&T DSL 1.5Mbit/s (which is the highest they offer here) despite them adding caps just to get away from this crappy company (Broadstripe Cable).

Honestly, it seems like I've had problems with them ever since our last subscription renewal.

I've been exploring other options, but it looks like we're locked in a contract with our cable company until September.

At that point, I'll likely switch to AT&T DSL 1.5Mbit/s (which is the highest they offer here) despite them adding caps just to get away from this crappy company (Broadstripe Cable).

Honestly, it seems like I've had problems with them ever since our last subscription renewal.

Sounds fishy.


I suspect that finals will render the server more empty than usual in the next week or so. At least my own finals take place in the upcoming week. Dunno about you guys.

On the bright side, only 3 of my classes actually have finals. Yay.

There are apparently two extra hats in the update that look suspiciously Plants vs. Zombies themed, too... Bucket o' Brains (Soldier hat) and Dead Cone (Pyro hat).

Looks like you were right...Plants vs. Zombies is on sale for $3 and change for a few days, and anyone who owns it or buys it now gets those two hats. It's dirt cheap, and I've heard a ton of good stuff about it, so I'm going for it.


So I found

showcasing some mod that automagically neuters aimbotters, speedhackers, etc. by making them do 0 damage and instagibbing the moment they take any damage themselves. Someone tell me I'm not alone in finding this an immense source of shadenfreude.

(Then again, the video was uploaded several years ago, so it's probably old.)

Looks like you were right...Plants vs. Zombies is on sale for $3 and change for a few days, and anyone who owns it or buys it now gets those two hats. It's dirt cheap, and I've heard a ton of good stuff about it, so I'm going for it.

I bought and proceeded to play for 3 hours straight, without stopping at all, on my first session.

Then I played it for a few more hours later in the night.

Then I played a few more hours today.


Mandatory update for all Orange Box 2009 engine games (TF2, CS:S, DOD:S, HL2:DM) coming later today.

I'll update the server and post the patch notes when it actually hits.

why are crits even offffffffffff

Because dying to a crit rocket/shotgun/sticky/revolver/melee/etc. for no good reason got really old really fast?

(This is probably stating the obvious, but controlled crits like the Kritzkrieg, headshots, etc. are still enabled.)

Because dying to a crit rocket/shotgun/sticky/revolver/melee/etc. for no good reason got really old really fast?

yeah man now it takes two rockets to kill me instead of one and in that extra half a second of life I can totally feel myself enjoying the game at least ten times more!!!

yeah man now it takes two rockets to kill me instead of one and in that extra half a second of life I can totally feel myself enjoying the game at least ten times more!!!

Strangely, rockets aren't the only types of attacks that crit!!!!!11111

There are a number of weapons that aren't powerful enough to kill 125 HP classes in two hits, but they will in a single crit shot, because crit shots do triple damage and ignore distance damage falloff.

Edit: My bad, it's only melee crits that do triple damage. Normal crits do double.

And clearly it doesn't matter to you that much or you would have noticed that BLU has had random crits off for the last 4-5 weeks... well before the last major update where they removed the nocrit affect from a number of weapons.

Which just goes to show what Necro said is true: If you just turn random crits off, no one will notice... other than the people who play Spy a lot, because the backstab animation doesn't play any more.

And before you ask, random crits are still on on RED.

Which just goes to show what Necro said is true: If you just turn random crits off, no one will notice... other than the people who play Spy a lot, because the backstab animation doesn't play any more.

This reminds me, it seems that crits turn themselves on and off on a per-map basis, if backstabs are any indication. Sometimes I'll get the full animation, other times just simple pokes, and it never changes midway through a map. I don't know how you have the configs set up, but does this sound remotely possible?

This reminds me, it seems that crits turn themselves on and off on a per-map basis, if backstabs are any indication. Sometimes I'll get the full animation, other times just simple pokes, and it never changes midway through a map. I don't know how you have the configs set up, but does this sound remotely possible?

I could go check the map configs, but I'm unaware of any map configs turning crits on.

Interesting... cp_dustbowl config turns crits on. Will fix shortly and continue checking.

pl_goldrush had the same problem. Also fixed.

And clearly it doesn't matter to you that much or you would have noticed that BLU has had random crits off for the last 4-5 weeks... well before the last major update where they removed the nocrit affect from a number of weapons.

Actually I did notice right away when my backstab animations were screwed up. I know it doesn't change the functionality of the knife, but it affects game animations and it's annoying. It's silly to have them off, they're a part of the game.

Actually I did notice right away when my backstab animations were screwed up. I know it doesn't change the functionality of the knife, but it affects game animations and it's annoying. It's silly to have them off, they're a part of the game.

Yes, you did. I knew you did, because you kept voting to turn them back on. However... did Bleck or Brushfire?

We're about 45 minutes from having it be released.

(As an FYI).


I don't really mind crits being on or off either way (it might make me marginally better at Medieval if they were off, since I get critted any time someone comes near me there), but it would be great to be able to have the knife as an exception somehow. That backstab animation can come in very handy when you don't know if you're just out of reach of someone or not.

Turn crits on. Dont be lame and complain about it, when it was put in the game. Also turn off waffleshots.

They also gave you the option to turn it off for a reason.

Because it sucks.

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