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Announcing an event:

OCRTF2 Presents: @dmin @buse, hosted by CaptainYahoo

on the RED server, of course (red.ocrtf2.com:27015)

Friday, May 13th at 9PM EST

Beacons, name changes, and ragequits, oh my! If you dare set foot in the RED server starting at 9PM EST this coming Friday, you'll be in for a world of frustration as the admin abuse will be at an all time high (but it's cool, because that's the whole point). Myself, and any other admins who wish to join, will be changing objective-based TF2 from win the round to survive the wrath of your TF2 overlords!

What can I expect?

A lot of craziness that you will undoubtedly be a part of. There will also be themed events for certain maps through the evening. I will be researching how far I can stretch the "rules" to make this an enjoyable, laid-back night for everyone.


Heh. Spies will be announced and/or beaconed frequently. Gravity will change at a moment's notice. Your entire team will be frozen in place. A lot of nerdraging from the pubbies, and much, much more.

What's the point?

RED needs more events and I like shiny buttons.

why are you ruining the game all I want to do is just play you are terrible and you shouldn't be an admin


Anyone with questions or suggestions can drop me a PM here to catch me on Steam this week.

And because I have to say it: wrath with be expelled at random, and no person should feel like they are specifically being targeted. Have fun, damnit!


Will you be shifting back to old voicechat codec temporarily for allowing micspam or are you just going to troll everyone with your voices? Got a lot of quotes I could micspam from things I've watched recently, alongside rick roll etc.


And you forgot binding "/slap Necro" to some key.

bind Mouse1 /slap Necro

Will you be shifting back to old voicechat codec temporarily for allowing micspam or are you just going to troll everyone with your voices? Got a lot of quotes I could micspam from things I've watched recently, alongside rick roll etc.

Try this. It's still under heavy development by the guy doing it but it will allow you to bypass the SILK codec.


So I'm expecting no less than the following commands to be in full swing on Admin Abuse Night. Because I expect a high standard of abuse from my admins.

  • Slay
  • Blind
  • Gravity check
  • * Bomb (Time, Freeze, Fire)
  • Burn
  • Beacon
  • Teleport


Before I forgot, I changed which voice codec BLU and RED are using. Might not take effect until map change.

Just remember the micspam rule.

Also, this is a true story from the Valve Linux dedicated mailing list:

Why would you have both SourceTV and Replay enabled on the same server?
I have SourceTV on and set to record demos of all players that I can check later if someone reports suspected cheating to me.

Seriously, a Valve Software Employee asked why we'd have SourceTV and Replays both on at the same time? Despite the fact that only the last map or so of replay files are saved on the server?

Optional updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed a client crash in the material system.

Team Fortress 2

- Replay publishing system will try to do a rename for local HTTP mode but will manually copy and delete the file if the rename fails, which can happen if the source and destination are on different volumes.

- Fixed threading issues on Linux, which was causing major lag spikes.

- Fixed replay data cleanup system, which cleans up stale data at the end of each round. This asynchronous operation can be explicitly invoked by executing a replay_docleanup command on the server.

- Removed unused convar, replay_cleanup_time.

- Saxxy fanfare music wasn't playing on music channel. Music will only play once per launch now and will not play on a changelevel.

I'll update the server shortly.

However, given Valve's comments on replays and SourceTV, I'm not sure I want to enable replays until they sort out the slot issues with it.


Seriously, a Valve Software Employee asked why we'd have SourceTV and Replays both on at the same time? Despite the fact that only the last map or so of replay files are saved on the server?

Tried to figure out who Jon Lippincot is. Here is his profile.


The only other mention of him I can find is from when the blog mentioned Minecraft. Weird that they wouldn't think about a reason to have both on at the same time especially since the replay function has literally been in development for over a year.

An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

- Removed the ability to delete the craft count attribute from items

- Made the "Hottie's Hoodie" craftable

- Replay

- Fixed a server lockup during data cleanup

- Fixed a viewmodel fov bug during rendering

- Renamed the ConVar "replay_demolifespan" to "replay_data_lifespan"

Servers are updating now. Sadly, nothing in this update about fixing the player count when replay is enabled.

I may also need some volunteers soon to help me test a new version of Mapchooser Extended.

Didn't Valve add a voting thing to the game itself? Why do we still need mapchooser?

The only options it has are to have the least played versions of maps or random maps, with no way for us to nominate specific maps to play.

So, unless you want to see koth_aperture_iii on the voting list every time or ("better" yet) random maps... no.

Edit: Having said that, if someone ever figures out how to add maps to the Valve map vote, watch how fast I write a nomination plugin for it, if they hadn't already when they added support for it.


but all everyone nominates is goldrush and badwater anyways

But yeah, can't we just take the terrible maps that everyone hates off the serverlist? If nobody wants to play koth_aperture (I know I don't), then why do we even have it?

but all everyone nominates is goldrush and badwater anyways

But yeah, can't we just take the terrible maps that everyone hates off the serverlist? If nobody wants to play koth_aperture (I know I don't), then why do we even have it?

I happen to like Badwater. <.<

Oh, do not get me started on Turbine. Hate it even more than 2Fort, Junction, Hoodoo...

I think I will run through this small vent swinging my equalizer. Wait, did I just kill a Spy? Awesome! Better taunt so he knows how good I am.

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