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Except Sony didn't make a device pretty much ubiquitous with 21st century music

To reference Maddox:

"Wow, if only I had thought of the bright idea of putting an mp3 player on a portable hard drive. Damn that's brilliant. I had that idea years ago. I also have another idea: a car that can fly. I will sue anyone who makes it."

It's true. The only thing that the iPod's success shows is that Apple is good at marketing, nothing more.

"Sony should have learned from Apple and made sure that their own products worked in unison with each other".

Obviously, this person has never recorded in Logic, using an OS, program, and audio drivers made by the same company. I've had less problems in Sonar, on Windows, using Echo drivers.

To reference Maddox:

"Wow, if only I had thought of the bright idea of putting an mp3 player on a portable hard drive. Damn that's brilliant. I had that idea years ago. I also have another idea: a car that can fly. I will sue anyone who makes it."

It's true. The only thing that the iPod's success shows is that Apple is good at marketing, nothing more.

Except the connectivity with iTunes was another brilliant move, along with, yes, the marketing, which cannot be discounted at all. The "Get a Mac" commercials to which most people are referring to only started in 2006, 5 years after the original iPod launched and right around the peak of its popularity. Sony is not in the same position, people haven't been talking about the great Sony line of products, Sony hasn't created an entire design aesthetic based on the colour of their products.

The Sony Move may still be a legitimately good product, but I'd like to see it in action, and not in a commercial that focused more on tech demos and appealing to its own customers as opposed to real-world usage and pricing. At the moment it looks like an HD Wii, which may sound good in theory but will suck without the games.


Honestly, I've been excited about the Move.

After the Wii's supreme disappointment with "realistic motion tracking" I've been doubting motion controls, but then I realized the technical limitations that have hindered the Wii.

-The Wii cannot read all six degrees of motion without the Motion Plus. The original Wii remote can only read thrust, pitch, roll, and lift. The Motion Plus adds yaw and strafe.

-The Wii cannot tell where in space the remote is unless the infared sensor on the top is aimed at the sensor bar.

BUT the Move can do all of those things via the PlayStation Eye and the Controller. Plus multiple Controllers can be used for one player, which the Wii has yet to do. (The nunchuck does not count. It lacks the same tracking abilities and buttons as the remote.) The Move may not be able to attract casual gamers the way the Wii has, but it will be able to do many more things that hardcore gamers are interested in the the Wii could never do.


I think a better question is will there be good ideas, or will it just be a bad rip off? Cause whether it's good or bad it's still a rip off.

It looks pretty bad though from those two articles, the remote they've made looks...laughable...yes that's what I'll say, the less than stellar motion sensing mentioned won't help either. Sony wanting to rely on third parties to get software out also seems like a bad move. If they want to copy nintendo they should atleast take note of all the trash third parties have been coughing for the wii.

I hope that they do sort everything out though and get something good in the end, I mean I will never buy a PS3 myself but one of my friends is a technophile so I still get to play PS3 games on occasion. I don't care what sort of console it's on as long as the game is fun, so I'll just hope for that instead of just bashing on it.


Well I think the more likely scenario is that there'll be a bunch of cross-platform Wii + PS3 games that use the stick, except that the PS3 versions will be in hi def.

(Also IBBIAZ I personally use a Mac and Logic and I haven't had any problems with interopterability... but that's just me)

Well I think the more likely scenario is that there'll be a bunch of cross-platform Wii + PS3 games that use the stick, except that the PS3 versions will be in hi def.

Do you know how much work that would be? You'd literally have to make an entire game for the PS3 and then remake the entire game for the Wii, or vice versa. No developer in their right mind is ever going to do that - especially if it's for a game that will probably turn out shitty because of stupid fucking motion controls.

Do you know how much work that would be? You'd literally have to make an entire game for the PS3 and then remake the entire game for the Wii, or vice versa. No developer in their right mind is ever going to do that - especially if it's for a game that will probably turn out shitty because of stupid fucking motion controls.




Need more examples? It happens a lot more often than you'd think.


Wow someone was thoroughly whipped.

My point is that since the Wii and the Playstation Move controls are so similar, it would almost silly not to consider releasing a game on both consoles, just as almost every shoot-em up modern game not bound by a licensing agreement is released on both PS3 and XBox 360.


Ported Wii titles to the PS3 will happen, regardless of your stance on motion controls.

Even if they are ripping off the Wii, Sony is doing something very shrewd here.

There is a small segment of gamers that are on the fence about purchasing titles or Wii consoles. This group wouldn't mind motion controls but don't identify themselves as one of the target demographics that Nintendo's Wii is aiming for. By making the Move available, Sony is stealing market share from Nintendo, essentially making the argument that Sony can do everything and more that Nintendo's system can do, play Bluray, and all of it in High Definition. Will little kids or old folks that love Wii Sports care? Probably not, but again, there is a very specific group of people that would love to play their Wii in HD, but Nintendo isn't keen on upgrading their system yet. Even I've said that I wish a few Wii games were in HD as I was playing through them, though at this point, I'm not entirely sold on the Move yet.

This is a smart and calculated move by Sony, make no mistake. Instead of doing something risky like Natal which has yet to be proven, Sony chose a safer route that the current leader in the console war is using.


... and EVERYONE has always ripped off Nintendo! Come on people, stop acting like it's suddenly new. It's happened for two decades, if not through hardware then most definitely through software. *roll eyes*

No doubt, Nintendo certainly innovates the industry, but in my opinion it feels like Nintendo doesn't fully realize their innovations like other companies eventually do. Nintendo has a history of it, and they've always fallen victim to it. This situation is no different than when Sony introduced the DUAL SHOCK controller in response to the Rumble Pak, or when countless numbers of adventure/RPG games came out after the original Zelda was released.

Same thing, more polygons. Go figure.


...there was darkness. The amount of time that had passed was long lost in the days spent in solitude. The only company given was the occasional water droplet echoing every couple hours in the corner of the room. Eventually, the water droplet echoed longer... echoed closer... until the water droplet would reverberate in your mind for hours, splitting your skull. The company was a torturing solace in a place where all other senses deadened. And the droplets knew this, preying on your weakness and tearing you apart from the inside out. There were no days, there were only droplets.

And after an uncountable amount of drips, a rattle. Then, a creak and a line of blinding light, awakening vision before the eyes could be readied. One would think light to do more than incite horror... but this light was a harbinger of worse pain than the droplets. The door opened, and in the rectangle of light stood the silhouette of misery. It approached...

"Greetings," said Sony.

Nintendo convulsed, his terror deafening him to the sound of his rattling chains.

"No need to react like that. What is this, the third grade?"

Nintendo couldn't find the words to respond.

"Well, things are going to get messy, then," said Sony, as he removed his gloves. "I'm sure you know by now that real boxers don't hit like this. Eengh engh unghggueghegh eghnghgengh."

And with that, a shimmer of light from the doorway glinted Sony's eyes. They were cold. Always so cold and calculated. Ready to make his next carefully calculated move...

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