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Create box covers for Genesis games that were never made...

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This has been going on at another forum I visit courtesy of NTSC, and it seemed to result in some fun. So, I thought I'd try bringing it over here and see how things went.

The point? To make up a Sega Genesis game cover that didn't exist back in the day. You can take it seriously, or just have some goofy fun. However you want to do it. But to help get you started, I made these four templates for you guys to use...


For changing the date or country down at the bottom, use Arial, bold, size 5 with the aliasing set to "sharp". For the description font with the screenshots, use Arial, regular, size 4.24, the leading (space between lines) should be 5.7, with the aliasing set to "sharp". And yes, unlike my last ones, these have transparencies. Keep in mind, these are settings for Photoshop.

Also, if you want to do something like turn the bottom black/grid design into a "1-2 Player" cover, just cut and paste that logo from the first black/grid box. Both use the same grid pattern, so it should line right up if you put the left edge of "1-2 Players" box over the left edge of the "1 Player" box.


VRC Ratings for red box.

For the tiny font where you'd read things about copyright (the "Sega and Genesis are trademarks of SEGA" line), use Arial, regular, size 2, aliasing set to Sharp, and the leading (space between lines of text) set to 2.1. For the description text on these boxes, I used Arial, regular, size 6.2, aliasing set to Sharp, and leading set to 6.3. These settings are also for Photoshop.

And to get things possibly jump started, here are two I did...



Anyway, I know there are plenty of creative people here, so let's see if we can lure them out. Surely there's enough Genesis love to have a little fun with this, right?



There was actually an unlicensed cart of MegaMan X3 made; unrelated to the SNES version but still worth a look.

A ROM of it exists, but I can't tell you where. :wink:


I already knew about that version. Yet not counting that as a game because it was incomplete, which is what I was getting at with my previous post.

Back on topic, this could have been better if the source pics weren't that grainy looking. Still better than the american SNES cover if I do say so myself:


One more just for fun:


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