Tensei Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 Since the old thread has pretty much died down, and the epic patch has been released just now, I figured it would be time for a new thread. Okay so what's this game all about? This game is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, similar to Defense of the Ancients (DotA), League of Legends (LoL), and Demigod. In a given game of Heroes of Newerth, two teams of five Heroes will battle each other with the goal of destroying the other team's Sacrificial Shrine (Hellbourne) or World Tree (Legion). You will pick a hero and battle for your team, gaining experience and money as the game moves forward. You will purchase items and level up your skills to improve your hero. The game's depth is found in hero interaction and rapid tactical decisions. Each game generally lasts from 35 to 50 minutes, occasionally going over 1 hour. Your stats from each game are tracked and are viewable by other players. The game currently uses an ELO based ranking system and those scores can be used to "balance" teams in public games. I heard this game is really hard to get into, is this true? Yes, it is. No use lying about it. A lot of the concepts presented in a typical match (lasthitting, denying, laning in general, etc.) are very counter-intuitive, and it will generally take some time to wrap your head around the concept of the game unless you happen to have played DotA. To get into this game, a certain mindset is required; you have to be willing to look up guides and other resources by yourself and be willing to improve. In short, you have to be competitive. FORTUNATELY the latest patch introduced a decent tutorial which will go a long way of bringing you up to speed with the basics. How do I get to play this game? The game has entered open beta, so all you need to do is go to the website and sign up. Hope to see you ingame. Okay, I have the game, where do I start? After logging in, click the tutorial button on the far left. You can type /join Clan Overclocked ReMix to join the usually empty ingame clan channel or add zircon to your friendslist (same ingame name) and ask him for an invite. We're not a skill-based clan or anything, so you can join even if you're a complete newbie, it's just easier that way to keep track of all OCR regulars for potential inhouse games. You can join public games but unless you're confident in your skills, I can't exactly recommend this. Even so-called 'noob only' games are often just players looking for an easy win against newbies. This game has one of the worst online communities ever, so be prepared to get flamed a lot no matter what you do. Glossary - Agility: One of the three hero stats. Boosting Agility increases a heroes' attack speed and armor, and in the case of agility heroes, their damage as well. - Ancients: The camps with the strongest neutral creeps, which tend to offer the most gold. The term 'ancient-stacking' refers to the stacking of these camps to maximize the gold potential. - AoE: Literally Area of Effect. Refers to skills that cover a wider area of ground and are able to hit multiple targets. - (Auto-)Attack: Every heroes' basic attack, can be either ranged or melee. "auto-attacking" by itself is a negative term used for the act of constantly attacking enemy creeps rather than waiting for a last hit, which pushes the lane and makes it harder to get last hits. - Attack Modifier: A property of certain skills/items that affect a heroes' auto-attack. Arachna's Webbed Shot for example makes her auto-attack slow the targets attack and movement speed. - Blink: A (relatively) short-ranged, short-cooldown teleport that allows one to quickly move between locations. - Carry: A hero role. Carry-type heroes are heroes that typically are relatively weak in the earlygame, and need a lot of farm to be succesful, but can take on multiple enemy heroes later on, and thus 'carry' their team to victory. - CC: Literally Crowd Control. Somewhat overlaps with disables. - Channeling/Channel: A requirement for certain skills/items. Channeling means staying immobile and not performing any actions for the duration of the skill/spell. - Cooldown: Cooldown refers to the timer on an item/skill that determines how long it will take for that item/skill to be usable again after using it. - Counterganking: The act of using a homecoming stone to teleport to a tower with the intent to counter a towerdiving enemy hero. - Creeps: All non-hero units in the game (usually AI controlled). - CS: Creep Score. This refers to the number of last-hits and denies you make in a game. The higher, the better. - Dancing: Moving back and forth (typically while laning) to facilitate last-hits and make it harder for enemy heroes to target you. - Denying: The act of attacking your own creeps or buildings, and getting the killing blow on them. Denied creeps give reduced XP and no gold to enemy heroes. Denied towers give a lot less gold to the enemy team. - Disable: Catch-all term for skills/items that somehow impede enemy movement/attacks/skills usage. - DPS: Literally Damage Per Second, but is usually used to refer to a heroes auto-attack damage potential. DPS is increased by items or skills that add damage or attack speed. - Dusting: The act of using the item 'Dust of revelation' to temporarily reveal invisible units. - FF: Literally Focus-Fire. Refers to focusing all skills/attacks on a single prioritized enemy hero to quickly ensure an advantage in a teambattle. - Harassing: The act of using skills or auto-attacks (typically while laning) to do damage to an enemy hero, rather than focusing on creeps. - Ganker: A hero role. Gankers are typically strong throughout the early and midgame, and taper off towards the end. They tend to have high burst damage skills or powerful stuns/roots, making them especially suited for ganking. - Ganking: Ganking refers to an attempt to kill an enemy hero, typically with a numerical advantage (2v1, 3v2, etc.) - Initiators: A hero role. Initiators are heroes that are meant to deal the opening blow in a teambattle, often in the form of massive AoE damage or disables. Probably the hardest hero role to play as they require good communication and awareness. - Intelligence: One of the three hero stats. Boosting intelligence increases a heroes' manapool and mana regeneration, as well as their damage if Intelligence is their primary stat. - Jungling: Refers to farming neutral creeps from level 1 onwards. This is only possible with certain heroes. - Jungle/Woods: The forested areas next to both teams' short lanes. Contain neutral creeps. - Lanes: The three paths leading to the enemy base (often called top, mid and bot). AI controlled creeps walk along these paths to the enemy base and fight the other teams AI creeps. The act of 'laning' refers to gaining XP and gold by being in a lane and getting last hits on enemy creeps. - Last-hitting: The act of getting the killing blow on an enemy creep or hero, which is the only way of getting more gold, aside from tower kills and gold ticks. - Lifesteal: An item or skill property that makes a heroes auto-attack damage heal a percentage of his life each time he attacks (similarly to Diablo 2) - Neutrals/Neutraling: The 'neutral' creeps that spawn in each sides Jungle. Neutraling refers to farming these creeps instead of the enemy creeps in a lane. Neutrals spawn at every minute. - Pulling: The act of aggroing a neutral camp and 'pulling' it into a lane, causing your own creeps to attack it and tank the damage for you. This has a number of beneficial effects, like giving your lanemate more XP (since it doesn't get divided between the two of you when you're out of range), and forcing the lane to be pushed closer to your tower, which makes it safer to farm. - Pushing: Using skills and auto-attacks to quickly take out enemy creeps and move on to the enemy tower. This is typically done to seize advantage of the 5v4 situation after a succesful gank, or when the enemy team is pre-occupied in another location on the map. - Root/Immobilize: A status effect caused by certain items/skills that stops enemy movement but does not stop them from performing attacks or skills (other than blinks). - Runes: Temporary power-ups that randomly spawn every 2 minutes in 1 of 2 spots on the map. The bonuses range from double damage to invisibility. - Silenced: A status effect that prevents the affected units from using their skills. A purple burning book is displayed over the affected targets. - Stacking: The act of aggroing a neutral camp and pulling it, causing another group of neutrals to spawn at the same spot. Typically you pull them at :53 seconds. - Strength: One of the three primary hero stats. Strength boosts the max HP and HP regeneration of a hero, as well as their damage if strength is their primary attribute. - Stunned: A status effect caused by certain skills and items which prevents the target from doing anything at all for the duration. A swirly effect is displayed over the affected target. - Support: A hero role. Supporters can do a variety of things, like healing their allies, placing/removing debuffs/buffs, as well as disabling enemies. They are typically item-independent and are good candidates to buy wards/courier. - Tower-Diving: The act of running within an enemy towers range to take out/finish off an enemy hero. This is an advanced skill (especially in early game) that requires a very good understanding of tower damage in relation to your own HP. - TP/Homecoming Stone: A consumable item that allows you to teleport to allied buildings. - Warding: The act of using the item 'Wards of Sight' at certain places of the map to allow constant vision of that part of the map for the items duration. Some useful links/resources for new players -Premium Hero Guides, try to get into the habit of at least glossing over a guide before playing a new hero. - (more indepth than the ingame tutorial.) - - - Some shameless self-promotion - Heroes of Newerth Replay Montage - Heroes of Newerth Replay Montage 2 Some ingame rage/shenanigans Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 Just wanted to add that I'm also a clan officer and can add people if zircon isn't around -- my account is RTBardic. Quote
Ajax Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 Ah, so that big fancy new patch came out did it? I don't suppose it added the only thing my heart years for (Deathmatch)? I've been pretty busy with other things recently (School, Megaman 10, speed running Commander Keen), though, I suppose I'll take some time to check out all the new bells and whistles this patch added. Quote
anosou Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 I refuse to play this game. (it's pretty cool though) Quote
Arcana Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 I refuse to play this game.(it's pretty cool though) I've refused so far too :3 Quote
relyanCe Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 I refuse to play this game. fixdlLlalalalala Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 dramarama already brewin up in diz thraeded Quote
Tensei Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 What drama? You are all people who stopped playing for some reason. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 iz joke Anyhow, any word on when this is coming out of beta? Since my dota crew has broken up *leader and his bro are now in the armed forces and stationed in different countries, making it hard for us to meet up online anymore*, I wanna join up more and get my fix in while it is still free. Quote
Tensei Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 There's a 'release party' planned on the first of april (no joke), but that doesn't mean the actual game will get released by then. Maybe it means that the game will enter a (short) open beta phase. I think beta will end about 1-2 months from now, and there'll be at least one more patch to add the last couple of voices/fix any remaining bugs/add a bunch of new heroes for release. Quote
anosou Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 Any news about physical copies or collector's editions? Because I will buy the living hell out of that and force myself to play. Quote
Tensei Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 Heard nothing about physical copies yet, but there's rumors of Zephyr/Pandamonium/Scout plushies, as well as other, more mundane merchandise (t-shirts and the like) coming out. In other unrelated news: Succubus on the new login screen has lots of jiggle physics. Quote
Kenogu Labz Posted March 27, 2010 Posted March 27, 2010 Alright, I'm buckling, heh. Anyone have a beta code free for the giving? I tried the sister game trying to start up (League of Legends), and I wanna see how this compares. It looks much better, with a much stronger strategic element to how it's worked. Not to mention prettier. Quote
Capa Langley Posted March 27, 2010 Posted March 27, 2010 Alright, I'm buckling, heh. Anyone have a beta code free for the giving? I tried the sister game trying to start up (League of Legends), and I wanna see how this compares. It looks much better, with a much stronger strategic element to how it's worked. Not to mention prettier. Drop me an email. Quote
Tensei Posted March 27, 2010 Author Posted March 27, 2010 http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=92475 More news about open beta. Once closed beta ends, if you prepurchase, you will no longer get the golden shield and the ability to taunt/smackdown. http://hon.esportmedia.com/video/2010/03/26/twl-tournament-match-load-vs-phb Nighthound in a competitive game, what? Also, Chu` getting DESTROYED in mid. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 27, 2010 Posted March 27, 2010 <3 nighthound -- he's gotten a nice buff from the new patch. Nice to see him played that well though! Quote
Tensei Posted March 28, 2010 Author Posted March 28, 2010 Ah, and here's the answer to the matter of physical copies: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showpost.php?p=1062471&postcount=15 1) HoN is a digital-download only title. This might change in the future, but most likely not. 2) Taunts will not immediately be available at release for those who did not prepurchase. They will have to unlock it through unannounced means. Edit: Open beta coming 3/31 http://hon.esportmedia.com/2010/03/27/open-beta-to-come-out-331 Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Bumping to remind people that if they haven't preordered by the end of tomorrow they won't get a gold shield forum icon and the ability to taunt ingame. Do it now, join the club! Quote
anosou Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Hoahoahoah, I've got one of those gold shield thingies! Quote
Tensei Posted March 30, 2010 Author Posted March 30, 2010 Open beta tomorrow! Also swiftblade has suddenly become one of the best carries. Gotta love the shifting metagame. I'd say the current 'top' tier heroes would consist of Swiftblade, Defiler, Corrupted Disciple, Slither, Defiler and Pollywog Priest (based on the amount of play they've seen in the most recent competitive matches), with an honorable mention of Engineer who suddenly is starting to see a lot more play due to the strong pushing/counterpushing capabilities. Quote
Dhsu Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 I'd say the current 'top' tier heroes would consist of Swiftblade, Defiler, Corrupted Disciple, Slither, Defiler and Pollywog Priest (based on the amount of play they've seen in the most recent competitive matches), with an honorable mention of Engineer who suddenly is starting to see a lot more play due to the strong pushing/counterpushing capabilities. I guess she's just that good. Quote
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