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Heroes of Newerth Thread 2: Electrician Boogaloo. Now Free to play!

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Empath is great in 5v5 -- the ability to seal off pathways is great for ganks and the end of teamfights, as you can cut off retreats. Not to mention that buffing a carry so much (80 damage, 80 attack speed, 80 movespeed) at level 16 really helps them get the edge over the opposing carry later on, while keeping you safe to cast wall, dot, tablet, and stormstick.


I'd say Amun-Ra is basically the best hero in the game right now, or close to it. Very OP. While the idea of spending max health on nukes isn't unbalanced, I think it's his 3rd skill that is just over the top. 2/4/6/8 extra regen on top of regen items gives him just insane staying power, but on top of that it also buffs his movement speed and gives him a free Mock all the time. The synergy is just ridiculous. I think taking away one of the properties on his passive (or nerfing the numbers) is probably enough to make him balanced.

I'd say Amun-Ra is basically the best hero in the game right now, or close to it. Very OP. While the idea of spending max health on nukes isn't unbalanced, I think it's his 3rd skill that is just over the top. 2/4/6/8 extra regen on top of regen items gives him just insane staying power, but on top of that it also buffs his movement speed and gives him a free Mock all the time. The synergy is just ridiculous. I think taking away one of the properties on his passive (or nerfing the numbers) is probably enough to make him balanced.

Silouhette's passive aoe damage effect was nerfed in the most recent patch -- it follows that Ra's passive aoe damage will also come down. I'd suggest that 1.5/3/4.5/6 health regen would be plenty also...guess we'll find out if S2 agrees next patch.


I play HoN.. and yes I agree.. RA is so OP.

I hate playing against him. The revive is BS.

I play as Myrmidon most of the time. He's a fun ganker/stunner support.

Hit me up if any of you want to play sometime.

I need some more friends on there. Username: DegreeX

New idea:

Pick Parasite with Tundra on your team. Possess Tundra's scout -- Parasite then moves invisibly through the enemy jungle at 500ms, tracking down that low HP jungler. Emerge from bird form on top of their head, rock them.

So many shenanigans to try with him :P

Haven't tried it in game yet, but I want to build puzzlebox on him. He can possess a lvl 3 puzzlebox minion, deal massive damage, and if he's targeted and they kill his host, they take a massive nuke before even fighting him.


Really not liking the ult though. It's way too situational and basically ends up as a deadweight skill (or a mediocre single-target silence) if you're not facing heroes like slither, hellbringer or jereziah or something.

The most common debuff that you would want to swap away (Stun) makes it impossible for you to cast the spell, and supposedly it doesn't work on Predator's stone skin either.

During our scheduled maintenance period this morning we had a catastrophic hardware failure across a number of systems including some of our backup systems. We have the capacity and ability to recover from this failure. However, due to the extent of this failure we cannot provide an ETA on when service will be restored, we will continue to provide you updates as they are available to us.

Does this mean "We have no idea how long it will take us to re-code the entire game from the ground up"? Or perhaps the following announcement will be "Good news everyone! Heroes of Newerth is now FREE TO PLAY! Quickly nab your nicknames because we lost all your login info, statistics, and DLC."

Maybe both!


Yeah so someone mistakenly told me that if I logged on now I could get a bunch of the store items for free so I decided to play a game.

I decide to test out matchmaking and get an SD game. I get SR, DW, and Zeph. Really lucky pool and I instapick SR cause he's still one of my faves. We have our mid CD die twice to a MQ mid and rage quit. My heart sinks. My first game back after so long and we have a leaver and I can barely last hit and deny not to mention I have none of the mods I used so shit looks so different and I'm just at a general loss. Also I'm laning against a Behe/Succ lane and I forgot how good both of them were godamn. LoL really needs its equivalent of both of them. But from there I take up mid and eventually we win the game 4v5. Sure there were a ton of things wrong with my play like I bought no activated items most notably no ghost marchers cause I didn't have any of my item hotkeys bound (I had a fresh reinstall), I had a grand total of like 4 denies cause I haven't denied in a year and a half, I remembered about runes but it didn't register until I had an invisible MQ ult me, and cause I had no idea what Nomad could do I died a bunch to him. Oh and I totally forgot about missing uphill and line of sight up and down terrain. MQ was having such an easy time pelting me with moon beams from the top of her ramp and I was so flustered. On the plus side we had a Chronos and a Pesti who were pretty competent and we just rolled them teamfight after teamfight cause I just built tanky and played some solid support. Our MM kinda fed, though. He got real unlucky with them ratpacking through our jungle and just murdering him. Ended up with some pretty nice stats like 2 KDR and some extra PS/MM-R and what have you that I'll never see again. Was a fun venture for old times.

That being said I really felt uneasy with how different the game is from LoL after not playing for a year and a half. Don't think I'm coming back to this game to any degree I used to play but it'd definitely be fun to goof with you guys. I really miss it. Who still plays regularly? As I logged on I noticed Tensei and Hemo log off and if you guys remember him I saw Angel online too. Otherwise it was pretty barren but it is kind of 5AM central as I type this, haha.


I'm still playing HoN regularly, but am out of town -- I'm back on Monday. Rambo, Bonzai, Scytheful, Dhsu, and zircon are playing again in addition to those you mentioned.

As for the ingame store, you're basically never going to get anything useful from it via ingame points -- it's not like LoL where you can play 20 games and get something awesome (runeset, new hero). The upside is that gameplay relevant things don't get sold in HoN yet.

New heroes since you've been gone worth checking out:

Aluna, windrunner port with a more engaged ultimate

Silouhette, ninja semi-carry with grappling hook to trees

Amun-Ra, hero with a passive that does 8 HP regen and more AoE passive damage than mock at level 7 on the same skill (not joking)

Martyr, super support hero that makes it nearly impossible to kill one hero (and heals better than anyone else in the game atm)


From the looks of it, everybody will get 2000 silver coins as well as a refund of their gold coins to compensate for the downtime/rollback.

Now I can finally buy the Flamboyant Announcer and a lot of other useless shit.

Also Bardic, how can you forget about Myrmidon in your list? Probably the best supporter/ward bitch aside from maybe Andromeda at the moment. :<

I think he's the only hero with two non-ultimate stuns.


Also Bardic, how can you forget about Myrmidon in your list? Probably the best supporter/ward bitch aside from maybe Andromeda at the moment. :<

I think he's the only hero with two non-ultimate stuns.

witch slayer? 2 completely reliable stuns (saying that miniaturize isn't a stun would be pure semantics).

what makes myrm so good is his early spam potential, especially in a trilane. the escape spell doesn't hurt either.

his CC in full on teamfights isn't that great (unless you have a hero setup that makes it super easy for him to constantly hit his weed field).

on the other hand, being underleveled isn't a huge deal on him because his spells are extremely strong early game. hence his popularity in trilanes.

playing myrmidon way into late game is a horrible experience though most of the time.


Well by that logic you could also say that Pollywog Priest has two non-ultimate stuns. And yeah lategame you do usually end up as food but that counts for a lot of heroes if you play them as full-on support/ward bitch. Myrmidon does have the waveform and the ultimate going for him, so at least he gets some more survivability than a hero like Glacius.

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