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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you think there's someone on ocr staff that sits around keeping track on how many times a wip has been marked mod review? :P As long as it doesn't become a custom to switch your thread to mod review whenever you feel you haven't received any good feedback (or any at all), I don't see a problem with it. Go for it.

Just remember that the mods are neither judges nor a replacement for regular listeners or your own ears. ;)

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Just to make sure you're all aware of what we mods are for:

Do not mark a track that's still a work in progress as mod review. The workshop mods are here to provide a good pair of ears before you submit your finished track to ocr, not to hold your hand through the whole process. A track you're not (yet) intending to sub to ocr is a waste of our time, time we could be spending on mixes intended for ocr, or, idunno, getting/having a life. ;)


If you don't know what else to do to get feedback, here's some stuff from my remixing guide:

Make friends, ppl are more likely to listen to something by someone they know. There's things to learn from ppl on your own skill level; these friends will probably grow with you, challenge your development as an artist, listen to your works (don't be an ass, listen to theirs too), and just be... well, friends.

Comment on other ppl's mixes. This makes your name more familiar to them, it can make them feel indebted to you, it'll help you put into words the things you hear in other ppl's works and help you recognize it in your own, and it's part of what the feedback board is all about.

Just ask. A lot of the big names on ocr are friendly, cool ppl who enjoy lending ppl their ears. Those that hang around the feedback board are probably the ones most likely to respond. PM them and ask. You can ask judges and workshop mods too.


edit 4/23: I realize the writing might make it seem like we mods are superbusy irl-important ppl. Hah. It's really just to keep mod reviews as a thing specifically for ocr-submissions, as a pre-submission checkup. I also added a third suggestion from my guide to help.

Edited by Rozovian
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Is the "mod review" still a thing that is happening? I see threads tagged as "mod review" that are over a month old. This system is quite confusing if it's not actually active, but still in place.

I understand it's something people do on their free time and out of generosity, so I'm not like "get to work, mods!". I just think it needs a status update or something.

Edited by Byproduct
  • 2 months later...

Derp, yeah, Mod review is still a thing. I admit I need to get in there and do my part more often.

If the thread is over a month old, though, oftentimes it slipped behind the cracks and the reviewers just missed it before it got pushed off the front page. If people find that happening, a PM to a mod can often help get it the attention it needs.

Late response is late. :tomatoface:

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