Mirby Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 NEWS 04/08/11: Due to lack of work, or support, and the fact that I seem to be the only person on this team who wants to work on this, I'm pronouncing it dead. Yet again. Might as well lock this, I suppose... NEWS 02/12/11: Due to lack of work, I have set a deadline for completing the intro stage as a means of motivation. This deadline is April 6. That gives you all about a month and a half to finish this stage. Get working. Thanks! Other stuff: As per DarkeSword's request, I am starting this thread for discussion on the game. Allies 1-Tan 2-Tan 3-Tan YES-kun NO-kun Mavericks/Auralmisos (Stage)(Weapon: Effect) Queue Tortoise (Courthouse)(Tortoise Breakdown: Slows time) I'm guessing this will be a rather large boss, Yes? Withdraw: QT draws into his shell, Reducing damage inflicted to him. Body Slam: QT launches himself into the air, landing on the space 4-Tan was when he launched. {Deals less damage if used from withdraw} Shell Shocker: QT headbutts directly in front of him, pushing him foward a bit and knocking back 4-Tan if it hits her. {After half HP}Queue Advancement: QT begins spinning in place, Drawing 4-Tan towards him and causing damage if she gets close. {Only during withdraw} Trolling Vulture (Old City Warzone)(Vulture Shreddage: Fire effect) Dive-Bomb: TV dives towards 4-Tan's current location, then rises straight up after striking her/the ground Feather Spears: TV lets out a volley of razor sharp feathers towards the general area of where 4-Tan is standing, Pinning her to the spot if they hit. {After half HP} Roost: At random points after he loses half his HP TV may try to stop and rest. 3 seconds after he reaches the ground a wall of fire will engulf him and heal him for a quarter of his HP. Additional Attacks will heal him further. Attacking him during the 3 second period will knock him off balance and make him unable to heal himself, as well as leaving him open to more damage. Lawless Hyena (City Outskirts)(???) {Don't remember the theme for this one... But i'll try} Carnivore: Attacks LH makes will heal him for the damage dealt to 4-Tan. Chomp: LH charges towards 4-Tan and then leaps at her, latching on and biting her if not avoided. Howl: LH lets out a howl that overpowers 4-Tan's jams. Preventing her attacks from harming him while he does it. {After half HP} Pack Call: LH summons two of his pack to assist him, Two small wolfs appearing behind him who will then run around and try to attack 4-Tan. These will respawn every 5-10 seconds after they are destroyed. Midi-rip Chimpanzee (Construction Site)(Chiptune Callback: ???) Rip: MC pulls a random item off of the construction site and throws it at 4-Tan {Items could include hammers, toolboxes, metal bars, lunch boxes} After half HP he throws the items at her faster and for longer. Swing Style: MC grabs a rope hanging from the middle of the area and swings around on it. If he hits 4-Tan she is driven against the wall of the screen. {Completely stolen from MM8's clown man} After half HP he swings faster and when 4-Tan is hit by him she'll be carried into the air with him until he leaves the screen, she'll fall down after he does. Bringin' Down the House: MC shakes the building, causing several bars, etc. to fall from above. After Half HP a second layer of items will fall after this first ones. {After half HP} Berserk: MC moves a LOT faster and his other attacks are affected by his sudden rage. Plagiarizing Platypus (Carnival)(Subtle Tribute: ???) Copy: PP steals 4-Tan's jam, Gaining the ability to use that one tune in addition to his other attacks. {Once. The first time 4-Tan changes abilities} Replay: When PP is hit by an attack there is a chance that he will use the same attack on 4-Tan. {Really can't think of much for him} Baudline Badger (Downtown)(???) Bandwith Limiter: BB limits how much can be done by 4-Tan at one time. Preventing her from changing weapons more than once every ? seconds. {Once. At the beginning of the battle} Resource Drain: BB creates a hole next to 4-Tan's current location, it drawing her towards it for as long as it's formed. {3 seconds. While she's in the radius it drains her HP at a fairly fast rate.} {Mnh... Needs more basic attacks for most of these.} Multiplying Spambot (Sewers)(Copying Solo: Like Copy Vision from Rockman & Forte) Split: MS breaks down into it's smaller forms. Swarming back and forth over the floor and latching onto 4-Tan if she touches them, Damaging her. Rejoin: MS's mini forms gather around 4-Tan, Attempting to trap her as they form back into their main form. If they succeed then she will be crushed between them. {4 second reform time. Instant death if caught} Shot: MS shoots blobs of itself at her, Damaging her if they hit. Blobs shatter on impact and separate pieces will crawl back to the main body. {Oh, Should MS diminish in size as he takes more damage? And the smaller parts be kill-able?} Idler Mantis (Park)(???) Slash: IM simply slashes toward 4-Tan and tries to cut her. Lunge slash: IM lunges across the screen towards 4-Tan and tries to cut her. Upper Slash: He does a lunge slash and if it connects, slashes up, Sending her into the air. Can't move for one second upon landing if it connects. Jump Blades: IM jumps into the air and begins spinning with his blades outstretched. then falling towards 4-Tan's location. Drop Blades: IM turns a set of blades into a wheel and sets them spinning across the floor towards 4-Tan. If they do not hit her they will simply roll up the side of the wall. His blades regrow instantly after this. Can't move for one second if it connects. Skyscraper Bosses Schalasaurus Juese Belmont Cross Throw: Juese throws a large cross towards 4-Tan Multi-Cross: Juese throws several crosses towards 4-tan. Causing minimal damage that isn't affected by the invun period. Judgement: Juese fires a beam of White light towards 4-tan, causing large damage. (After Half HP) Wield: Juese turns in his crosses for his weapon of choice, A large spatula. Flip!: Juese charges 4-Chan and flips her over his head with his spatula. Syrup Volley: Juese launches a volley of maple syrup at 4-Tan Flatten: Juese tosses a pancake into the air. It coming down at 4-Tan's location when it was launched. Overworld King Shell Spinners: OWK tosses shells over the area, which begin spinning in place after hitting the ground {They just drop in pre-set spaces and spin for a couple seconds} Burn Flower: OWK tosses a flower into the air which drops flames onto random spots on the ground. {Affected by the stage. Field there is a slightly larger area for the burn, Forest the trees burn too, Water the attacks fizzle} Shroom Shake: Causes an effect based on the current field. - Field (default stage): Damage if 4-Tan is on the ground (if she's in the air or the walls, she'll be fine) - Cavern: Debris falls from ceiling (if she's in-between the falling debris, no damage) - Canyon: Platforms fall, meaning no space to stand (if she's on the walls, she'll be fine) - Clouds: Clouds become electrically charged; stun damage (walls are fine) - Ocean: Water becomes toxic; damage within (walls above water level are fine) - Castle: Bricks from all four walls fly out to attack her (dodge the blocks to survive; like Yellow Devil from Mega Man 1) {After Half HP} Field Swap: Every 10/15 seconds OWK causes the stage to randomly change (a la Pokemon Stadium in Brawl). {Field, Cavern, Canyon, Clouds, Ocean, Castle} Villain Mr. Amgis Gameplay Style 4-Tan shreds some riffs, the longer the solo, the more the charge shot, and fires sonic waves. As she defeats the bosses, she gains special pedals with various effects, which let her use the power of the bosses she's defeated. The other Tans have similar attack styles; 1-Tan uses drums, and thus gets special drumsticks. 2-Tan uses a keyboard, and gets special effects. 3-Tan uses a bass guitar, thus her attack style is the same as 4-Tan's. Tracklist - Main Menu - Port - Stage Select - Courthouse (Queue Tortoise) - Warzone (Trolling Vulture) - City Outskirts (Lawless Hyena) - Construction Site (Midirip Chimpanzee) - Carnival (Plagiarizing Platypus) - Downtown (Baudline Badger) - Sewers (Multiplying Spambot) - Park (Idler Mantis) - Boss Theme - Skyscraper Stage 1 - Skyscraper Boss - Skyscraper Stage 2 - Skyscraper Stage 3 - Skyscraper Stage 4 - Theme of Mr. Amgis - Mr. Amgis Battle - Remixanator Battle - Ending/Credits Luke and Cyril will probably end up doing this. We need these tracks! Programming Team TehDonut 42 Sound Team LuketheXjesse Cyril the Wolf Graphics Team Mirby Binjovi DJSymBiotiX Team Rocket ocre (To Protect the Community from Devastation...) Special Thanks Binjovi for ideas, locations, bosses, etc. Harmonious Dissonance for ideas and names, and the boss attacks DarkeSword for the YES-kun and NO-kun characters Melbu Frahma for weapon ideas Cyril the Wolf for 1-Tan's attack style Darklink42 for weapon attack ideas and names Slut for boss names NeoForte and K.B. for inspiration for the term Auralmisos Doulifee for hosting the OCR-Tan pics, and thus the sprites friendlyHunter for some boss names Project Manager Mirby I don't know how I was appointed to this rank, but I was... meh. UPDATE: The official discussion channel for this is #ocrtangame on ETG, just like the OCR channel. Discuss this there if you want to! UPDATE 5/16/10: I added DJSymBiotiX to the Graphics team because he provided a good amount of sprites. UPDATE 12/15/10: #ocrtangame is now on EsperNet... just like #ocremix... Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 I still need music (preferably original), and stuff. Otherwise, this is off to a great start! What kind of "stuff" are we talking about? Quote
Mirby Posted April 21, 2010 Author Posted April 21, 2010 Umm... what each level of the skyscraper is like, what Mr. Amgis' attacks are... that kind of stuff. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 This soundtrack should consist of either chiptunery or badass metal. Personally I'm in favor of #2. Quote
Mirby Posted April 21, 2010 Author Posted April 21, 2010 Well, since Trolling Vulture brings back memories of Condorock, or rather, Vulturon, from ZX Advent, I think that metal would be fitting. It all depends on the boss. I mean, each stage has it's own unique feel in the Mega Man games, why shouldn't it be any different here? Quote
TehDonut Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 This sounds interesting, I have some experience making GBA games in C and would like to get involved in this little project if you are willing to accept assistance for the programming part. Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 I was using MMF2 and an engine I found to make this... but any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Quote
linkspast Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I dont know how long this game would take to make but It be awesome if it were to be released around april of 2011. So people could buy a copy of the game, a few weeks before its released to for free... (assuming it would be) Quote
Deep Thought Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Remixinator final boss? It was the exact opposite of what the tans stand for: Automated copycat music. So we have the sidescroller, what about the jrpg? Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 It won't be sold, period. Considering the sprites I'm using for 4-Tan are obvious X edits, there's the matter of copyright infringement... It'll be free for download. And Deep Thought, that's a good idea for the final form of Mr. Amgis! But one thing at a time here. Please. Quote
42 Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Oh, wow. This just keeps getting better and better. As a programming student, this is definitely something I'll be keeping tabs on. Most of my experience is in c/c++, and I'm just now getting comfortable with Java, but if you need some other coders, I would be interested in possibly assisting. Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 WTF? First Deep Thought posts, and then 42... odd... Like I said, any help would e appreciated. Stage layouts would be nice, too. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Hoping the original tracks for this game will be made using the x1-x3 instruments Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I could probably do that with a bit of .spc ripping and a nice sampler. Quote
Cyril the Wolf Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I have a MMX sample set for soundfonts. I could hella make somethin Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 Provided you could retain the metal feel! Shouldn't be too hard... right? Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Me and Cyril and whoever could all do it I guess. We could always do it OCR-Project style and let people claim tracks. EDIT: provided they use the sound set from either X, X2, or X3. Quote
The Author Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 The final boss should be the "Mr. Silence" which is what OCR breaks by providing music. Quote
Cyril the Wolf Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Provided you could retain the metal feel! Shouldn't be too hard... right? YOU QUESTION MY METTLE!?!? (I mean... METAL!!??!) Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 I suppose... We only need... lessee... - Main Menu - Port - Stage Select - Courthouse (Queue Tortoise) - Warzone (Trolling Vulture) (claimed by LuketheXjesse) - City Outskirts (Lawless Hyena) - Construction Site (Midirip Chimpanzee) - Carnival (Plagiarizing Platypus) - Downtown (Baudline Badger) - Sewers (Multiplying Spambot) - Park (Idler Mantis) - Boss Theme - Skyscraper Stage 1 - Skyscraper Boss - Skyscraper Stage 2 - Skyscraper Stage 3 - Skyscraper Stage 4 - Theme of Mr. Amgis - Mr. Amgis Battle - Remixanator Battle - Ending/Credits That sound good? Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I'm gonna buy a midi cable for my keyboard if I'm seriously doing this. Pointing and clicking all those notes will drive me nuts. I guess I'll take vulture. Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 like that? Still, this should be pretty cool. Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 well hopefully this goes better than the last attempt where the wingless bullrushed anyone's attempt to code the thing and then went away Quote
Mirby Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 Hey, it should. I'm taking all the help I can get. If OCR-Tan represents the site, then members of the site should be able to contribute what they can to the OCR-Tan game. I won't deny any requests to help. Quote
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