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Nario's Ultimate Dance Pad Thread (Playing Super Mario Bros. 3 next!)

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Games I've Beaten With A Dance Pad (left-click the game title for easy access to videos!) Last updated June 24, 2012

1. Castlevania - NES (Added April 22, 2010)

2. Super Mario Bros. - NES (Added May 05, 2010)

3. Mega Man 2 - NES (Added May 20, 2010)

4. Castlevania III - NES (Added June 9, 2010)

5. Ninja Gaiden - NES (Added March 1, 2011)


(Added June 23, 2012)

I made this thread due to the demand of others and also for the sake of convenience. You'll no longer see another thread from me, as this thread will cover all of my dance pad endeavors from now on. If you look at the list above, you can easily see which games I have already beaten (including the videos to go with them), and the list will be updated every time I beat a game, so you don't have to play the guessing game of what I have and haven't covered. I hope everyone's fine with this idea!

I have been mentioned on Kotaku, 1UP, Destructoid, OSV, Joystiq, NintendoLife, Capcom-Unity, and even Giant Bomb! When news broke out that I was beating Castlevania with a dance pad, I was totally surprised by the attention I got, and once I beat the game, everything changed: people were requesting games, and I started to gain an actual fanbase. Then I beat Super Mario Bros. with a dance pad, it got 95,000 views, and I was everywhere on the Internet--crazy. My videos have reached the parts of Mexico, Brazil, Cambodia, Finland, Sweden, South Korea, and Thailand. As of right now, my Mega Man 2 videos haven't gone nearly as viral, but I have been honored by Derek 'HVGN' Alexander and Capcom-Unity, the official Capcom site, and I now have a pretty large fanbase that regularly and consistently watches for my latest videos--they watch everything I put up and I am vrey very thankful and grateful to have them!

Which leads me to my next project:

I beat Level 1 on Castlevania III (NES)... WITH A DANCE PAD.

I am calling this series 'Castlevania III: Grant's Dynasty' because I will be playing as Grant later on in the series, and will most likely use him for a majority of the game.

This game is only going to get harder and harder, so enjoy it now while it's still easy! You'll probably like it more and more as it gets harder and harder, though; gasping in awe at the stunts I pull off, laughing at the mistakes I make. haha!

Enjoy! Let me know if you think this thread is a good idea!


I beat Level 4 on Castlevania III (NES)... WITH A DANCE PAD.

Phew, Level 4 is down. I feel like an acrobat, which is appropriate for The Awesome Grant Danasty.

Also, people have requested that I make the TV screen bigger, and I hope that this new format is acceptable. Personally, I like it!

If you actually beat CVIII in its entirety I'm going to shit myself. That game isn't easy with a controller.


Of course my problem was that I got ALUCARD. Having played SotN first, I had some idea in my head that he'd be super awesome because he was awesome in SotN. I ended up never beating CV3. D:

Nario you are just too cool.

Of course my problem was that I got ALUCARD. Having played SotN first, I had some idea in my head that he'd be super awesome because he was awesome in SotN. I ended up never beating CV3. D:

Oh gosh, that means you also chose the Hard Route, or as I call it in my dance pad videos, the Impossible Route. I'm sorry to hear of such unfortunate events. :-(

Nario you are just too cool.



I beat Level 6 on Castlevania III (NES)... WITH A DANCE PAD.

This has got to be one of the most fun dance pad videos I've made in a while. It's got action, it's intense, it's got frustration, and it has surprises. I hope you all enjoy watching it just as much as I did making it!


very nice - despite the difficulty with those ravens..which i've encountered myself. and all this talk of CV3 being hard.. idk, I grew up on that game. Easily my favorite and not too hard at all. Put me in front of a FPS though...

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