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Hi. One last E3 thread, which is a compendium of the games announced and to be released in the coming months. Rather than post this in any particular company thread (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) it is instead posted separately because it features games FOR ALL PLATFORMS from various companies. Enjoy. Also, feel free to hate here if the mods allow it but try to keep the inter-console hate in the other threads to a minimum. :-o

Of course the list is not complete, as this is only day 2 and there's more to be announced. Elder Scrolls V for the win.

2K Games

Mafia II (PC, PS3, 360)

Sid Meier's Civilization V (PC)

Spec Ops: The Line (PC, PS3, 360)

X-COM (PC, 360)

Bioshock 3(TBA)

505 Games

Grease (DS, Wii)

Naughty Bear (PS3, 360)


Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, PC, 360, Wii)

DJ Hero 2 (TBC)

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (PS3, 360, Wii)

Modern Warfare 3 (PS3, PC, 360)

GoldenEye (Wii, DS)


Brink (PC, PS3, 360)

Fallout: New Vegas (PS3, PC, 360)

Hunted: The Demon's Forge (PC, PS3, 360)

Rage (PC, PS3, 360)

Elder Scrolls V (360, PS3, PC)


Dead Rising 2 (PS3, PC, 360)

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (XBLA)

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PS3, 360)

Okamiden (DS)

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (XBLA, PSN)

Sengoku BASARA: Samuari Heroes (PS3)

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (DS)

Resident Evil 6 (360, PS3, PC)


Bodycount (PS3, 360)

F1 2010 (PC, PS3, 360)


Epic Mickey (Wii)

Guilty Party (Wii)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned (PC, PS3, 360)

Toy Story 3: The Video Game (PC, PS3, 360)

Tron Evolution (PC, PS3)

Tron: Legacy (iPhone)

Electronic Arts

APB: All Points Bulletin (PC)

Bulletstorm (PS3, PC, 360)

Crysis 2 (PS3, PC, 360)

Dead Space 2 (PS3, PC, 360)

EA Sports Active 2.0 (Wii)

EA Sports MMA(PS3, 360)

FIFA Soccer 11 (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, 360, Wii)

Madden NFL 11 (PS2, PS3, PC, 360, Wii, PSP)

Medal of Honor (PC, PS3, 360)

NBA Jam (Wii)

NCAA Football 11(PS2, PS3, 360)

NHL 11(PS3, 360)

Rock Band 3 (PS3, 360, Wii)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11(PS3, Wii, 360)

NBA Elite (360, PS3, PC, PS2)


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3, 360)

Def Jam Rapstar (4mm) (Wii)

Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring (PS3, 360, Wii, PSP, DSiWare)

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)

Metal Gear Solid: Rising (PS3, 360)

N3: Ninety-Nine Nights II (360)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (iPhone)

Rocket Knight (PC, PS3, 360)

Rush'N Attack Ex-Patriot (PS3, 360)

Saw II (PS3, 360)

The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice (Wii)

Metal Gear Solid 5 (PS3)


Lego Star Wars III (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, 360)

Monkey Island 2 SE (PC, PS3, 360)

The Force Unleashed II (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, 360)

Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)


Kinect (Hardware)

Fable III (360, PC)

Gears of War 3 (360)

Halo: Reach (360)

Milo and Kate (360)

~15 Kinect Games (360)

Namco Bandai

Ace Combat: Joint Assault (PSP)

Clash of the Titans (PS3, 360)

Enslaved (PS3, 360)

Dragon Ball: Origins 2 (DS)

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS3, 360)

Pac-Man 2010 (TBC)

Splatterhouse (PS3, 360)


Animal Crossing 3DS (3DS)

Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (DS)

FlingSmash (Wii)

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS)

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)

Mario Kart 3DS (3DS)

Mario Sports Mix (Wii)

Mario VS Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem (DS)

Metroid Other M (Wii)

Nintendogs and Cats (3DS)

Paper Mario 3DS (3DS)

Pilotwings: Resort (3DS)

Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (DS)

PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure (Wii)

Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (3DS)

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

Wii Party (Wii)


Conduit 2 (Wii)

Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP)

Tournament of Legends (Wii)

Toal War: Shogun 2 (PC)

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (PS3, 360, Wii, IP)

Sonic Colours (Wii, DS)

Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP)

Vanquish (360, PS3)

Sony Computer Entertainment

EyePet (PS3)

Free Realms (PS3)

God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PSP)

Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip (PSP)

Invizimals (PSP)

Killzone 3 (PS3)

LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)

Move Party (PS3)

PlayStation Move games (PS3)


Sports Champions (PS3)

Slider (PS3)

TV Superstars (PS3)

The Fight: Lights Out (PS3)

The Last Guardian (PS3)

The Shoot (PS3)

PSP2 (Hardware)

Motorstorm 3 (PS3)

Resistance 3 (PS3)

Sony Online Entertainment

DC Universe (PC, PS3)

Free Realms (PC, PS3)

Square Enix

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3, PC, 360)

Dungeon Siege III (PS3, 360, PC)

Final Fantasy XIV (PS3, PC)

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)

Front Mission Evolved (PS3, 360, PC)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PC, PS3, 360)

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP)

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS)

Kingdom Hearts 3D (3DS)

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (PS3, PC, 360)

The 3rd Birthday (PSP)


de Blob: The Underground (Wii, DS)

Homefront (PS3, PC, 360)

Red Faction: Armageddon (PS3, 360, PC)

Saints Row 3 (TBA)

The Last Airbender: The Movie (DS, Wii)

UFC Undisputed 2010 (PS3, PSP, X360)

Warhammer 40,000 Online (PC)

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (PS3, 360)

WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 (360, DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii)

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw Online (PC)

Tecmo Koei

Trinity: Zill O'll Zero (PS3)

Quantum Theory (PS3, 360)

Warriors: Legends of Troy (PS3, 360)


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3, PC, 360)

R.U.S.E (PS3, 360, PC)

Shaun White Skateboarding (PS3, PC, 360, Wii)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (PS3, PC, 360, Wii, DS, PSP)

Tom Clancy's HAWX 2 (PC, PS3, X360)

Driver (TBA)


Portal 2 (PS3, 360, PC, Mac)

Half-Life 3/ HL2: Ep 3 (TBA)

Warner Bros.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (DS, Wii)

Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (DS)

F.E.A.R. 3 (PC, PS3, 360)

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, 360)

Super Scribblenauts (DS)

The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii)

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PC, PS3, 360)

Mortal Kombat (TBA)

Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 (PS3, 360)


I think I've seen that list somewhere before.

Some other games Nintendo revealed at least:


Super Street Fighter IV (Capcom)

Resident Evil Revelations (Capcom)

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Nintendogs + Cats

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (Konami)

DJ Hero 3D (Activision)

Paper Mario

PilotWings Resort

Star Fox 64 3D

Mario Kart

Animal Crossing

Professor Layton (Level 5)

Kingdom Hearts (Square-Enix)

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (for the DS)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong (for the DS)


Donkey Kong Country Returns

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Mario Sports Mix

Wii Party (lol!)

There's more, I'm just busy doing other stuff though atm.


Because starting a new topic for each of these games seems a bit unnecessary.

Electronic Arts

APB: All Points Bulletin (PC)

Now I just need a computer that can run this, and I'll be quite happy.

Saw II (PS3, 360)

A bit late on this one, eh? I know the first one was out not too long ago, but is there really going to be a 5-year lag on the whole series?

FlingSmash (Wii)

And this is...?

Sonic Colours (Wii, DS)

Sony Online Entertainment

Free Realms (PC, PS3)

Wait, the crappy MMO that already exists on PC? (Minimum system requirements, my ass - ran really slow and took 5 minutes to load a mini-game, which is 90% of this thing's consistency.)
Square Enix

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (PS3, PC, 360)

When did Squeenix buy Eidos? And is this seriously going to be considered a game by the parent company?

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