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Anyone play this? Can anyone give a user impression of the game?

I used to be a big fan of Dragon Quest but I haven't really played a game in depth since Dragon Quest IV. I didn't finish DQ7 and didn't play DQ8.

I hear that the multiplayer is fun but that it's local wifi only. Can anyone give some impressions of that too?


Picked this up yesterday and have spent some time on it.

It is really fun and cheerful, the graphics are sweet for DS, and the gameplay is classic. I really like that you can make your own characters and name them whatever (my party is made up of OCR buddies :-) ), and I *love* the fact that you can dress up your dudes in different outfits.

I haven't done the wifi stuff or anything, but I am totally going to have my DS set to tag mode for Otakon.


I picked up the Japanese version last year. I only played the first 10 hours or so of it before some other games got in the way.

It's actually my first DQ title. I really enjoyed it, though it seems a bit sidequest-heavy. Or maybe that's just because I'm tempted to do all the mini-sidequests. ...which might explain why I didn't get so far in the first 10 hours.

Anyway, the gameplay itself is really fun. Battles slide by so that they're neither cumbersome nor mundane. The artwork is fun and colorful. The story (at least the beginning) likewise pulled me in. Overall, definitely a good game and worth picking up.

...any idea if tag mode will work between US and Japanese versions? I was never able to try it with anyone. KF


Started playing today at work. I love it! It's everything I liked about DQ8 with none of that silly random encounter rubbish. You get to design your own character and what's cool is that all of your equipment changes are visible. Haven't tried any of the multi-player yet but it sounds like fun. Best DS game I've picked up yet.

Picked this up yesterday and have spent some time on it.

It is really fun and cheerful, the graphics are sweet for DS, and the gameplay is classic. I really like that you can make your own characters and name them whatever (my party is made up of OCR buddies :-) ), and I *love* the fact that you can dress up your dudes in different outfits.

I haven't done the wifi stuff or anything, but I am totally going to have my DS set to tag mode for Otakon.

You're flying in for Otakon? Didn't know that :-o

You're flying in for Otakon? Didn't know that :-o

someone get a mod to keep this n00b on topic. ;-)

the tag mode is region-free, confirmed by an interview with the creators.

Seriously, they could have the game just be Dragon Quest dress-up and i'd still play the shit out of this game. Should I be embarrassed? >___>


Sounds like it might be worth it, even the single player mode sounds good.

I was hoping that the game might be over the Internet so my girlfriend and I could play together (we are long distance). So that's why I'm interested in knowing what the multiplayer is like - can you for example have someone who's much lower level than you join in on your party?


The impression I get is that anyone of any level can join at any time in the story. In fact, it seems like you don't even need to follow the host player's party -- you can go wherever you like and be in a completely different party.

EDIT: I've been playing the hell out of this. Got 7 party members made up (and thankfully it's no minoriteam). I named everyone after things or adjectives: Oriole, Chalice, Pale, Kray, Harp, Mosaic, and Lima. Oriole is a minstrel, of course, and everyone else is one of the six default classes.


i'm 4 or 5 hours in and i'm really enjoying it so far. i've never played a dragon quest game before but i was in the mood for a more traditional JRPG this summer and it looked like a good option. it's a lot of fun and it isn't too complicated, and it's a beautiful game. i really like the equipment/doll dress up thing but my guy looks stupid because his pants and armor don't match and he's wearing a bandana.


Get used to that. I alchemized up a slime hood and a slime suit... I put it on my mage and now he's dressed like a Slime Stack enemy and looks absolutely retarded, with all his other equipment clipping through his armour.

Even when the armour matches it looks bad!

Also what is up with the kilt leg armour being hiked up to the crotch in battle.


Only just started the game Monday on the metro ride to work (I bought it Sunday but was in the middle of a dungeon in Spirit Tracks I didn't want to lose my progress in), so now I'm outside Stornway grinding my new party of n00bs up to better levels. Having SO much fun so far. Can't wait to rock Tag Mode at Otakon.

Seriously, they could have the game just be Dragon Quest dress-up and i'd still play the shit out of this game. Should I be embarrassed? >___>

............that's my favorite aspect of the game, too...

Now I'm gonna have to set aside some other stuff (except FF9) so that I can get in some game-time on DQ9 before Otakon, to get the most out of tag-time. KF


this game rules, let's talk about it or something.

i just got past alltrades abbey and i'm trying to decide if i should switch vocations at this stage in the game. my main dude is a level 20 minstrel but i kinda want him to be a warrior, but restarting at level 1 might be a pain in the ass. but i wanna be a tough guy


Anyone get to explore the first randomly-generated dungeon (you get the map from Collapsus)? The monsters were all easy-peasy, but the boss raped me like my ass was covered in candy.

What I'm saying is, it's probably best to wait until your party is level 30 or so.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I gained 30 levels in Martial Artist in like 7 hours oh god aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Seriously, this game's got me in its sinister clutches. I heard the story is basically 50 hours long. At the rate I'm going it'll take me 150 to beat the game.

After those 30 levels in Martial Artist I moved on to Armamentalist and gained 10 levels there.


I feel ashamed.. I'm still way early in the game trying to figure out how to unlock other classes. Probably still too early for that.. But it's pretty fun nonetheless. I was a bit disappointed at the title screen when I didn't hear the trumpets blairing to announce the opening of the traditional DQ theme I've gotten accustomed too. Anyone play it Wifi yet? I live out here in hicksville Ohio (Circleville) and anyone with a handheld system is rare.. from what friends online have told me it's pretty fun.. You have your own freedom but can help each other out at the same time. Loving the game though.


I'm not far in it myself.. Just got to where I could change vocations.. But I had one temporary storyline character join early in the game. After that I made my group and have used them since.. From what I've heard yeah.. you work with a custom made party. I don't mind it much as I've always liked to save the world with friends.

I heard you have to create all your players in the game, no important characters join? If so.. that's a huge minus to me. Hope I heard wrong, did I?

No important characters join. The game is all about you and your friends saving the world, which is something I've really missed in RPGs in the past few generations. I love naming my characters and adventuring with them. My only regret is that you can't give them beards, so Stevo can't be in my party. :-(


Okay, so just tried the Multiplayer feature.

It is motherflippin' amazing. Real time, you can get into battles away from your friend, and they can join up with battles.

He didn't have the alchemy ability yet, so it didn't allow him to use the alchemy pot in my game. And like... so sweet. You can still gain levels in someone else's world and its really well done.

So. Saving the world with your friends? Hell YES.

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