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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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I be done. :)

Well, mostly done anyway. I ended up overshooting the time limit by about 30 seconds. And there's probably some polishing that I could do on mastering and maybe tweeking a few "muddy" parts. But this is pretty much it. ^^

Inciting Incident

Hope you enjoy. :D

(Oh and Claado, I'm pretty sure none of the samples I used are eligible for our "shared" kit. Except for some percussion, all sounds came from Reason's Orkester sound bank)


That's alright, sephfire...I'm thinking about getting rid of that limitation anyway, to make for a more quality-driven ST. So yeah, this is great stuff. Still love those drums. Very Halo in the middle.

Also, for trimming up, at around 3:01, you have a perfect opportunity for a slow violin fadeout. As long as it's less than 3:10, you're alright.


Well I'm certainly not against the group sample kit. I'm sure there is better stuff out there than what I'm using. I'm sure I can do as well or better with other sounds. And I still agree with your original reasoning for using a shared sample bank. As cool as this project CD will probably sound, it'd really add something if all our work sounded like it was performed by one "orchestra."

But in the end, I think it's gonna sound sweet no matter how this thing is organized, so it really doesn't matter to me. Can't wait to hear what everyone else turns in. :)


Well, honestly, the reason I'm thinking about changing it is because one particularly big-named remixer won't participate unless they can use the samples they're familiar with, and I'm willing to sacrifice that tiny part in order to get their cooperation. If they still won't join, then the rules stay as they are: one sample set.

Also, if you think about it, if the actual movie ever gets made, there will be plenty of time for a single remixer to go back and recreate every mix with a single soundfont in order to achieve the most perfect sound. That's a far-off possibility at the best, but it's enough to change my mind should the need arise.


Hey, Claado.

If I don't finish my audition entry, am I eliminated from the project? It's not like I enjoy putting you the position of having to choose, but I'm not sure I feel like working on this audition piece anymore. It's basically as simple as that; been having computer problems, have had/will have tons of work (although I doubt it will be as bad as it has been in the future), it doesn't please me to work on my entry, so if I don't have to, I won't. So tell me :P

Anyway, glad to hear your grandma is fine.

Hey, Claado.

If I don't finish my audition entry, am I eliminated from the project? It's not like I enjoy putting you the position of having to choose, but I'm not sure I feel like working on this audition piece anymore. It's basically as simple as that; been having computer problems, have had/will have tons of work (although I doubt it will be as bad as it has been in the future), it doesn't please me to work on my entry, so if I don't have to, I won't. So tell me :P

Anyway, glad to hear your grandma is fine.

Aw, man. This just keeps getting stickier. Well...




...You're alright. I've heard your other stuff, and I know that your orchestral skills are up-to-par. Besides, with the stuff you've already shown me, I'm pretty sure you'll work out just fine. 8)

I just hope that you don't lose the desire to remix when you're in the middle of doing a piece for the ST. That would be very bad.


I like a lot of the percussion elements in that clip, bliz. I really like the drum kit Unknown used too. Where did you guys find the samples?

And BTW, does anyone have suggestions for cleaning up my audition piece? I figure I've gone to this much trouble, might as well polish it up a bit.


seph - sorry I don't have anything specific right now to critique on your song (I have to run, maybe later) but I wanted to say I did enjoy it, as well as the traditional sephire tribal percussion (I can never get enough of them b33tz) I will be using Reason's Orkestor bank as well, I hope Claado decides to change the requirement for the same, free sound library, because I think that would definitely drop the quality level of a lot of these songs (wondering if Unknowns was all free soundfonts? If so, good God. Otherwise, I'm curious in general what sounds Tyler uses - those ethnic percussion instruments are awesome)

Bliz! I'm loving it! Very deep and moving piece so far, even for as short as it is. It's going to be wonderful, keep up the good work buddy.

Hey, Claado.

If I don't finish my audition entry, am I eliminated from the project? It's not like I enjoy putting you the position of having to choose, but I'm not sure I feel like working on this audition piece anymore. It's basically as simple as that; been having computer problems, have had/will have tons of work (although I doubt it will be as bad as it has been in the future), it doesn't please me to work on my entry, so if I don't have to, I won't. So tell me :P

Anyway, glad to hear your grandma is fine.

Aw, man. This just keeps getting stickier. Well...




...You're alright. I've heard your other stuff, and I know that your orchestral skills are up-to-par. Besides, with the stuff you've already shown me, I'm pretty sure you'll work out just fine. 8)

I just hope that you don't lose the desire to remix when you're in the middle of doing a piece for the ST. That would be very bad.

I don't just lose my desire to mix when it's my RESPONSIBILITY to mix. Even if I do, I'll do it. But if I don't have to do something I don't want to do, there's a pretty good chance I won't do it. Thanks for the prompt reply.


wow yeah Frog's theme is very moving and eloquent in your song Emperor, and I think the Magus descending progression was simply badass. Only thing is I feel like you used a lot of themes that weren't part of the 2 songs required to be mixed. Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed your song, just not sure if Claado will be receptive to the allusions to the character themes within the opening piece? I dunno I still contend they are badass and the fact that you pulled it off I give you major props. Also we have the same brass section (the Sam's free demos, muhaha, they are wonderful - bliz you can go back a few pages and Emperor put up a link to the website... I dont know how he converted them to soundfonts since they only come in giga, but perhaps he can enlighten us on the process).

So yeah sorry Claado I was busy all last week with midterms, and I still have one left this week, but I was able to start working on my WIP last night (I kept justifying staying up late due to daylight savings). I ended up falling asleep while waiting for my project to load after my computer crashed, and then kinda gave up and went to bed when I woke up dazed and confused at my keyboard.

Alright enough rambling, it's only a short preview like bliz's (little less than a minute) but thought I would show that I am trying to get an audition piece done on time:

Beginning of the End


SirRus...fuh-reakin' awesome. Love the strings, man.

Also, about Emperor's updated piece and the usage of other source tunes...my original stance was that the only reused song would be "Far-Off Promise", but since in this form it isn't immediately reconcilable for strangers to the OST as Frog's Theme, and since it will probably be a different style in the other song to use Frog's Theme...dat's aight.

So yeah, both wonderful pieces. Emperor = accepted, and SirRus = well on his way.

P.S. I realize that we have a shortage of remixers, but I think that as long as we don't rush the project and allow everything to happen naturally, we can seriously get this all done, or at least enough done to make other people want to help with the rest. I hope.


JESUS, awesome interpretaiton of Frog's theme. Hell, good job on the whole thing. Are these all free samples?

Glad you liked it. As SirRus said, those are SAM demo brass samples, available at http://www.projectsam.com

I dont know how he converted them to soundfonts since they only come in giga, but perhaps he can enlighten us on the process

Using Awave Studio I extracted simple .wav files from those gigasamples and then converted them to the format of instruments I used (namely .it)

wow yeah Frog's theme is very moving and eloquent in your song Emperor, and I think the Magus descending progression was simply badass. Only thing is I feel like you used a lot of themes that weren't part of the 2 songs required to be mixed. Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed your song, just not sure if Claado will be receptive to the allusions to the character themes within the opening piece? I dunno I still contend they are badass and the fact that you pulled it off I give you major props. Also we have the same brass section (the Sam's free demos, muhaha, they are wonderful - bliz you can go back a few pages and Emperor put up a link to the website... I dont know how he converted them to soundfonts since they only come in giga, but perhaps he can enlighten us on the process).

So yeah sorry Claado I was busy all last week with midterms, and I still have one left this week, but I was able to start working on my WIP last night (I kept justifying staying up late due to daylight savings). I ended up falling asleep while waiting for my project to load after my computer crashed, and then kinda gave up and went to bed when I woke up dazed and confused at my keyboard.

Alright enough rambling, it's only a short preview like bliz's (little less than a minute) but thought I would show that I am trying to get an audition piece done on time:

Beginning of the End

Wow, this is awesome. I can totally see this being an opener. Like a helicopter cam running across a vast mountain range and slowly zooming in to the plaza where Chrono's house and stuff are located, and the title "Chrono Trigger" in like a Passion of the Christ font.


SirRus - Beginning of the End

Nice intro. I can hear hints of the "Presentiment" track and a soft trumpet lead into the main section.

sephfire - Inciting Incident

Cool drumwork. I like your string stabs and woodwinds. The section after 2:28 is my favourite.

blizihizake - Nostalgiac Interference

Great strings and woodwinds. Interesting asian-style composition.

Unknown - Predetermination

Nice "battle theme" atmosphere. I love those tempo changes and your harmonies.

Rellik - Untitled

Cool tempo change as well, and a nice catchy major chord at the end of the main theme progression :)

PS. Is it just me, or does the CT main theme sound exactly like Terminator theme?...


In a way it does kinda sound like the Terminator theme.

SirRus where do you get your samples? I mean I'd love to participate but come on do you think Squidfont on it's own could just compete :wink: haha I could always try. Really not too sure yet we'll see how my free time opens up.


sephfire - glad you liked the opening ambience on my song, I think I spent more time on that part then the drum programming etc. that comes on the beginning of the more upbeat section

Claado - on my way to getting accepted eh? Awesome. Oyeah, you put my song as "Untitled" on the front page. Granted I spent no longer than 1 minute coming up with the title "Beginning of the End" but I wasnt sure if you put Untitled because you didn't see that title or if you just thought it sucked. Cause either way I totally understand, heh. Speaking of which, do we have claim to titling the songs on the album or will you be going back anyway and changing the names to suit the themes etc yourself. Personally, I suck at naming songs, but I try to give them appropriate ones even if they aren't the best. Anyway, just wondering...

Emperor - thanks for clearing up how you use the Sams demos without giga, always a good trick to know even though I can open the files as is

Bliz - haha nice description there, I didn't even see all that but its nice to hear what images are evoked in your mind. Also I forgot to mention that the intro to your WIP reminds me of Jared Hudson's "Chu Chu's Flight" (Xenogears).. yeah thats some pretty sweet Asian style you got there.

Roe - the brass Emperor and I are using is free from the website he linked to a few pages back in this thread. He also explained how to extract wav files from them above. Squidfont is good for strings and then I would combine them with the Sams brass if I were you. But honestly I think arrangement quality will be the biggest factor here, as I have heard several good orchestral songs being made with free soundfonts, and I think you have the skills to pull it off so don't worry too much. Since you asked, I use Reasons Orkester soundbank, just like sephfire.

EDIT - changed 2 instances of "sephire" to "sephfire," sorry bud. Also, keep us updated on your thoughts on the high quality orchestral libraries out there, although I probably won't be able to afford it at this time, I always like to know what is worth the money.


Everyone who has posted a WIP has done some nice work so far.

If we DO end up using whatever samples we want on an individual basis, I'm hunting down some new stuff. I don't really know how Orkester ranks in quality samples, but I've been moving closer to orchestra in my remixing style anyway, so it's a pretty good time to pick me up some really nice material to work with.

Claado: Well so long as you aren't setting a Dec. 1st release date, then any amount of remixers we can gather should be enough to handle the job.

Claado - you put my song as "Untitled" on the front page. Granted I spent no longer than 1 minute coming up with the title "Beginning of the End" but I wasnt sure if you put Untitled because you didn't see that title or if you just thought it sucked. Cause either way I totally understand, heh.

Oops...didn't double-check. Lemme fix that.

(It's a good name, by the way.)

And in regards to titling, all titles are the choice of the mixers, unless they're really off-course. If the Magus battle song is called "Little Bunny Fight-Fight", then something's gotta go.

SirRus where do you get your samples? I mean I'd love to participate but come on do you think Squidfont on it's own could just compete :wink: haha I could always try. Really not too sure yet we'll see how my free time opens up.

As SirRus said, you could easily combine Squidfont with Sam brass for a nice sound. Take my mix for example - that's Squidfont + Fluid sf + Vienna strings + Sam brass.

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