Blake Posted November 6, 2004 Posted November 6, 2004 Hey, can we all post links to whatever free soundfonts we're using? Cuz I sorta formatted and lost all my soundfonts except squidfont and florestan.
RoeTaKa Posted November 6, 2004 Posted November 6, 2004 I know you said you'd give me untill tonight Claado but in fact I wouldn't want to be one of the "lackers" of the project so in that respect I won't be trying any more. Yet for those interested I will complete my song and the time I could have been in this project will be used to make myself get better at music over all and gathering more powerful samples and such for greater sound.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Um do we just post our desired tracks here or what? Guess I will anyway... I'm interested in developing the heavier percussion sound I've been working on, so I'd love to claim a battle them of some sort (though I'm content with whatever I get assigned). So I guess my top picks are: 1. Battle with Magus 2. A Shot of Crisis 3. Battle 1 But again, I'm willing to take whatever I get. Dunno how we're splitting the tracks between remixers, but I'd gladly work on more than one track, or collaborate with others on some. Looking forward to tomorrow guys. ^^
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I think sephfire will do an excellent job with Magus's theme, I can already here those sweet tribal beats kicking away to the epic battle scene - go for it seph! For my part, I think I have to download the .nsf file and listen to all the tracks again to get an idea of what I want, so that will be my "homework" for tonight.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Technically, you can start on your piece now, sephfire. It's just that, if somebody else claims it before you do tomorrow at noon, then they get it, even if you're halfway done. So just be on the offensive. Also, it is HIGHLY encouraged that you take on more than one track. Two or three would be ideal; just try to do as much as you feel comfortable with. Yeah, for you, battle themes would be rockin'. Pulse-pounding orchestral is your forte, definitely.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Well glad for the votes of confidence. See you guys at the noon showdown. ^^
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 yeah so what happened to mv? If he just couldn't finish up an audition piece, I still hope he's wanting to participate. I was just listening to his remix over at vgmix Darkest Omen that is Stuff of Legends, and it would be perfect for this project. My point is, if mv doesn't have time to make new songs for the CT Movie Project, perhaps he could "donate" Darkest Omen/whatever other CT orchestrations he worked on for the CT video game remake project he was doing...? Claado, in case you haven't heard mv's Darkest Omen, here is the link: Darkest Omen Umm yeah, is that cool Claado? Or do you want all new pieces for this project... I was just wondering a)what happened to mv and if his old stuff could be put on the album (with his consent) if he's too busy to make any new songs. Man the "showdown" is in 9 hours, I need to get to bed. Here's hoping I wake up in time... I already have my songs picked out
Sleepy Emp Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 *sigh* I won't be here when the song-picking stage starts So I'd like to ask for an "Epilogue" song now. But if that's not possible, I'll take any song.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Alright, I just listened to "Darkest Omen", and it fits perfectly with number 12 on the OST listing (the Cyrus flashback sequence), so I'll PM mv and ask if he wants it used. If he does, mv is in, and we have another spot filled. *sigh* I won't be here when the song-picking stage starts So I'd like to ask for an "Epilogue" song now. But if that's not possible, I'll take any song. Well, the ending theme has already been pre-offered to somebody else, so...if you want to do #24 on the OST listing, the farewell theme, that's still up for grabs... Just noticed that I should make this clear: numbers 1, 3, 25, and possibly 12 are all NOT available for mixing. I repeat, 1, 3, AND 25 ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR MIXING. 12's fate will be decided soon, so PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE #12 AS AN OPTION. I'll put that up on the front page (just in case somebody missed it here).
Sleepy Emp Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Oh, I made it in time! Yes, I want #24 - Epilogue – To Good Friends. As stated in the OST listing, 24. SCENE: At the Millennial Fair Gate, the four say their goodbyes as Frog leaves for home, and he disappears along with the Gate, its purpose fulfilled; the movie ends with Crono and Marle pondering the future SONGS: Epilogue – To Good Friends LENGTH: 3:00 And if we are allowed to take more than one song, and if we agreed to give sephfire the "Battle with Magus" theme , then I'll take Battle with Lavos as well. 23. SCENE: The four battle Lavos and destroy him after a combined magical attack that causes him to explode and the Ocean Palace to crumble, as the four escape in the Epoch and watch it fall from the North Cape SONGS: Last Battle LENGTH: 5:30 EDIT: Oh, as for the source tunes - I'll use "World Revolution", "Boss Battle 2", "Last Battle", maybe "Tyran Castle" for #23; "Far Off Promise", "CT Main Theme", perhaps "Manoria Cathedral", "Underground Sewer", "Fanfare 1" tracks for #24.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Double post, sorry, but I have to get this to the top of the list. Alright, it's close enough to noon...mixers, post what songs on the OST listing you'd like to do, along with source tunes you plan on using, wait for a PM from me, and start making music! ALSO, I have an update on the title theme song...I've listened to the choices time and time again, thoroughly enjoying them all many times in a row, and I have finally made up my mind. And the winner is... "Inciting Incident" by sephfire The others came very close, but his is the best suited for an opening theme. The other finished pieces will be bonus tracks on the ST anyway, so...congratulations all. You've earned it.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 aahh crapp I think you made it a little early Lol but i want Scene 23 as well =p I already got it planned an everything I was thinking of using the Lavos' Theme, World Revolution, the Last Battle, and maybe a little of the 2nd Boss Battle Theme for it. I also wanted to do a remake of Scene 3 with a sort of kick ass marching style to it, but DarkeSword already did it. waaah Maybe I'll just take some leftovers =p and yeah you didn't even double post because Emperor posted 4 minutes early Lol
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 aahh crapp I think you made it a little early Lol but i want Scene 23 as well =pI was thinking of using the Lavos' Theme, World Revolution, the Last Battle, and maybe a little of the 2nd Boss Battle Theme for it. Hmm...shalt thou and Emperor duketh it out? Sorry, Ben...unless Emperor gives it up, he's got it. I know I did this thing a little early...and I know you already had your plans worked out for the song...dangit... Emperor, any chance you can work this out with Ben here? Track 22 is also dark-themed, and includes Magus' awesome destruction of Queen Zeal. That'd be tight. But I won't push you away from the piece if you want were first, after all...
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 MEHHHHHHHHHHH I WOKE UP EARLY FOR NOTHINNNNG (its 9 here) LoL i didn't want it cuz it's dark, i wanted it cuz its like battle haha i wanted to do some like sick-ass Final Boss orchestral theme, oh well i'ma go look in the ost for something else i might like =( eDiT: Okay ill take 10. SCENE: Marle catches up with Crono and Lucca and they climb the mountain, entering the tunnel at the top SONGS: Wind Scene LENGTH: 2:30
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 There's always the Zombor fight, and Frog whooping his ass. You could always start the music as Zombor comes together, add a minute to the song. That'd work.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 yeah i was thinking about that too and i wanted to use the Boss Battle theme but I couldn't figure out how to transition into the frog theme... maybe I'll take that as well
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 haha o man it has begun! Why did it have to be that everyone wanted Lavos Battle - "World Revolution" was at the top of my list of songs I wanted to mess around with... and now since two people are already disputing over it, I will go ahead and make the song selection that is probably most feared and taboo: ZEALOLOLOL (ahem, "Corridors of Time") Also I would like to reserve The Epoch scene. "Wings That Cross Time" is the song mainly used for that one me thinks... sorry Claado I did not plan out how I would use the songs for the scenes - only which songs I really wanted to focus on. If my two selections go through, I will get back to you on how I will approach them. Hmm, I might actually change my mind about doing Zeal in a little bit, I wasn't planning on doing it at all until I got mad at myself for not getting up early enough to claim Lavos. But either of the two contesting over it will do a great job, I hope it gets settled soon.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 i hate these short replies but, yes please =) and I edited my post on page 16, I'd like this scene as well... 10. SCENE: Marle catches up with Crono and Lucca and they climb the mountain, entering the tunnel at the top SONGS: Wind Scene LENGTH: 2:30
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 yeah if that's ok with you, I would like to be put down for them... and I will get back to you as soon as I figure out the songs I'm using for each.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Whoa. Did NOT expect to see my audition picked. Guess I better get to polishing that sucker up... As I said last night, I'd love to take number ?? - "Battle with Magus." Emperor: However, if were really hoping for that one, I'm willing to share/collaborate on it and claim another for myself (such as my second pick, "A Shot of Crisis"). Seems a little unfair for me to unofficially "claim" a song the night before....
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I'm sorry I just got a little thrown off by the selection of scenes rather than songs... and I had specific songs picked out - so let me clarify something real quickly then: we are allowed and encouraged to mix different songs from the OST into each scene that we do? Kind of like what Emperor did with the main theme then? I was under the impression we would only be working with one song, and could possibly throw in "To Far Away Promises." ???
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 I'm sorry I just got a little thrown off by the selection of scenes rather than songs... and I had specific songs picked out - so let me clarify something real quickly then: we are allowed and encouraged to mix different songs from the OST into each scene that we do? Kind of like what Emperor did with the main theme then? I was under the impression we would only be working with one song, and could possibly throw in "To Far Away Promises." ??? You can work with as many songs as you like, as long as you can effectively weave them together. Just try not to use the same song everybody else is. I don't want 22 mixes using Corridors of Time when there are 100 other tunes to be used.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I'm sorry I just got a little thrown off by the selection of scenes rather than songs... and I had specific songs picked out - so let me clarify something real quickly then: we are allowed and encouraged to mix different songs from the OST into each scene that we do? Kind of like what Emperor did with the main theme then? I was under the impression we would only be working with one song, and could possibly throw in "To Far Away Promises." ??? I was under that impression as well... and we are arranging the music according to what is happening in the script, correct?
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 We are arranging the music according to what is happening in the script, correct? Yes. Just remember that the music enforces the action and gives it charge. If somebody is sad, so should the music be. Action scenes require upbeat music. You get the drift.
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