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Posted (edited)

Health fix for SMP has been confirmed to NOT be in this update.


EDIT: I'm tempted to say that we should hold off the server reset until whenever Notch implements a Health fix.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Also useful when building anything interesting.

OK, no offense, but if you feel that way, why not just play Creative mode? Survival Multiplayer is supposed to be about just that: survival. Without health working, SMP is just Creative mode where you have to gather your blocks before placing them.

In any case, looks like we're rebooting anyway. I shall be on later to start rigging my bases to explode. :mrgreen:


A little note that the update release appears to be at 6:00 (according to notch's twitter) so that's only an hour of explodey goodness.

ALSO due to popular demand, I'm now running a mumble server as well. Same hostname (or mumble.fireslash.net when your DNS updates)

Password is ocremix.

Posted (edited)

I think notch just screwed things up again, minecraft.net is down as well.

FUUUUU, no tnt party for me, after getting the boot from the server I log in and the new client downloads and I can't log into the server due to version conflict.

Edited by phill

Also, Notch says that, currently, portals in SMP don't work, but he's going to try to fix this tonight and roll out that update as soon as possible.

EDIT: NINJA'd and corrected. Looks like they probably won't work for a while.


DO NOT attack the pig men! They will swarm you, even if you leave and come back. And they hit hard, even with full armor. Best to just leave them alone.

The wights, on the other hand, are pushovers. I hit one with a single arrow and killed it.

Oooh, nice. My fortress town looked pretty cool for as far as I got. Shame you can't see my underwater base in either of the screenshots...

I tried to make one that ignored water but it didn't work to well, could see a couple of the underwater projects a little better but not enough that it was worth hosting.

Now, I would like to once again request a semi regular map be made, or a semi regular posting of the map files so someone else can do it.

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