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First off, for anyone laying their own tracks, keep in mind that you only need a booster block ever 150ish blocks for a flat track.

Second, I'm looking for a place to put the spawn central hub. I'm not sure where I should put it. Suggestions welcome. I was thinking that, if Schwaltz had a large place in the castle, that'd be grand. But I don't know if he'd want a transit hub in there.

clearly the spawn cart station should be directly above the giant spawn compass

Unfortunately, that would mean anyone who spawned would end up on top of the cart station. I think the default is to spawn on whatever is the top layer. It would need to be underground if it is going to be anywhere around the compass.

Unfortunately, that would mean anyone who spawned would end up on top of the cart station. I think the default is to spawn on whatever is the top layer. It would need to be underground if it is going to be anywhere around the compass.

There could always be a little hole in the middle of the station, leaving an open space above the spawn point. Although a station might be a convenient place to spawn, safe from mobs at night, with a proper glass floor view of the compass, and quick access to tracks.

There could always be a little hole in the middle of the station, leaving an open space above the spawn point. Although a station might be a convenient place to spawn, safe from mobs at night, with a proper glass floor view of the compass, and quick access to tracks.

It's safe from mobs anyway, as Crowbar made it a safe zone.

Posted (edited)

This update... Amazing.

Aside from some of the bugs (biggest of which is that they forgot to take out some resource-intensive debug code, temporary fix here), the things they've added to the game are great. I have plans for the note boxes. And there are dispenser blocks that release items when activated with redstone that can be set up as either dispensers of needed items or as arrow-shooting traps. Oh, the possibilities...

And spiders can now climb vertical walls. I'm not sure, but this might make them the #1 enemy of any player. Imagine exploring a cave system. You come across a huge room. There are spiders on the walls everywhere. Later, you come across a vertical shaft and spiders come climbing up out of it.


EDIT: Also worth mentioning is the addition of dyes for wool and sandstone. Sandstone looks a bit like sand, is made from crafting four sand in a square, and does not fall to the ground. Gerudo Fortress time, anyone?

EDIT 2: List of most known changes. One of the changes is that tools are now more durable in general, and gold tools, while still not very durable at all, supposedly clear out blocks faster than diamond tools. Also, mobs apparently have updated behavior patterns. Interesting.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Posted (edited)

If you dye a sheep by right clicking it, you can gather 1-3 colored wool blocks for every single unit of dye. Nice way to get the most out of your lapis lazuli.

Now if only we could dye everything from cobblestone to water. What if I want red tiles?

Edited by Hylian Lemon

Spiders climb walls? Well, beans. Looks like I'm going to have to put a roof on my hole-in-the-ground house after all. What a bummer. Dyes are nice though. I'll finally be able to carpet my floor with something other than white.


You can avoid doing that if you make a 3-block-high wall and put a ledge at the top. They can climb walls, but not ceilings (yet). And supposedly they can't climb sandstone for some reason, so there's another possibility.

Posted (edited)

I think the climbing spider deal is going to screw with a TON of peoples archetecture. And OMG the world is now a funnar place.

The Damned, you should come back now! Dyes are in game and no more bitching to do art! Just farm the components!

Though... To find LL, do we have to go off the map with the pre-spawned chunks?

Dear god. the new types of tree result in new types of wood... dear god, what a upgrade. this is like... not the game I played last night

Edited by JadeAuto
Posted (edited)

Yes, anytime a new type of naturally-occurring block is added, you need to go to unexplored chunks to find them.

Functionally, the new wood type just looks different, it doesn't act any differently. And the new trees will spawn from any sapling, but the type is determined by the biome you're in. What I do like about wood that's been changed is that you can get charcoal from them. In other words, you'll never be short of coal/charcoal again. I suspect that this will be balanced in the future by the eventual introduction of torches that don't last forever.

And with spiders... I have to wonder if fences will still block them, or if they're compromised, too.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Yes, anytime a new type of naturally-occurring block is added, you need to go to unexplored chunks to find them.

Ahh bollocks. Perhaps it's time to build a new road to somewhere far far away?

Functionally, the new wood type just looks different, it doesn't act any differently. And the new trees will spawn from any sapling, but the type is determined by the biome you're in. What I do like about wood that's been changed is that you can get charcoal from them. In other words, you'll never be short of coal/charcoal again. I suspect that this will be balanced in the future by the eventual introduction of torches that don't last forever.

And with spiders... I have to wonder if fences will still block them, or if they're compromised, too.

there's new wood blocks?? i don't remember reading that in notch's tumblr post.


He did mention the new wood blocks. It was just covered under "New tree types" instead. ;-) The new tree types are pine/conifer and silver birch. The pine trees have logs that are darker than normal logs but are otherwise identical, and silver birch logs look like... well, silver birch logs.


We won't need to go too far away to get to unloaded chunks. Certainly not as far as Aba did with his previous trek...

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I just checked out the textures, and there's still only one wood planks texture, so, so far, there's no use for the new trees aside from making biomes look even more distinct, or using the new logs as different building blocks. I was kinda hoping for some different plank colors based on the different woods.

Edited by Binjovi

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