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To the Hill of the Ancients (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Great Canyon Remix)

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A more consistent mixing would go a long ways, tho. Solo your drums and listen for how weird they sound together. :P

Really dark bass here, if you drop the bass's lows by a few dB you'll have a lot more room to work, same with the bass drum.

I wish I had something smart to say about your leads, but I'm terrible at leads, I tend to end up with something by accident, or I build the track around the lead instead of trying to find an appropriate one once I have the rest of the track in place.

Towards the end, you're taking a page out of the Wingless' book of remixing, and it's beautiful.

Final notes, tho... meh. Wrecked the cool feel you had going there, ergo, you suck. (Harsh enough?)

A more consistent mixing would go a long ways, tho. Solo your drums and listen for how weird they sound together. :P

Really dark bass here, if you drop the bass's lows by a few dB you'll have a lot more room to work, same with the bass drum.

I wish I had something smart to say about your leads, but I'm terrible at leads, I tend to end up with something by accident, or I build the track around the lead instead of trying to find an appropriate one once I have the rest of the track in place.

Towards the end, you're taking a page out of the Wingless' book of remixing, and it's beautiful.

Final notes, tho... meh. Wrecked the cool feel you had going there, ergo, you suck. (Harsh enough?)

Thanks, Rozo. :D

I know what you mean about the bass. I noticed recently that the bass is really pounding, almost too much. I'll quiet it down a little, and see if I can find a more appropriate snare.

About the notes at the end. . .they were in reference to another song in the game (the one that plays when a dungeon is cleared). People who have played the game will get the reference, but I hadn't thought about the people who haven't. I suppose I should just take that out for the sake of those that haven't, lol

Thanks again! And yes, plenty harsh enough :)!!


I really enjoyed this mix. The string pads flowed in and out of the mix seamlessly and contributed a lot to the atmosphere of the piece.

For what it's worth, me being new to this and all, I have to agree with Rozovian about the bass and bass drum. One, the other, or both need to have their low end snipped a bit. I love the movement of the bassline. Its bounciness in the middle of the mix was especially cool.

Also, I'm a sucker for delayed piano, string sections, and square waves. You had all three going on at the end. It warms my heart to know you were thinking of me when you wrote that.

Overall, I don't see why this shouldn't be posted with some EQing. I can't think of anything to add or take away.


Thanks, Ecto. :)

Also, I'm a sucker for delayed piano, string sections, and square waves. You had all three going on at the end. It warms my heart to know you were thinking of me when you wrote that.

All too well XD

I really appreciate the feedback guys :D



Yes, sir. This mix here is a winner.

It's MUCH clearer. I can definitely hear the difference All the right parts are cutting through when they should. The square-ish lead you have throughout has some really sweet pitch bending going on and some fantastic drive to it.

At this point, it'll take a pair of ears much more experienced than my own to find anything negative to say. My ONLY complaint was that possibly you snipped too much low end at points (check that bouncing bassline about midway through; could perhaps use some low amplification). Also, depending upon what you were going for at the very end with the chime-y thing. maybe you could work on that a bit to make the ending a little more "epic"?? It was fine as it was, but it was a "fizzle" type of ending that I don't think was the best fit for such a pumped-up mix.


Wow, everytime you come out with a new remix it's impressive how you take it in a totally new direction, stylistically. Before I even get into hardcore critique mode, I've gotta say, this is a cool and enjoyable remix :-)

The intro to the track is pretty spotless as far as I can see. Sometimes it gets a little crowded in the midranges, you might consider cutting back on some of your synths a LITTLE bit, but not too much though. The mix is bright, chipper, and happy, and I like that :-D

Your mix does tend to be a little stagnant though, reusing a couple of transitions and pretty much sticking with the same synth lead for almost all of the song. There was one point where you diversified it by bringing a different countermelody synth into the mix, but at that point it just felt like your melodies were competing with each other. I'd suggest doing some searching for possible alternatives to your lead just to give the song some variation.

Your piano toward the end, too, is just... really thin. You could try bypassing this with a bell/chime/music box sample that would fit the part well, or EQing your piano sample differently to give it a bit more body. Right now, it just sounds super-tinny, which is fine when it's surrounded by a bunch of other instruments/synths. However, in the outro, it's a lot more exposed and you can hear how thin the sample really is.

Aside from that though, it's a great track and I think it could be OCR material for sure. Very smooth beat, flow, nice relaxed synth harmonies... you just need to work on your dynamics and variation throughout the remix, and possibly fixing up that piano sample. Nice work, though! Keep it up here, I like what you've got going!


fantastic job. it all sounds very clear and the synth harmony isn't ear piercing thank you. I hate pokemon but have become ignorant of the pokemon music. I enjoyed this remix.

what stuck out the most was your Ronald Jenkees-esque structure of the song. you were all over the scale and it had that feeling of structured chaos. on my playlist for sure.

  • 2 weeks later...

It was brought to my attention the other day that it's possible to equalize each channel individually in FL using the mixer.

I was like 0__0

I know, I'm a bit slow. But that's not what matters here. :-)

So after a complete EQ ad effect makeover, here is what may be the final version of my remix.


Once again, I thank everybody who commented on this thread for their invaluable advice (as I really needed it, lol).


btw, please tell me if you think the bass is too loud. . .It's louder than it was, but I felt obligated to make it louder in the low range as most of the lead instruments I moved to a higher range. I thought this would create more room for the bass, and thus I believed I was able to make it louder. Thoughts? :grin:

This is just splendid. I can feel all the work you've done to remake this wonderful song.

*sigh* How I miss that game. God, it was horrid when your shoulder buttons are screwed.

Thanks a lot!

Hahahaha, wow, I just thought of how slow that game would be without L for set moves. . .

  • 1 month later...

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