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Anyone else get it?

After playing some single player and some multiplayer, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I ended up switching to the GCN controller about halfway through the Dam level, and the game's infinitely more cinematic than its predecessor.

One issue I have is its blatant use of the Call of Duty engine, which works, but if I want to play Call of Duty, I'll do so. I want to play Goldeneye, and so far, it only somewhat feels like it.


It plays really well with the GCN controller. I would assume the same is true of the classic controller. I'm planning on giving the remote+nunchuck one more shot before permanently sticking with the GCN controller.

And yeah, the graphics aren't the best, and we all know after seeing Mario and Metroid that it's capable of more, but it doesn't ruin the experience from what I've played thus far.


The change of characters is something of a deal breaker for me, not to mention the cheats that can be unlocked in the original are simply available from the very start.

I'm glad the old cheats are there but where's the fun in them being available with no effort? Where are the timed challenges and such to accessing them worthwhile..?

I'm glad the old cheats are there but where's the fun in them being available with no effort? Where are the timed challenges and such to accessing them worthwhile..?




Is the current generation of gamers THAT LAZY?

--also I want to know only if this glorious bastard is in it. Can't be Goldeneye without'em.



It took me a minute to understand what this was, but when I did I couldn't stop laughing :lmassoff:. That fucker does make Invincibility a bitch to get, though.

Wait, on the Wii? Meh, oldskool is oldskool - perhaps I'd care if I still had a Wii to play it on.


I like how Wii shooters control. If it controls anything like Prime 3 or Conduit count me in. It's kinda sad that people don't embrace Wii controls. Especially on Punch Out - I think it's twice as fun with motion control, and Prime 3's absolutely kill the first two's control schemes. I think it's just that people are often creatures of habit. How's the online on 007?

Goldeneye was actually quite good on the 64 and shoddy control responses will ruin it on the Wii.

Hell of a typo you did there Brush, fixed that for ya. :wink:

As for fps's on the Wii, it's doable if only the controls as well as response time were actually any good; especially for those that are used to precision from using the good ole "Keyboard & Mouse".

I am 100% serious when I say that. Goldeneye is almost as overrated than Final Fantasy 7.

This doesn't change the fact that quite a lot of people, to put it mildly, actually enjoyed both of them at the time they debut.

Not to mention it's easy to dislike or not care for something you couldn't get into in the first place.

Disgaea is a good example of this as well as Touhou. :lol:


Goldeneye on the Wii is quite good, now that I've played enough of it to generate an accurate opinion. The online multiplayer has that addictive "Just One More Round" characteristic that'll keep you playing late into the night, and the single player game is surprisingly well done. It's not the original, but it's up there.

But let's talk about the controls for the moment. I've been playing with the GCN controller, which works fine. I suspect my problem is that the "box" that you have to keep the pointer in on the screen to move the gun without moving yourself is too small. I'm constantly moving when all I want to do is aim up or down at an angle. I know there are customizations available for it, but I just can't find anything comfortable, which is odd considering I played the Metroid Prime Trilogy all the way through without any control issues just last year.

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